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Tellius Series Sequel/Prequel


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I was thinking, will they make another game in the tellius series? Assuming this is true i would like to speculate as to the story driven aspects of the game (new game mechanic ideas are also acceptable).

Some facts that might help with speculation:

Stefan was a retreating character in PoR (Note: he wasn't in RD)

There becomes a Branded nation in tellius

Ike wanders off to an unkown land with soren (depending on support but it is safe to assume that they will incorerate soren this way)

Hatari is located acros the desert of death and is possiable the first of many new countries on a differant continent but same world

The way Yune talks about gods implies that there may be more of them than just Ashunera

My idea for the sequal

Note: for gamplay purposes the characters mentioned in the description that were in previouse games are leveled down for their approipriate chronilogical appearance. (ie. X from RD was a level X sentinel is a level X soldier/halberdier/sentinel)

Ike wanders through the desert of death with his faithfull companion and close friend Soren. Unknown to them they are being watched. The prologue chapter involves ike and Soren aproaching Hatari when they are attacked by bandits. Ike and Soren defeat bandits. Stefan makes apearance and joins the team saying that he would like to see Hatari explainign that they tolerate branded and that would like to join ike (or other more beleivable plot tool). Upon arriving in Hatari Ike and friends find that Hatari is in a state of disaray and is divided into 4 differant warring factions. Ike and friends invstigate to discover what is behind this civil war.

Anyway that's what i can come up with off the top of my head, i might include a more complete version later on.

Edited by Orderly_Chaos
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i would prefer not. at least not in Tellius.

I wouldn't say no to some weird random continent which somehow managed to survive the flooding even though it would be stretching it, but Tellius has GOT to go!

the thing I like about the Fire Emblem series is the fact that each game is different!

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While Akaniea has it's reasons for having remakes and sequels, Tellius does not. If Tellius gets another game, I'm screaming bloody murder for my Gaiden sequel. Either that or the original Jihad story of the Twelve Crusaders and Myra.

But your sequel story does sound interesting :3

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I was thinking, will they make another game in the tellius series? Assuming this is true i would like to speculate as to the story driven aspects of the game (new game mechanic ideas are also acceptable).

Some facts that might help with speculation:

Stefan was a retreating character in PoR (Note: he wasn't in RD)

Wait. What exactly do you mean by 'retreating character'?

Edited by Fireman
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I was thinking, will they make another game in the tellius series? Assuming this is true i would like to speculate as to the story driven aspects of the game (new game mechanic ideas are also acceptable).

Some facts that might help with speculation:

Stefan was a retreating character in PoR (Note: he wasn't in RD)

Wrong by all accounts; Stefan is in fact a recruitable character in FE10. You had to wait until Part 4 to see him, but he is in fact in RD. In fact, the branded village that he gathers together after RD eventually becomes the Branded nation you mentioned later in your own post.

My idea for the sequal

Ike wanders through the desert of death with his faithfull companion and close friend Soren. Unknown to them they are being watched. The prologue chapter involves ike and Soren aproaching Hatari when they are attacked by bandits. Ike and Soren defeat bandits. Stefan makes apearance and joins the team saying that he would like to see Hatari explainign that they tolerate branded and that would like to join ike (or other more beleivable plot tool). Upon arriving in Hatari Ike and friends find that Hatari is in a state of disaray and is divided into 4 differant warring factions. Ike and friends invstigate to discover what is behind this civil war.

Anyway that's what i can come up with off the top of my head, i might include a more complete version later on.

I thought Hatari was where the wolves were; since Ike wasn't seen by any people on Tellius again wouldn't that mean that it would defy canon since Nailah and Rafiel could potenially see him? And besides, I'd think it would be impossible to render a desert area into an entire continent thriving with activity. I also wonder how they'd fit an entire FE game into a small area (although to my understanding they did just that with FE5...).

Besides, two games on Tellius is enough.

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I thought Hatari was where the wolves were; since Ike wasn't seen by any people on Tellius again wouldn't that mean that it would defy canon since Nailah and Rafiel could potenially see him? And besides, I'd think it would be impossible to render a desert area into an entire continent thriving with activity. I also wonder how they'd fit an entire FE game into a small area (although to my understanding they did just that with FE5...).

Besides, two games on Tellius is enough.

I've always thought that there is possibly another continent on the other side of the desert. Of course, Nailah and Rafiel only talked about Hatari but they didn't say how big or small their country is, nor did they say what's on their side of the desert. It'd be cool if the next FE takes place on a continent on the other side of the desert in the same universe/timeline as Tellius. And they don't even need to bring back any Tellius characters. Maybe cameos from Nailah, Rafiel and Volug but everyone else could be brand new characters. Maybe a cameo from Ike to explain where he disappeared to after RD. If they do make another Tellius game, I'm down with that cause Tellius is my fave FE continent.

