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in CotM she is a naked woman riding a giant skull, indeed, when she fights you, even if you can't tell exactly where the skull ends and the body begins

I totally forgot who Cornell is, duh *checks* indeed I never saw him before, who is this guy?

Well I meant her normal design in CotM, with the pink dress and all.

And Cornell is a character from Legacy of Darkness. He is from a clan of manbeasts. Basically, a werewolf with conscience.

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This really bring me back to the idea that Richter\Soma would have been a much valuable place for that spot, uh, yet returning to the issue of the low-number-of-characters

Considering the fact that there are already two whip users in Judgment that are borderline clones of each other, I don't logically see how Richter would be any different.

And wouldn't having Soma be a bit too paradoxical? Dracula's already playable. I know time manipulation is part of the game's story, but that still seems like it'd be pushing it.

Spoiler'd, just in case.

Or is it that as a gamer you're just never satisfied and always demand more instead of enjoying what you've got?

Edited by The Blind Archer
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I think it's been established that the cast, while being small, is full of variety and fanservice. Richter and Soma are popular, but what else? Richter's most famous for bringing item crashes. Everybody can do that. What would he do now, except make people whine about clones?

And Soma...I'm kinda surprised how he isn't in the game myself. But eh, I guess he wasn't necessary.

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Richter and Soma are popular, but what else?
well the reason is indeed that is popular, if there is room for that Cornell dude, why shouldn't be a spot for Richter featured also in sotn, claimed to be the best castlevania ever?

as for the spoiler part of The Blind Archer's entry, the time manipulation thing says it all, I mean, a bit of incongruity shouldn't shoot the whole game down, I mean, people still buy brawl even if Ike does not have any volcano attack and twilight princess Zelda doesn't morph to Sheik [/stupid example]

still, the problem is the roster-number itself, we could say brawl is filled with sword users but hell it has thrice the number of the playable characters

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Well, where Judgment lacks in quantity, it makes up for it with quality, yes? After all, isn't quality>quantity?

Still, if this becomes successful they'll probably make sequels (with more characters!). If not then, penis.

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Well, where Judgment lacks in quantity, it makes up for it with quality, yes? After all, isn't quality>quantity?
I'd prefer an average of both rather than playing w/ four or five top quality characters, yet material isn't lacking at all and not only brawl which is on a double layer dvd but almost all the modern beat em up feature at least twice the characters, so I really wonder what's the point with that decision, because 14 playable on a game running on wii is really poor.

However I don't see this top quality either since every character was made up for a cliché, Carmilla is now a total *well* whore, Maria the little child everseeking for huge boobies, Eric the classic kid swearing to pwn all those who will treat him as a child, Death well - it's death to the bone (if you wish for Death here I am, rotfl), the graphic isn't exciting at all so the whole it's pretty meh

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I'd prefer an average of both rather than playing w/ four or five top quality characters, yet material isn't lacking at all and not only brawl which is on a double layer dvd but almost all the modern beat em up feature at least twice the characters, so I really wonder what's the point with that decision, because 14 playable on a game running on wii is really poor.

However I don't see this top quality either since every character was made up for a cliché, Carmilla is now a total *well* whore, Maria the little child everseeking for huge boobies, Eric the classic kid swearing to pwn all those who will treat him as a child, Death well - it's death to the bone (if you wish for Death here I am, rotfl), the graphic isn't exciting at all so the whole it's pretty meh

Pretty much agree everything that is said here. If I didn't play Castlevania I wouldn't be buying this game.

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They turned most of my favorite character from the older Castlevanias intro faggots. Look at Eric! If I didn't know him before, I would say he was a chick.

But, to be honest, Cornell's new design was pretty neat.

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The Castlevania series is awesome! I've played and beaten, SCV4, Bloodlines, Dracula X(SNES), Sotn, Cotm, HoD, AoS, LoI, and OoE. I've played, but haven't beaten Castlevania 1, 3, and the N64 games.

