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A Theory concerning the Fire Emblem

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No, no, silly me. I meant General Spoon should have used that word.

I think Yurius talks about wanting to rid the incarnation of Narga, Yuria. Meanwhile, some villager definitely talks about Galle being the incarnation of the Dark God.

Edited by VincentASM
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Yourgranny, the Fire Emblem in FE6 and FE7 is a jewel that belongs to the royal family of Bern.

Yes, I know that. But let's say Marth's shield was battered down in war throughout the centuries, then after a while only the center crest remained. At that time the country it was in was Bern, in which it took the form of FE7-6's FE. That's my kind of theory.

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I'm still thinking there's more chance of the Akaneian Fire Emblem of becoming the Ocean Seal in Elibe and Magvel. Since

they're both "Conqueror's Proofs" and, in FE8, it promotes Thieves, which seems remiscenet of Adra the First, a thief, obtaining the Fire Emblem and becoming the King of Akaneia.

In any case, with the "universal Fire Emblem" theory, you're telling me these two are the same thing?



The former is carved from a Divine Dragon's tooth. The second is made of bronze. So Narga's teeth are made of bronze? o__o

Also, they break the FE in FE8, so that must be the final game chronologically.

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This is my theory of the series.

once upon a time, the big bang occurred. it created an infinitestimal amount of alternate universes, which developed independently from the rest, thus the different lands. it would also explain what the hell Narga was doing in FE4 and FE1.

thus, my theory is this; somehow the fire emblems are the same, but different, but identical at the same time. Also, that would also explain why Ike and Hector are so similar gasp! Ike is Hector's father!!!!. apparently Ike found out how to travel from one universe to the next, or at least did it accidentally.

And Anna and Jake must be some sort of divine beings, considering they're everywhere at the same time.

ALL HAIL ANNA AND JAKE, THE TRUE GODS OF THE FIRE EMBLEM SERIES!!!!!!!! The rest are naught but infidels and heretics!

having said this, I don't think they're is any connections between each game, unless its stated within the games' text.

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I'm still thinking there's more chance of the Akaneian Fire Emblem of becoming the Ocean Seal in Elibe and Magvel. Since

they're both "Conqueror's Proofs" and, in FE8, it promotes Thieves, which seems remiscenet of Adra the First, a thief, obtaining the Fire Emblem and becoming the King of Akaneia.

In any case, with the "universal Fire Emblem" theory, you're telling me these two are the same thing?



The former is carved from a Divine Dragon's tooth. The second is made of bronze. So Narga's teeth are made of bronze? o__o

Also, they break the FE in FE8, so that must be the final game chronologically.

Maybe all the sheilds stones are the one in SS and when they are took out it turns into stone looking thing.

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I have a theory similar to judge trudy's but a little differernt.

I think that the Fire emblem series involves a long line of god people who go around making worlds. Each god makes one world and each is home to a continent from the FE series (like magvell). Each god has their own fire emblem that for some reason they place on the world. Sometimes the gods make a dark evil to challenge their world for no other reason than to amuse themselves.

I know it has a lot of holes but i like it :D

Edited by Orderly_Chaos
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Maybe all the sheilds stones are the one in SS and when they are took out it turns into stone looking thing.

The jewels in the shield are actually the five orbs, and they're completely different from the Emblem in Sacred Stones. The shield itself was carved from Narga's own fang.

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I have a theory similar to judge trudy's but a little differernt.

I think that the Fire emblem series involves a long line of god people who go around making worlds. Each god makes one world and each is home to a continent from the FE series (like magvell). Each god has their own fire emblem that for some reason they place on the world. Sometimes the gods make a dark evil to challenge their world for no other reason to amuse themselves.

I know it has a lot of holes but i like it :D

I like this one better than the TC's.

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Then how do you explain the other land masses connected to some of these continents. There is more than one continent on Elibe and Tellius' world.

I don't know about Elibe, but it is made pretty clear that Tellius is the only remaining continent in all of the world. Tellius is all there is to it. Now, there may be some uncharted areas of Tellius (such as Hatari), but it's really pushing it to say that there is a whole unknown continent to the west of that desert which i forget the name to.

After all, Nailah and Co. never mention anything about people to the other side of Tellius. They only mention Hatari.

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I don't know about Elibe, but it is made pretty clear that Tellius is the only remaining continent in all of the world. Tellius is all there is to it. Now, there may be some uncharted areas of Tellius (such as Hatari), but it's really pushing it to say that there is a whole unknown continent to the west of that desert which i forget the name to.

After all, Nailah and Co. never mention anything about people to the other side of Tellius. They only mention Hatari.

You're wrong in one point, there are other continents aside Tellius, just that they're unkown, FE10 takes place in the year


while FE6-7 takes place in the year


, there must've been a flood on Tellius or Tellius wasn't know.

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You're wrong in one point, there are other continents aside Tellius, just that they're unkown, FE10 takes place in the year


while FE6-7 takes place in the year


, there must've been a flood on Tellius or Tellius wasn't know.

no i'm not, at least not in a way that actually makes a difference.

Whatever theory that is developed by the fan-base without sufficient proof from the games or the creators of the games is NOT canon. Unless it is stated within the games' text or hinted in some way (but depending on the situation, that may even be pushing it), or it's backed up by the creators of the games, we can't say there is any connection at all.

since there is nothing, not even a tiny quote, that makes a connection between the FE9-10 saga and the FE6-7 saga, we can't assume that there is a connection between the continents. Saying that they occupied the same world is nothing more than fanciful wishing.

Its kinda like the huge debate about the Legend of Zelda series. They're all going on about what the chronological order of the games is. But, ultimately, it is the game creators who decide this. And even THEY don't have anything suggested besides a really vague timeline.

I think it's more likely that each continent is on a separate world than all of them being on the same world but not knowing that the others existed. But that's just me. And this opinion will remain until the moment that adequate evidence is supported to refute my claim. And that means official evidence.

Edited by Aphrodite
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