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Strange FE Facts


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Huh? Why would you think Manfloy's the last boss in FE5? Lederick's more likely.

Manfloy is Berdo's boss so I thought Berdo would be the boss of the second to last chapter and Manfloy being the final boss. I thought Manfloy would just retreat so he could continue his work.

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I really doubt they're sexist, if you guys think they are you really need to check out some other games.

I mean think about it, in FE, women are allowed to fight, and in certain cases they surpass the men. Perhaps IS decided to not have the ladies be axe wielders because a pirate/fighter's sprite doesn't look feminine in any way.

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Moving on... Here's an interesting fact in FESD/FEDS:

Bishops are enemies, duelists, guardians of chapter 24x.

Sorcerers are just Duelists and guardians of chapter 24x, Gharnef (one of the main bad guys)

Sages are only Allies, 2 main characters (Nyna and Gotoh) and a recruitable unit who was forced to fight.

You'd think Sorcerers would be the more common magic enemies but wow, bad bishops.

They probably just took the enemies of FE 1 and gave them the class they have now. Aside from 24x, you don't see a lot of Swordmasters, Warriors, Berserkers and Sorcerers on the maps. Bishops were in the original FE 1 ( promoted Mages and Priests ), but not the others.

As for me I'll just point out why some weapons in a set differ from the others in weapon levels, like Steel Axes, Poison Lances and Master Axes.

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@Captain Falcon: Yeah but the Sorcerers are pretty much the same as bishops really and they do look pretty similar to the FE3 bishops compared to the new bishop look >_>. I know why the other classes only showed up in 24x but you gotta admit that the Sorcerers replacing the bishops would've made more sense >_>.

Because Axes are badass. probably because of the "difficulty" to wield them efficiently due to their weight and hit?

This is starting to look like that "Things that don't make sense" thread >_>

Edited by Levin
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Mist and the ally valkyrie from PoR ch. 24 are the only valkyries on the whole continent of Tellius (at least on the battlefield). There aren't any enemy valkyries and Mist is the only playable valkyrie. Elincia's kinda like one except she's on a pegasus so if you count her that's 3 valkyrie type characters in the two Tellius games.

Women can use axes while riding horses and wyverns but not while unmounted.

There hasn't been a flying archer or a flying magic user yet (I've only played FEs 7-10 so correct me if I'm wrong).

Edited by KSFF2150
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Mist and the ally valkyrie from PoR ch. 24 are the only valkyries on the whole continent of Tellius (at least on the battlefield). There aren't any enemy valkyries and Mist is the only playable valkyrie. Elincia's kinda like one except she's on a pegasus so if you count her that's 3 valkyrie type characters in the two Tellius games.

Women can use axes while riding horses and wyverns but not while unmounted.

There hasn't been a flying archer or a flying magic user yet (I've only played FEs 7-10 so correct me if I'm wrong).

Mareeta and Echidna could use axes and they are unmounted, but I see why you missed them. And no there are no flying magic users or bowmen. :(

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Mareeta and Echidna could use axes and they are unmounted, but I see why you missed them. And no there are no flying magic users or bowmen. :(

Mareeta? Don't you mean Machua?

The closest thing to a flying magic unit would be a Forged Levin Sword Falcon Knight with maxed magic in FESD... which sucks because they're hardly doubling shit.

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Mareeta? Don't you mean Machua?

The closest thing to a flying magic unit would be a Forged Levin Sword Falcon Knight with maxed magic in FESD... which sucks because they're hardly doubling shit.

Yeah, her. :/

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In FE4, Celice gains the dismount option upon promotion, but none of the other mounted units in FE4 could dismount.

Another one, in FE3, Marth's in game sprite didn't wear pants, but in the official artwork for the game, he did wear pants.

Edited by Dark Legend Vampire
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@Captain Falcon: Yeah but the Sorcerers are pretty much the same as bishops really and they do look pretty similar to the FE3 bishops compared to the new bishop look >_>. I know why the other classes only showed up in 24x but you gotta admit that the Sorcerers replacing the bishops would've made more sense >_>.

To be honest, I would've put Sages instead. Consider that the Bishops of old were promoted from Mages. Therefore, under the new system, they should be Sages.

Then again, it's all about Khadein's system which seems to be ruled by bishops (in the original I think they called them priests, though) and, oddly enough, they changed Wendel's class from Bishop to Sage.

A new one: most of the enemy nations you fight have a lot of Dragonknights in their army.

This new fact has nothing to do with my new avatar and name.

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FE6 was supposed to have females for every class. That brings down the sexist argument against IS right there. Also, there is this quote from Mia's A support with Largo. I am also surprised that in the whole series, there isn't an amazoness (or however you spell that) tribe or something.

On to something intresting, in FE8, people don't seem to be surprised of random zombies appearing out of nowhere to be beaten, and kept respawning. Just saying.

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I'd think of some "cool" facts, but I'm not sure if anyone would care X D

Instead I'll leave you witn this. Eliwood's default portrait in FE7 has 2 or so transparent pixels on his body. You can even see them from your GBA if you look carefully.

Edited by VincentASM
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First off, Lyon was not the final boss of FE8, Formortiis (no clue how to spell it) was. They were in the same chapter, but Formortiis was fought after you defeated Lyon.

And one fun fact I found was that Elena's (Ike's mom) hair is pictured as purpleish in the opening cutscene of PoR, but is a very vivid blue (like Ike's) in her art from RD. It is also shorter, but that may just be a change of hair style.

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First off, Lyon was not the final boss of FE8, Formortiis (no clue how to spell it) was. They were in the same chapter, but Formortiis was fought after you defeated Lyon.

And one fun fact I found was that Elena's (Ike's mom) hair is pictured as purpleish in the opening cutscene of PoR, but is a very vivid blue (like Ike's) in her art from RD. It is also shorter, but that may just be a change of hair style.

I'd say Lyon and Fomortiis are both final bosses.

Ike's memory was all differant colors to normal. I don't know what it's called but I've seen it other places so I'm guessing it's a style of flashbacks and memory seens.

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There's a mouse in the original Fire Emblem, either in the standing frames or the moving frames of units. Likely a debug kinda thing, but a playable mouse would've made the series grand, wouldn't you think?

You have any pics. That is something I would like to see!

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