On the subject of Judgement, I haven't played the game, but some people say it's decent. I've seen the character designs and most of them are awful (Look at Eric and Grant for example), but some turned out pretty good (Cornell for example)

Edited by Dark Legend Vampire
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I have and played most of the games in the series..between my boyfriend and I, we almost have the entire library of Castlevania games! :o

(we are missing Judgement though)

the GBA titles are fun and the DS ones WIN! Ecclesia is really hard but kinda fun! (i havent got very far though since i have been kinda neglecting it)

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well the reason is indeed that is popular, if there is room for that Cornell dude, why shouldn't be a spot for Richter featured also in sotn, claimed to be the best castlevania ever?
And storyline wise he was pretty important considering he was the last Belmont to hold the whip before 1999.
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And storyline wise he was pretty important considering he was the last Belmont to hold the whip before 1999.

Actually I'm quite relieved that Richter and Julius weren't in that game.

They turned badass Simon in to a surfer!

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Oh yeah, also I've seen a website that somehow takes Castlevania Legends as canon, while also accepting Lament of Innocence as canon. lol that is so inconsistent (considering Trevor was the first Belmont to kill Dracula, NOBODY IN THE BELMONT LINE HAS DRACULA'S BLOOD, and Alucard isn't even born yet) that it's kinda funny.

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I don't see why people keep complaining about Eric. The Judgement Eric is from long before Bloodlines, at apoint where he was a child. And at leas he doesn't wear a pink dress like he did in Bloodlines, either.

Simon's desgn also gets a lot of hate, with the belly jacket and neck tattoos and such. Yet, despite all the people that complain about it, most seem to have forgotten that Simon's Chronicles design made him look like a late night trannie.

Not then, the only designs in Judgement that I really didn't like are Grant's (Lol Voldo Lite) and Shanoa (When did she become a Nun?). Others, I actually have taken a liking to, like Trevor, Sypha, Carmilla (Oh, quiet, that's better than Ivy), Cornell, and Dracula. Dracula's lack of a walk ability makes sense since he NEVER walks anyways (exception being

Order of Ecclesia

), and since he can teleport, most of Dracula's fights can emulate his fights from the actual series (Minus his second forms, which I want to see in Judgement 2 if it's ever made).

Now, someone mentioned why Richter's not in this. It's actually fairly simple- He's becoming overused. at this point, he's shown up in more Castlevania games than Simon himself. He needs to take a break. Besides, his attack style's too similar to Trevor and Simon as it is. They'd need to use someone else who has different attacks to throw in as well, like Juste (Belnades magic + whip) or Jonathan Morris (Full equipment set, IE Swords, Axes, Whips, Hammers, ect.). As for Soma and the Lecarde sisters, it was actually fairly odd that they didn't appear, though the Sisters would have likely been combined into a singular character a la N00B/Smoke from Mortal Kombat. Maybe they'll show up in the next game? (I myself would have prefered Albus or Maxim, BTW.)

As to the Castlevania games I've played, I've played Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, and Castlevania: Judgement. Someone said that people who've played OoE wouldn't like PoR anymore afterwards, but I'd have to say otherwise. The only game out of those listed that I don't still play is Dawn of Sorrow, which got REALLY boring after the first playthrough, whereas Portrait is long enough to provide entertainment through multiple playthroughs. And has Sisters mode, which is awesomely fun.

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However I don't see this top quality either since every character was made up for a cliché, Carmilla is now a total *well* whore, Maria the little child everseeking for huge boobies, Eric the classic kid swearing to pwn all those who will treat him as a child, Death well - it's death to the bone (if you wish for Death here I am, rotfl)

The top quality lies within the variety in their fighting styles. Who cares if Carmilla is a whore? She always was. Who cares if Maria is the most annoying thing since forever? She always was. I'm kinda irked about Eric myself (why they decided to make him a kid) but still, the fighting styles are diverse and they managed to put in as much fanservice as possible while keeping it small. And that's all that matters in the end.

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I don't see why people keep complaining about Eric. The Judgement Eric is from long before Bloodlines, at apoint where he was a child. And at leas he doesn't wear a pink dress like he did in Bloodlines, either.