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If we were to have another game in Tellius, I don't think Ike would be in it unless it was a midquel (Is that a word?). He "started" in PoR and left the continent after RD. If it were to be based in Tellius, it would either be a prequel that likely stars Greil or a sequel concerning more problems in the continent, though I don't know how that would work with its new rulers being friends and all.

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If we were to have another game in Tellius, I don't think Ike would be in it unless it was a midquel (Is that a word?). He "started" in PoR and left the continent after RD. If it were to be based in Tellius, it would either be a prequel that likely stars Greil or a sequel concerning more problems in the continent, though I don't know how that would work with its new rulers being friends and all.

Yes, midquel is a word. I'd actually lean towards the prequel idea, as I'd be intrested to see what they'd do to the storyline after how they managed to make a prequel for FE6.

And on a side note, lots of fanfic authors have found ways to create an extra sequel conflict, although most of these ways involve forces that could create a few plot holes within the Tellius continuum or that otherwise don't originate from Tellius itself.

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If the game was about Ike, i would shoot myself.

he was an awesome lord and all, but two games really is enough. the only other lord who had this treatment is Marth, after all.

I wouldn't mind a prequel/sequel too much, though.

maybe it would be about the war that was going on when Ashunera woke up.

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I wouldn't mind a prequel/sequel too much, though.

maybe it would be about the war that was going on when Ashunera woke up.

As in that war that takes place thousands of years after the events of RD? Actually, now that I think about it, so would I...

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Not really related to the TC's idea, but on the subject of another Tellius game.

Besides other things, one loose argument for a third game is that there are three main galldrs- release, rebirth and slumber. In FE9, the main galldr was the gallr of rebirth, which also manifested as Life Returns. While for FE10, it was the galldr of release, which manifested as Dawn Awakens.

If there was a third game, the main galldr (assuming there is one) would be the galldr of slumber. However that's only used to reduce the chaotic energies of the medallion. If it was a prequel, this would make sense as Yune is still sealed within the medallion. If it was a sequel, maybe it could be used for sealing Yune back in (when they realise Ashunera fails or something) or to seal another chaotic being (like a real dark god).

Edited by VincentASM
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I'd like a prequel with you playing as Greil and Elena fighting for Daein to be a new country apart from Begnion and then Greil becomes one of the four riders. It'd also be pretty sweet to play as the older characters in the two games like Tauroneo, Bryce, and even Zelgius.

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It's probably fair to assume that

1,200 years after Radiant Dawn

Tellius would be a completely different place than it was during Radiant Dawn.

Of course, dragons and herons live an effing long time, so Kurthnaga, Almedha, Ena, and

her son

will still be around, and so will Lehran and (probably) the three Heron siblings.

One thing that the series lacks is pink-haired lords, so I'd like

Ena's son to be the main lord of this game, and to have inherited Ena's hair color...

Other than that, I have no idea.

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Herons have an average lifespan of 1000 years, so the siblings would be dead by then. It's a safe bet that most of the (younger) dragons will still be around though.

It'd be funny if Amy was the heroine. However I don't know if the Branded live for that long.

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Herons have an average lifespan of 1000 years, so the siblings would be dead by then. It's a safe bet that most of the (younger) dragons will still be around though.

It'd be funny if Amy was the heroine. However I don't know if the Branded live for that long.

Lehran had lived for more than 2,000 years: however old he was during the war against Yune (clearly an adult, but we know from Leanne that that an adult heron could be as young as 20...) plus the 800 years between the war against Yune and the events of Radiant Dawn, plus the 1,200 years between the events of Radiant Dawn and the new conflict.

Either losing his laguz powers gave him unusually long life, or Herons can naturally live to be 2,000.

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Herons have an average lifespan of 1000 years, so the siblings would be dead by then. It's a safe bet that most of the (younger) dragons will still be around though.

It'd be funny if Amy was the heroine. However I don't know if the Branded live for that long.

I'm pretty sure that what type of laguz blood a Branded has determines how much longer they can live. I doubt that a branded would live as long as a laguz of the type whose blood they have. +20 years for cat or tiger blood seems reasonable. I think.

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Lehran had lived for more than 2,000 years: however old he was during the war against Yune (clearly an adult, but we know from Leanne that that an adult heron could be as young as 20...) plus the 800 years between the war against Yune and the events of Radiant Dawn, plus the 1,200 years between the events of Radiant Dawn and the new conflict.

Either losing his laguz powers gave him unusually long life, or Herons can naturally live to be 2,000.

It's mentioned in the Japanese official site that herons have that lifespan.

I'm thinking it was an side-effect from being blessed by the Goddess.

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