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You think this forum is FEE where you can run rampant and post whatever the hell you want? Grow the hell up, little kid, you are breaking like three rules or something.

I took the liberty to show you some of the rules:

# No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

# No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

# Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.


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You think this forum is FEE where you can run rampant and post whatever the hell you want? Grow the hell up, little kid, you are breaking like three rules or something.

I took the liberty to show you some of the rules:

# No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members.

# No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism.

# Behave appropriately and possibly friendly.

You're joking, right? I've seen you break each and every one of those rules at least once. And I find it funny how you're calling me a little kid, when over the past year or so you've claimed to be 16, 19, 40, and 14 (as well as a handful of other ages in the quadruple digits), as well as having claimed to be a boy AND be a girl (though never both at the same time), and claiming to have lived in Mexico, Kansas, Antarctica, and IIRC Canada.

TL;DR: You can tell me to grow up when you stop being a compulsive liar.


The rules are pretty basic and obvious here, and are just guidelines really.

There's a lot of things I wanna say to you right now, most of which involve the words "shut", "the", "fuck", and "up", but I'm gonna hold myself back because I want my warn log to stay clean. I am, however, gonna point out that you're only making blows at FEE because you're upset that you banned yourself.

Oh, and this topic is now about Scuba Diving


Edited by uıʌǝɹʞ
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You're joking, right? I've seen you break each and every one of those rules at least once. And I find it funny how you're calling me a little kid, when over the past year or so you've claimed to be 16, 19, 40, and 14 (as well as a handful of other ages in the quadruple digits), as well as having claimed to be a boy AND be a girl (though never both at the same time), and claiming to have lived in Mexico, Kansas, Antarctica, and IIRC Canada.

TL;DR: You can tell me to grow up when you stop being a compulsive liar.



There's a lot of things I wanna say to you right now, most of which involve the words "shut", "the", "fuck", and "up", but I'm gonna hold myself back because I want my warn log to stay clean. I am, however, gonna point out that you're only making blows at FEE because you're upset that you banned yourself.

Oh, and this topic is now about Scuba Diving


--Do show me where I've broken the rules. If I did, I already paid for that. If you are referring to FEE and what happened over there, that is another story long past. The problem with you FEE people is that you still cling to the past and bring it here.

We all have a way of behaving, so yeah, if I did lie, I have my reasons, just as you have your very own reasons to behave.

I have not taken any blows at FEE, you are the one who is bringing all this FEE stuff back. You guys are just upset because the freaking place is going nowhere as of late, its dying, and I is glad for it. Suits you all well, after being racist to me and claiming that I was the one who started everything. Gosh I am glad, I told you that someday you would all pay, its good to see that justice is served sooner or later.

As to SF, I like it here, I will remain here. Its a paradise. There is Justice here, I've seen that. Now leave me alone, kid.

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--Do show me where I've broken the rules. If I did, I already paid for that. If you are referring to FEE and what happened over there, that is another story long past. The problem with you FEE people is that you still cling to the past and bring it here.

I can't be fucked to go find your posts. I have more important things to do. And there's nothing wrong with us FEE people, I just think it's fucked up that you go around talking shit about a site you've claimed not to be able to live without.

We all have a way of behaving, so yeah, if I did lie, I have my reasons, just as you have your very own reasons to behave.

My reasons were trolling, because it can cause laughter, and laughter makes people feel good about themselves. Your reason was because you're afraid of rejection, so you hide who you really are so that if and when somebody doesn't like you, you don't have to feel bad about it because it's not YOU they hate, but a character you were pretending to be. I believe it was you that said "Grow the hell up, little kid", and I find it fits nicely right here.

I have not taken any blows at FEE, you are the one who is bringing all this FEE stuff back.


You think this forum is FEE where you can run rampant and post whatever the hell you want

That looks like a blow to FEE, as far as I'm concerned. I was simply defending the forums I call home. You know you would've done the same if you came over to a forum I was on and somebody tried to make SF sound like an anarchist shithole.

You guys are just upset because the freaking place is going nowhere as of late, its dying, and I is glad for it. Suits you all well, after being racist to me and claiming that I was the one who started everything. Gosh I am glad, I told you that someday you would all pay, its good to see that justice is served sooner or later.

It's not dying, we just have a few minor setbacks. Also, you threw more racist remarks my direction than any single person (except maybe byo) through at you. If I still had the PMs you sent me about how my ancestors were douchebags and all that other shit about me being white, I'd send it to you. If you're gonna bring back old FEE events that you're trying to tell me to get over, then remember that you weren't just a victim; you were the antagonist of the story. I don't remember you saying that we would all pay, and I fail to see any justice being served.

As to SF, I like it here, I will remain here. Its a paradise. There is Justice here, I've seen that. Now leave me alone, kid.