Simon's desgn also gets a lot of hate, with the belly jacket and neck tattoos and such. Yet, despite all the people that complain about it, most seem to have forgotten that Simon's Chronicles design made him look like a late night trannie.

Not then, the only designs in Judgement that I really didn't like are Grant's (Lol Voldo Lite) and Shanoa (When did she become a Nun?). Others, I actually have taken a liking to, like Trevor, Sypha, Carmilla (Oh, quiet, that's better than Ivy), Cornell, and Dracula. Dracula's lack of a walk ability makes sense since he NEVER walks anyways (exception being

Order of Ecclesia

), and since he can teleport, most of Dracula's fights can emulate his fights from the actual series (Minus his second forms, which I want to see in Judgement 2 if it's ever made).

Now, someone mentioned why Richter's not in this. It's actually fairly simple- He's becoming overused. at this point, he's shown up in more Castlevania games than Simon himself. He needs to take a break. Besides, his attack style's too similar to Trevor and Simon as it is. They'd need to use someone else who has different attacks to throw in as well, like Juste (Belnades magic + whip) or Jonathan Morris (Full equipment set, IE Swords, Axes, Whips, Hammers, ect.). As for Soma and the Lecarde sisters, it was actually fairly odd that they didn't appear, though the Sisters would have likely been combined into a singular character a la N00B/Smoke from Mortal Kombat. Maybe they'll show up in the next game? (I myself would have prefered Albus or Maxim, BTW.)

As to the Castlevania games I've played, I've played Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Super Castlevania IV, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, and Castlevania: Judgement. Someone said that people who've played OoE wouldn't like PoR anymore afterwards, but I'd have to say otherwise. The only game out of those listed that I don't still play is Dawn of Sorrow, which got REALLY boring after the first playthrough, whereas Portrait is long enough to provide entertainment through multiple playthroughs. And has Sisters mode, which is awesomely fun.

Don't forget Old Axe Armor mode

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The top quality lies within the variety in their fighting styles. Who cares if Carmilla is a whore? She always was. Who cares if Maria is the most annoying thing since forever? She always was. I'm kinda irked about Eric myself (why they decided to make him a kid) but still, the fighting styles are diverse and they managed to put in as much fanservice as possible while keeping it small. And that's all that matters in the end.

mh no, the variety in their fighting styles is the least thing I'd expect from a beat em up game, seeing Simon fighting with a whip, Death with a scythe and Erik with a lance managing to grant them different combat styles isn't really that much of an effort, and yeah I care about character characterization and no, Carmilla never was that much of a whore LOL, I'm not talking about fat legs wide lips, huge breasts or whatever whore-like-depiction-stereotype someone could imagine but also about the quotes which hell, they really suck for every single character (however I find Erik an annoying brat more than Maria)

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First, it's not a beat 'em up. It's a fighting game. Gawd, will people ever get the genres right?

Second, Carmilla was never really given any special characterization in the series, so it's not like they had anything to go by. Besides, what would you do with a vicious lesbian vampire? Turn her into a lady? I think not.

Third, about the variety...I'm pretty sure if you, or someone like you, was in charge of the characters there would be very little variety, what with wanting Richter and Soma in the game. Like I said before, they managed to keep the cast at a minimum while also giving it a lot of fanservice and variety. Think of it for yourself, will you? They had a limited time to create this (they always do, Konami pressures KCET, the team that makes Cv, a lot) and, for what it's worth, they did an excellent job with the cast of characters, and the game.

End of argument.

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I see your point but it's really not an argument, lol , I really think this game could have been made TONS OF TIMES better, and I explained why, you really don't have to not-buy-the-game-at-full-price if I do so, so still pointing at me D:

whatever the genre il called it does not really matter, it's standard variety and not really something special and fact is still

few characters w/ poor characterization = wut?

and actually it's a pretty solid statement and really doesn't need a justification such "Konami has yet done an excellent work and blablabla"

(end of this)

Limited time? o_ò


is there a way to make a new pt in OoE keeping your old level?

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