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How Do I Get Rezire?


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Whats aura like anyhow?

Rezire is useful because when yuria gets hurt, she heals most all of her hp on counter. She can last in a small skirmish that way.

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Aura looks more like a fire spell to me than a light one.

I thought the same thing before I noticed those flames were green. :o

But anyways, I think Rezire is more useful, if only because it regenerates HP...

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The fact that it's actually buyable right when you get Silver Card also helps. Though you've got to admit that few things give more of a kick than Knoll solo'ing Ch15 Shamans with his Nosferatu tome while getting doubled.

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Not nearly as helpful against the dark mages Celice's group has to plow through in chapter 7.

You don't really need Rezire to work your way through those dark mages. Shanan can take most of those that chase him and Patty/Daisy out with Balmung, and for the rest of your army you can just let them come to you and pummel them once they get close. The dark mages in that chapter actually don't pose too much of a problem until the guy at Yied gets his Fenrir tome back.

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Julia is not necessary, but she sure as hell makes everything a lot easier when your entire main army is brought to single digit HP in one hit from 90>% accuracy 1~2 range attacks.

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You can get it randomly from certain chests in the tower/ruins. Not sure if some monsters drop it as well (but I doubt it).

In any case, you might want to check out the FE8 page on the site and look for the "Random Items" (or something) section.

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Hel isn't that accurate...

I think he was referring to other, much more annoying attacks like Fenrir.

EDIT: Actually, now that I look at that post harder....

Leadership bonus?

Edited by Edgard Varése
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