I wouldn't call this place a paradise, but I like it here as well. So if you're gonna stay here, you're gonna have to learn to cope with me being here as well, but knowing you it probably won't end until one of us is banned (probably you, I still maintain most of my self-control when I enter my ragefits). Good luck, old friend.

Also, what happened to this thread being about scuba?


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My responses are in bold.

That looks like a blow to FEE, as far as I'm concerned. I was simply defending the forums I call home. You know you would've done the same if you came over to a forum I was on and somebody tried to make SF sound like an anarchist shithole.

--Not really. I wouldn't defend a place where everyone treated me like a minority, which I am not. For all I care, FEE can go to hell. If it dies or not, I really care not about the forum's future, however, I am entitled to say that most of the members there screwed it up. I have spoken to a few ex-FEE members, and they told me that the place freaking sucked, that everyone there acted like total ass?????. And I told them it was true.

It's not dying, we just have a few minor setbacks.

--Its dying. That is what happens to forums who lose members and all that stuff. It will soon be dead. Its the law of the universe, even the most well made structures fall. Having little members around makes no difference, its not an active forum, and you know it.

Also, you threw more racist remarks my direction than any single person (except maybe byo) through at you. If I still had the PMs you sent me about how my ancestors were douchebags and all that other shit about me being white, I'd send it to you. If you're gonna bring back old FEE events that you're trying to tell me to get over, then remember that you weren't just a victim; you were the antagonist of the story. I don't remember you saying that we would all pay, and I fail to see any justice being served.

If I did throw those remarks, you deserved them. You got aboard the "lets flame Jarly train" and you were an ass. So I just retaliated back, and I know I hurt you worse than you ever did to me, for all was true about what I said. You wouldn't of had flamed me back if it hadn't hurt you now would you?

And Justice is being served even as we speak.

I wouldn't call this place a paradise, but I like it here as well. So if you're gonna stay here, you're gonna have to learn to cope with me being here as well, but knowing you it probably won't end until one of us is banned (probably you, I still maintain most of my self-control when I enter my ragefits). Good luck, old friend.

--Just dont get in my way. If you want to remain here, I hope you dont go and screw up and flame me like you freaks at FEE were free to do so because the Ad there never cared. AFter all, why would he, if he and I had a confrontation, or more. But, lets be honest here, you were not around when the first one happened, and that was Blitz's own fault, not mine. THe guy actually got mad at me because I failed to read some news topic that my computer did not show up. Still, after I posted in spam section, asking what had happened to omegablaster, he got mad and posted something that I knew had made him mad. So what does he go and do then, Ban me. That is all he ever does, ban the wrong people.


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If I did throw those remarks, you deserved them.

And let me guess: you did not deserve anything that as ever been said about you? Because you're always in the right. I know what kind of a person you are, and therefore I know that you probably had a lot of it coming.

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And let me guess: you did not deserve anything that as ever been said about you? Because you're always in the right. I know what kind of a person you are, and therefore I know that you probably had a lot of it coming.

You don't know me at all. You don't know what kind of person I am, and finally, you obviously don't know whether I deserve anything, because you were not part of it.

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You don't know me at all. You don't know what kind of person I am, and finally, you obviously don't know whether I deserve anything, because you were not part of it.

Once again, the religion thread revealed all I needed to see. Do not even try to justify your behaviour.

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Once again, the religion thread revealed all I needed to see. Do not even try to justify your behaviour.

It was a debate, 50vs1.

I don't have to justify myself, I am who I am. And if you hate me, why the heck do you go post feedback anyway? If you really hated me, you wouldn't even be doing that, you'd stay as far away from me. So no, you dont hate me, you just lie. You just want to be seen as a tough cookie, which you aren't.

And no, I am not saying I am a tough cookie. But I have learned to deal with people like you.

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It was a debate, 50vs1.

It was your own doing.

you'd stay as far away from me.

No; if I hated you, I would drive you away (Which is indeed what I desire). Ignoring your problems is wrong; they should be fixed, or rid of.

you just lie.

Yes yes, everything bad I say about you is a lie. It could never be true. The idea that things I say about you could be true should not even be considered; even if I can bring out quotes from you as evidence.

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It was your own doing.

No; if I hated you, I would drive you away (Which is indeed what I desire). Ignoring your problems is wrong; they should be fixed, or rid of.

Yes yes, everything bad I say about you is a lie. It could never be true. The idea that things I say about you could be true should not even be considered; even if I can bring out quotes from you as evidence.

As I said, I've learned how to deal with guys like you. I'll just ignore you from now on, and we shall see if you truly can show me how much you hate me. What are you gonna do about it now? How are you going to keep on hating if I am simply gonna ignore whatever you say? Now you have a reason to hate yourself, because you will never...and I mean never...gonna drive me away. You can try all you want, Shud, but I doubt you have it in you to even start off.

