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I never imagined that this would happen...

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Super Mario Bros. is no longer the best selling game ever.

If you can tell what dethroned it by looking at the URL address, Wii Sports now takes the title. But after reading the article, I realized how it happened.

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Hmmmmm why would people buy crap?

Wii Sports is packaged with all Wii consoles outside of, what did the article say, Japan and Korea? If you bought a Wii, odds are pretty fucking strong you have this. Unless you're calling the Wii crap, in which case, you're right.

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Wii Sports is packaged with all Wii consoles outside of, what did the article say, Japan and Korea? If you bought a Wii, odds are pretty fucking strong you have this. Unless you're calling the Wii crap, in which case, you're right.

I take it you haven't played RD yet? What a shame

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This also offers a peek inside Nintendo's plans as a developer. Say goodbye to future "hardcore" games, Wii owners.

I guess you're right nintendo's greedy bastards led them to the casual gamer what a shame :( :angry:

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People shouldn't really judge Nintendo for having casuals in mind. It was necessary on their part to have this new focus so they wouldn't have to compete in areas they know they would fail in.

What the real problem is that many third party developers refuse to fill in the quality gap. They're trying to churn out crappy games with zero quality. Most truly hardcore Wii games are either PS2 or Gamecube ports which defeats the purpose of having a new console in the first place.

Another problem that I know of is that some games weren't well received after Wii's launch. Red Steel was a great game that had failed to meet exaggerated expectations and had some bugs, but it was still a great game. Thanks to many complaining, Ubisoft probably isn't going to try and get it right the 2nd time since they know people don't like Red Steel too much.

Sonic & The Secret Rings was also a great game and made excellent use of the Wiimote. It was fun, and getting gold medals added a challenge factor to the game. My advice when playing this game: Don't try to use too many speed powerups. You can still get gold medals if you find yourself going too fast. Speed is still good of course, just make sure you actually have the turn speed to react. I consider Secret Rings pretty hardcore if you're wanting to push the game to its limits. The problem? Sonic fans as usual. I actually recommend this to non-Sonic fans.

Brawl. Yes, everyone hates it. It's not Melee. The problem isn't so much that it had a focus on casuals, no. In fact, the game would have still been a good competitive game even without L-Cancelling and hitstun if it weren't for one thing: Obvious lack of balance. Characters being able to chain grab more easily than others completely ruins the whole the point of nerfing combos. On top of that, infinites are putting mid/high tier characters into low, and some characters got nerfed too much.

Even at that, Brawl is still a competitive game. It still has strategy to it. Its balance is what hurts it the most.

Mario Galaxy. Mario Galaxy is actually pretty good. It's actually much harder than Twilight Princess. Yes, Mario Galaxy is pretty easy, but it's not a total, complete joke like Twilight Princess' lack of difficulty is. Zelda is going to need a stronger emphasis on exploration and better puzzles that aren't repeated so often, and even make bosses puzzle like if they're going to continue with having combat being comfortable.

Mario Galaxy is what an easy game should be. Challenging enough to actually be fun for vets, while still being fun for more casual gamers.

No More Heroes and Madworld. I haven't played either of these (yet), but I am so thankful that some developers have the right idea, so even if you hate NMH, at least respect Suda 51 for trying to help fill a gap.

Edited by FE3 Player
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While Nintendo isn't releasing any hardcore games at this very moment, it's not that bad. First of all, Nintendo used up all its best franchises in the first year or so. We can't expect them to churn out a Zelda and Mario every month. If we want a really good game, we're gonna have to wait a couple more months.

And second, I think Nintendo may be taking into account all the criticisms of their games' difficulty for their next batch of games. After reading a thousand or so complaints from Nintendo fans, the big-wigs are probably finding that they're losing their main audience. And, Nintendo is running into major problems selling only their casual games. The Wii console and Wii Fit are selling like crazy to all the people who want to get healthier, but those people aren't buying any other games. So Nintendo is starting to realize that if they cater to only casual gamers, they'll get great console sales but horrible game sales.

