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Do you care about graphics.

Mr.Shiu and Watch

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Not really. I do agree with you games with excellent graphics does make the game more enjoyable to play but I think gameplay is equally important.

I wouldn't make a issue of graphics really. If the game becomes too realistic...in my personal opinion it gets a bit boring =/

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Games don't need great graphics to be good. I don't think it's "equally" as important as gameplay. I value gameplay over everything. Like, if I rate games... It's like, 60% Gameplay, 25% story 15% graphics.

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I don't think it was more than 1 month old.

Well, anyways: I care about graphics, when I have high expactations for them in games such as God of War and Gears of War. For games like Mario, I'm concerned more about if it's worth to be a Mario game, and graphics are a bonus.

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Graphics are important, but not in a "more polygons! more polygons or it sucks!" kind of way.

1. Graphics need to be functional at the very least. If menu's are mess, you can't tell one characters from another etc a game is unplayable.

2. Good graphics have more to do with style than with specs. All the games from the nineties that used 3D just because they couldlook like crap now. It's games like Yoshi's Island that still look attractive, even after more than a decade. Games that have a timeless and easy to recognise style, those games have good graphics.

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Graphics are just a bonus not very important. I value the challenge of a game way more than graphics.

Edited by Slayer
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my biggest concern is sound quality -lately games are too loud and such by default and I always have to adjust them lest I go deaf- graphics not so much except I really nit pick over text size -it is nearly impossible for me to read the subtitles/white text in my 360 games and it kinda really bugs me though it may be my TV's settings, I don't know-; story is also very important (and requires well thought out characters) and a challenge is welcome -considering I mainly played FFXI the past year I'm pretty accustomed to ridiculously hard challenges in later portions of a game and welcome it whole heartedly- so I think for me Sound>/=Challenge>/=Characters=Story>Graphics

Edited by Shantotto
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Graphics are cool. I like games with good graphics. But they're just a bonus. They're in no way a deciding factor in what I buy. If it has bad graphics then cool, if it has good graphics then awesome. Whatever. I'd prefer an extremely fun game that has bad graphics to a game that looks pretty but is boring.

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I do to a certain extent. But it wouldn't be a deciding factor on my opinion of the game.

I mean, TOS is the best game ever, and their graphics were average at best.

Graphics are nice, and will add to my opinion to a game, but if you really are looking for a game with outstanding graphics, just go see a movie.

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To say the least, graphics are part of what gives the game its atmosphere, in conjunction with the plot. The detail of graphics isn't what matters, as much as the style that the graphics are presented in.

The only time graphics truly turn a game experience bad is when you have to deal with jagged polygons. Those things are fucking ugly. That, and how some games seem to think immediate and dark shadows are the way to go--the kind where if there's a wall, there's a blackhole in the vicinity sucking out any amount of light possible to be reflected, refracted or otherwise cast around said wall into the dark crevice. It's when the graphics play against you, and do the opposite of their intention, that it turns sour.

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I mean, TOS is the best game ever, and their graphics were average at best.

The terrible cell-shading in ToS made my eyes bleed.

Graphics are cool and all, but they're not the main point of the game. If a game looks good, I will say "Wow, this looks good.", but it's not like it's the most prominent part of my decision.

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