So, get ready, set...go. Bring it.^^

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I'll just ignore you from now on

It will be fun to see how long you can keep it up for.

What are you gonna do about it now?

Watch and laugh. You're merely my punching bag, a walking joke. If you stay, then I can continue to laugh; if you go, then good riddance to bad rubbish. Either way, it suits me. Each time I spot your hypocrisy, it's a laugh. Each time you spout your nonsense beliefs, it's a giggle. Everytime you fault your ego and claim to be a good writer, I chuckle my arse off. And so on... I'll admit that there is some contradictions there, but at any rate it works out nicely.

Now you have a reason to hate yourself, because you will never...and I mean never...gonna drive me away.

I knew that from the start; driving you away is a desire which I know will not happen. But hey, cockroaches are good at never dying.

If you ignore me, it simply means I do not need to deal with your lame attempts to rebuke me.

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Oh, I made you like this? Would you be so kind as to explain how exactly I managed such a feat?

I would, but it would take some time, and that I don't have right now. I is watching the cbs game...

But, just look back on this and reflect...Back in my early days at FEE, I wasn't a liar. I turned liar when all the trouble started there.

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Trouble that you brought onto yourself, just as you have done here.

And yes, you were a liar. Time has proven that even some of the first words you posted were lies.

Where is Judge Judy when you need her/him?

You only have one thing right, the latter. The former, I have to say nay, I did not start the trouble at FEE. I played a role in it, but I did not start it. Leaving aside your's and mine's little confrontation, it was actually YQ who started all this crap. But I wont say more on it, time has passed and there is nothing that can remedy what has already happened.

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But I wont say more on it, time has passed and there is nothing that can remedy what has already happened.
Then why is it that you keep bringing it up?

More lies.

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--Not really. I wouldn't defend a place where everyone treated me like a minority, which I am not.

Last I checked, Mexicans are a minority. And if you think there's anything racist about that statement, you're an idiot.

For all I care, FEE can go to hell. If it dies or not, I really care not about the forum's future, however, I am entitled to say that most of the members there screwed it up.

You're entitled to say that, sure, but calling it "where you can run rampant and post whatever the hell you want" is just being an asshat.

I have spoken to a few ex-FEE members, and they told me that the place freaking sucked, that everyone there acted like total ass?????. And I told them it was true.

Phoenix brought it upon himself for posting in a religion debate. Atheists have a majority lead on pretty much any forum you go to, posting in a religion topic is just flamebaiting.

lyon354 (MattLocke, I guess?) was literally asking for it.

I highly doubt you've talked to any other ex-FEE members who had anything bad to say about how we acted, except maybe yourself or one of your many, many cousins.

Also, since when is "everyone there acted like total ass" a question?

--Its dying. That is what happens to forums who lose members and all that stuff. It will soon be dead. Its the law of the universe, even the most well made structures fall. Having little members around makes no difference, its not an active forum, and you know it.

*sigh* you're an idiot. It may not be booming with activity ATM, but it's nowhere near dead. A dead forum is one that is not being joined frequently or one that is not being posted in frequently. We've had a handful of new members join lately, and we've had 26 active topics today (admittedly that is a bit low, but definitely not enough to warrant a forum as "dead". Especially considering it's a weekday).

If I did throw those remarks, you deserved them.

Double standard, I see. So because I'm white, I deserved to be told that my ancestors suck and so do I by association, and because I don't like the way I look with short hair I toats had to be called a hippie bitch? Yeah, I totally see how I deserved that, and how retaliating by saying that Mexican isn't an actual race, but a mix of Spanish (yes, that is a form of white) and Native South American, that was TOTALLY out of line.

You got aboard the "lets flame Jarly train" and you were an ass. So I just retaliated back,

I did not get aboard the "lets flame Jarly train". In fact, the only Jarly fad I ever blindly followed was the "let's unban Jarly train".

and I know I hurt you worse than you ever did to me

It's the internet, sug, I don't give a shit what you think about me. My duty is to find self-conscious ladyboys like yourself and prey on your insecurities. I am anon, hear me roar.

for all was true about what I said.

Everything you say is a lie.

You wouldn't of had flamed me back if it hadn't hurt you now would you?

Yes I would have. I always flame back, and I do it for the shites and giggles. Just because YOU only flame back so people don't realize you're crying IRL doesn't mean we all do.

And Justice is being served even as we speak.

Care to elaborate pl0x?

And let me guess: you did not deserve anything that as ever been said about you? Because you're always in the right. I know what kind of a person you are, and therefore I know that you probably had a lot of it coming.
Oh no, that's not hypocritical at all.


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