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While Nintendo isn't releasing any hardcore games at this very moment, it's not that bad. First of all, Nintendo used up all its best franchises in the first year or so. We can't expect them to churn out a Zelda and Mario every month. If we want a really good game, we're gonna have to wait a couple more months.

And second, I think Nintendo may be taking into account all the criticisms of their games' difficulty for their next batch of games. After reading a thousand or so complaints from Nintendo fans, the big-wigs are probably finding that they're losing their main audience. And, Nintendo is running into major problems selling only their casual games. The Wii console and Wii Fit are selling like crazy to all the people who want to get healthier, but those people aren't buying any other games. So Nintendo is starting to realize that if they cater to only casual gamers, they'll get great console sales but horrible game sales.

Nice insight!

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While Nintendo isn't releasing any hardcore games at this very moment, it's not that bad. First of all, Nintendo used up all its best franchises in the first year or so. We can't expect them to churn out a Zelda and Mario every month. If we want a really good game, we're gonna have to wait a couple more months.

And second, I think Nintendo may be taking into account all the criticisms of their games' difficulty for their next batch of games. After reading a thousand or so complaints from Nintendo fans, the big-wigs are probably finding that they're losing their main audience. And, Nintendo is running into major problems selling only their casual games. The Wii console and Wii Fit are selling like crazy to all the people who want to get healthier, but those people aren't buying any other games. So Nintendo is starting to realize that if they cater to only casual gamers, they'll get great console sales but horrible game sales.

I really hope you're right.

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NMH is great, and serves as a good deconstruction of the so called 'sandbox' genre created by GTA.

Anyway, it looks like gaming is changing as we know it. It's just lazy developers aren't learning to develop properly for it. What we are seeing is a lot of 'low tier' (not casual) games, but there will (and already have been) titles that fill the higher tiers to come.

Also, remember that the NES brought a new kind of gamer in, changing the scene from the 2600 and the Computer based games of the time. This is sort of what Nintendo are doing again.

Remember the Hardcore now are not the hardcore of ~15 years ago, which was different to the hardcore ~25 years ago.

Remember Super Mario Bros was bundled with the NES. Wii Sports is the new Super Mario Bros.

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Mario Galaxy. Mario Galaxy is actually pretty good. It's actually much harder than Twilight Princess. Yes, Mario Galaxy is pretty easy, but it's not a total, complete joke like Twilight Princess' lack of difficulty is. Zelda is going to need a stronger emphasis on exploration and better puzzles that aren't repeated so often, and even make bosses puzzle like if they're going to continue with having combat being comfortable.

ummm TP wasnt that easy...and i think that it was actually a very well made game..probably the best Zelda since OoT..

Mario Galaxy actually was garnered as one of the best of the series...some folks even said it was better than Super Mario 64 (which is a huge stretch in my opinion)

I think people need to realize that Nintendo doesnt appeal to the teenage gamer but everyone else in general...that was the point of the Wii...they named it that because they wanted it to be for everyone ("We would like to play")

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ummm TP wasnt that easy.
Yes it was overall. You couldn't die, ever. Enemies did almost no damage to you throughout the game. There was only one hard boss that could actually do decent damage to you, and he was an Agahnim clone.

I am not saying that TP is a bad game, but what I *am* saying that they seriously screwed up in several areas with it, and that Mario Galaxy actually does a much better job appealing to hardcore gamers despite having much less of an image for it. If Mario Galaxy is a huge improvement, then maybe we shouldn't completely discredit Nintendo just yet.

Also, I know this isn't a hardcore game, but Wario Ware was really fun, and had the best use of the Wiimote at the time.

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This isn't fair; Wii Sports comes with every Wii so it isn't a fair contest.

