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Facebook is not an appropriate median for communication


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At least with me.

My friend just sent me a message saying: "Where were you at Liz's going away party?" For contex, Liz is the name of my friend, Chris's new girlfriend, both of whom I've known for years, and both I have established are slut and man-whore respectively.

Naturally I said: "What going away party?"

"Liz is going back to Delaware tommorow, and she had a party. Didn't you get the message on facebook?"

So I responded to him in the exact words of the title of this topic. Causing him to "Lol"

Now, this wouldn't have bugged me so much but for two reasons:

1. Earlier this week I had asked my friend Chris if he wanted to hang out, but he said "No I'm hanging out with Liz." This was before I knew he was dating her, so I said: "Liz who?" Then he responded by saying: "I guess you haven't checked my Facebook status."

So no. I didn't check his facebook status. I barely check MY facebook status. There was a point in which someone thought I was dead I hadn't been on Facebook for so long.

2. I had just seen the two of them two days prior to tonight. Unless my friends are stupid, (which might actually be the case for these two) they would have made the plan for this party before two days of it's carrying out. At the very least they would have had the idea for it, so why not tell me then?

Though, I might let them slide on that one, since the two were too busy sucking eachother's face for them to get many words out to the rest of us, which incidentally caused me and my soul-brother Rick to rant and be pissed off the entire time on the way home.

Truth be told, me and my friend Rick seriously considered bailing on the whole other 7 members of our group which included several of our close friends, his girlfriend, and a guy we didn't really know that Rick wound up paying for, to go to the movies. Which would have pissed them all off immensely and gave us something to laugh about as we sat through the terrible acting of whatever movie we went to see.

Sadly we didn't go to the movies and instead went to Laser Kingdom, which was fun, but it didn't piss the entire rest of the group off, which would have given us a good cheering up.

So that's my rant about Facebook. It's not a median for casual communication. It's a way to communicate with people from long distances and see what they currently look like. A process that could easily be filled by e-mails and aim.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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How much do you come to visit Serenes Lyle? What reason do you come? To COMMUNICATE with people. Facebook does that, and much better than Serenes does, considering the large user base. Also, it's easy for people to use FB as viable communication. If you checked facebook 1/20th of the time you spend on Serenes, you might actually see that. Don't shit on other peoples ways. Human decency.

Edited by 2Pro
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At least with me.

My friend just sent me a message saying: "Where were you at Liz's going away party?" For contex, Liz is the name of my friend, Chris's new girlfriend, both of whom I've known for years, and both I have established are slut and man-whore respectively.

Naturally I said: "What going away party?"

"Liz is going back to Delaware tommorow, and she had a party. Didn't you get the message on facebook?"

So I responded to him in the exact words of the title of this topic. Causing him to "Lol"

Now, this wouldn't have bugged me so much but for two reasons:

1. Earlier this week I had asked my friend Chris if he wanted to hang out, but he said "No I'm hanging out with Liz." This was before I knew he was dating her, so I said: "Liz who?" Then he responded by saying: "I guess you haven't checked my Facebook status."

So no. I didn't check his facebook status. I barely check MY facebook status. There was a point in which someone thought I was dead I hadn't been on Facebook for so long.

2. I had just seen the two of them two days prior to tonight. Unless my friends are stupid, (which might actually be the case for these two) they would have made the plan for this party before two days of it's carrying out. At the very least they would have had the idea for it, so why not tell me then?

Though, I might let them slide on that one, since the two were too busy sucking eachother's face for them to get many words out to the rest of us, which incidentally caused me and my soul-brother Rick to rant and be pissed off the entire time on the way home.

Truth be told, me and my friend Rick seriously considered bailing on the whole other 7 members of our group which included several of our close friends, his girlfriend, and a guy we didn't really know that Rick wound up paying for, to go to the movies. Which would have pissed them all off immensely and gave us something to laugh about as we sat through the terrible acting of whatever movie we went to see.

Sadly we didn't go to the movies and instead went to Laser Kingdom, which was fun, but it didn't piss the entire rest of the group off, which would have given us a good cheering up.

So that's my rant about Facebook. It's not a median for casual communication. It's a way to communicate with people from long distances and see what they currently look like. A process that could easily be filled by e-mails and aim.

Don't take this personally, but:

That's kind of the POINT of Facebook. I mean, you upload pictures, and you talk to friends. I'm pretty damn sure that's what it's mainly used for. :P

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I also admit, I have Facebook, but I find talking on the phone, but talking face-to-face amazing.

Seriously, I just use Facebook for talking to old friends who are still in high school or out of town as well as promoting my vg music.

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I also admit, I have Facebook, but I find talking on the phone, but talking face-to-face amazing.

Seriously, I just use Facebook for talking to old friends who are still in high school or out of town as well as promoting my vg music.


My point is, that I should not be expected to know that you're dating someone, or that your throwing a party that you expect me to come to, just because you post it on a site, when there's several other ways to get in touch with me.

Especailly cause they KNOW I don't use it much.

At the very least they should know it now.

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Facebook is a mainstream communication method used by most people today Lyle. Do you really expect your friend to call you up and be like "Yo I got a girlfriend!" ? NO. Only people looking to brag about it do that. Just because YOU don't happen to use it doesn't make it a less usable option. If you happen to not have a phone, you gonna whine n bitch about people not mailing things to you or walking to your house? Don't think so. It seems you're the minority, Lyle.

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heh...just heh...

Myspace is the same way and yeah its made for that...thats what its for..People use it as an answering service, email, IM, etc...But umm..tell your friend to pick up a damn phone...gah!

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My point is, that I should not be expected to know that you're dating someone, or that your throwing a party that you expect me to come to, just because you post it on a site, when there's several other ways to get in touch with me.

So basically the thread title is complete bullshit and you're just ranting about people being idiots because they're using a site as a form of constant communication instead of what's obviously better >_>.

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So basically the thread title is complete bullshit and you're just ranting about people being idiots because they're using a site as a form of constant communication instead of what's obviously better >_>.

I edited the topic title. I meant what it is now. Sorry for confusion.

And yes. I do expect him to call me and tell me if he expects me to know that he has a girlfriend when I talk to him.

And if they want me to go to a social gathering.

Facebook is insufficient for that need. There's no garentee that a person will look at the site. Phones are much more efficient that way.

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My point is, that I should not be expected to know that you're dating someone, or that your throwing a party that you expect me to come to, just because you post it on a site, when there's several other ways to get in touch with me.

Especailly cause they KNOW I don't use it much.

At the very least they should know it now.

Hope you know i wasn't agree with you but w/e.

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Facebook is insufficient for that need. There's no garentee that a person will look at the site. Phones are much more efficient that way.
...you should have just said
My point is, that I should not be expected to know that you're dating someone, or that your throwing a party that you expect me to come to, just because you post it on a site, when there's several other ways to get in touch with me.

Especailly cause they KNOW I don't use it much.

in the first post and left it at that.
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I read the name of this topic and shit myself laughing at the stupidity

Ok, that's just unnecessary. At least give your opinion in a reasonable manner rather than just insult everything about the topic.

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