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Games you're looking forward to in 2009


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What are some of yours? Just out of curiosity.

Let's see, mine are:

  • Phantom Brave Wii- I missed out the first time, plus it's another reason for me to get a Wii (along with RD, which is still sitting in my shelf). Hopefully this gets a EU release, although NIS games are usually generously available here.
  • Persona 4- I probably won't play this, myself, but I've heard good things about it (and I liked what I saw of Persona 3) so I can't wait to watch NTG play this.
  • Luminous Arc 2- A bit dubious, but I'm interested to see what they've done for this sequel. I'll probably buy it cheap, if possible.
  • Rhapsody DS- Similar situation to LA2.
  • Tales of Symphonia: DOTNW- Assuming it gets released in Europe. Not sure if it's any good, but it should be an interesting distraction for a sort-of-TOS fan.
  • Suikoden Tiekreiss- I wasn't so sure of this initially, but I've heard some good things from it recently. Hopefully the simulataneous NA/EU release date is true.

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Dawn of the new world is okay. It's definetly a let-down when compared to the original, but considering the Wii's lack of good titles, it's one of their best games out there.

As for me, I'm not sure. I recently aquired myself an X-box 360, so I'm going to be spending my time aquring and playing many of those games.

Right now, the only game I'm looking forward to is the new Tales game for the Wii. Hopefully it will come out within the next year, and will be better than TOS2.

Also, a new FE game for the wii would be more than welcomed.

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I'm looking forward to Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and Suikoden Tiekreiss, and that's about it. Lately I've taken to buying older games that I missed out on when they were still new.

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Well, besides some games that I will download for the DS:

-God of War III, will be a playable CG, hoho.

-US release of FE11

-And as strange as this sounds, any new game from the KoF series.

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Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon for sure.

Resident Evil 5.

A new console Zelda game...

Otherwise, there are a few games (mainly PS3) that I still want that are already out.

Also Pokemon Platinum.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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If anything interests me, it's Shadow Dragon and possibly Pokemon Platnum.

No other 2009-bound game for Nintendo platforms interests me, and I don't have a 360/PS3.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I'm looking forward to seeing FEDS and Pokemon Platinum stateside even though I already have Japanese ROMs of both :S I'd also look forward to a new Zelda and a remake of Pokemon G/S, but neither are really guaranteed...or announced. Another is Arc Rise Fantasia, I think. I'm sure there are others, but I haven't really heard of much lately.

Edited by Melodia
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Shining Force Feather

English Tales of Hearts

Shining Force Feather

Tales of Wii

Shining Force Feather

Persona 4

Shining Force Feather

God Hand

Shining Force Feather

Pokemon Platinum

Shining Force Feather

Various 360 games

Shining Force Feather

Shining Force Feather

Shining Force Feather

No, I couldn't have made it more clear that I want Persona 4.

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*US Releases*

Star Ocean: Second Evolution (also going to simultaneously purchase First Departure; these will be my first purchases this year)

Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica

Star Ocean: The Last Hope

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2

Dissidia: Final Fantasy

Ninety-Nine Nights II (whenever it's released over here, hopefully)

-Warriors Orochi 2 (because I haven't bought it yet and this will bring my DW/SW collection up to date)-

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Dissidia: Final Fantasy was something I was looking forward to, but after a few hours worth of hands-on time with Japanese version, I can't say I'm anticipating the stateside release as much as before.

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Some people like to buy their games, legally X D

Yeah well..... they suck XD

I mean I hacked my wii so it can play burned games, I'm not gonna abuse it, only for imports and for cheap games.

R4 idk we play roms on the computer anyways might as well just play them on the go

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I'm keeping an eye on StarCraft II, but I'm in no way decided on whether or not I'll buy it. I feel the same way about Resident Evil 5. A DJ Max Portable game is supposed to be released in North America sometime soon so I'll most probably get that, and Tomoyo After is being ported to the PSP. There are a few other games I will keep an eye on, but I don't know much about them.

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(Under the assumption that the following games will come out in '09... - If not, then it doesn't matter anyway.)

Bayonetta (Even though it feels overly DMC-ish, the early videos have looked promising)

Doom IV (possibly)

Wolfenstein (possibly)

Splatterhouse (possibly)


The Conduit (story seems meh, but it might be worth at least a rent)

Arc Rise Fantasia (possibly)

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (since I didn't cave and play the ROM and since I've never gotten around to playing the original(s))

Diablo III

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Shining Force Feather

Diablo 3

Shining Force Feather

Starcraft 2

Shining Force Feather

Fe 11

Shining Force Feather

Halo recon (if brother doesn't take 360 to college which he probably is >.<)

Shining Force Feather

Pokemon Platinum

Shining Force Feather

new Zelda game if they release one

Shining Force Feather

Shining Force Feather

Shining Force Feather

Mckay, just altered hika's a little to make it mine.

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These are the games I'm looking forward to playing:

  • Starcraft 2 (I must hurry and master this so I can be better than Wist.) :)
  • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (Well I still have my ARDS, I might cheat once I beat the game. Maybe just for items like Master Seals and using ARDS to pump your characters seems lame to me.)
  • Diablo 3: (I may get this because I have my ports forwarded now. So maybe I can join games now through this game.)

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