Not true.

the near-last paragraph of the article:

And before you brand Wii Sports a false champion due to being bundled with hardware, consider that Super Mario Bros. was also sold as a bundle with the original Nintendo Entertainment System during its mid-80's heyday. Plus, Wii Sports has been a major hit even in non-bundled form, topping Wii sales charts in Japan at over 3.2 million copies sold in 2008 alone.
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Wii Sports is the new Super Mario Bros.


Anyway, I personally don't mind the influx of casual games lately; I don't have as much time for gaming as I used to. The only thing that annoys me is that people jump to the conclusion that "casual gaming" on the Wii automatically refers to the waggle-based minigame collections (WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Rayman: Raving Rabbids, ect.) when there's a much more expansive library than that; Endless Ocean and Animal Crossing: City Folk are good examples.

That doesn't mean that there aren't any high-octane action titles on the Wii, either out already or coming in the near future. It's hard to find the gems, but they're worth it when you find them. Castlevania Judgment, for instance. It's an odd spinoff for a series that's part of the Castleroid genre (side-scrolling with a focus on exploration and backtracking), but it's a decent play. Several modes weren't as well-developed as they should've been (Castle Mode, for instance), as everything is pretty much just fighting... not that you'd expect much else from a fighter. However, the main thing I like about CV Judgment is the combat itself; the amount moves for characters aren't as expansive as, say, Soul Calibur titles, but the ability to essentially create combos and chains that are different every time makes it fun. It's simple enough (think SSB simple) so the casual audience can dive right in, but there's room for creativity in fighting styles. Also, there are only two characters out of 14 that can even be considered clone-ish, and there's still some variation at work. It's not the perfect game by any means, but it could mean that Judgment is the first in a CV subseries, which I'd personally like to see happen. This is just one example of what the Wii can offer if you're willing to look around.

With the Wii, the best way to find the, shall we say, hardcore titles is to play more than what everyone else plays (Brawl, NMH, Metroid Prime 3, ect) and try new things; see what your friends recommend, rent games that pique your interest, do some research beyond what critics say (it's depressing when people assume a game automatically sucks because a critic didn't give it an 8 or higher), and become interested in a variety of titles. That's what led me to have a decently sized and varied library of Wii titles since the launch, with both "casual" and "hardcore" titles.

Also, since I noticed this was mentioned earlier, the reason we don't see many of Nintendo's iconic series' on the Wii (Mario, Zelda, ect) is because games of that caliber take a while to develop, and we need to assume that they're working on 'em one after the other. Honestly, who wants to see screenshots of a Zelda game when it's nothing but wire models and coding? I'd rather wait instead of getting another Pokemon Battle Revolution, to be blunt. :|

Edited by The Blind Archer
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NMH is great, and serves as a good deconstruction of the so called 'sandbox' genre created by GTA.

Anyway, it looks like gaming is changing as we know it. It's just lazy developers aren't learning to develop properly for it. What we are seeing is a lot of 'low tier' (not casual) games, but there will (and already have been) titles that fill the higher tiers to come.

Also, remember that the NES brought a new kind of gamer in, changing the scene from the 2600 and the Computer based games of the time. This is sort of what Nintendo are doing again.

Remember the Hardcore now are not the hardcore of ~15 years ago, which was different to the hardcore ~25 years ago.

Remember Super Mario Bros was bundled with the NES. Wii Sports is the new Super Mario Bros.

Smartest post in the thread, easily.
The Wii console and Wii Fit are selling like crazy to all the people who want to get healthier, but those people aren't buying any other games. So Nintendo is starting to realize that if they cater to only casual gamers, they'll get great console sales but horrible game sales.
Just plain wrong. Mario Kart Wii and DS didn't get huge sales from Core( != Hardcore) gamers only, they sold to expanded audience, too. And casual gamers don't exist, the whole casual "brand" was made up by elitistic Hardcore gamers. Any company that makes casual games gets low sales, which is why Nintendo refuses to use the title "casual". And Nintendo doesn't cater to anyone, they are trying to sell to everyone. Edited by Nintenlord
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