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that's better imo

Except it doesn't address the issue of Caeda > Merric

but again, before we get too happy about moving people around, was Merric > Cord really cemented, or was it something that people went "ok wtv"?

Edited by Andrew W.K.
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So when exactly is Shiida going mage?

pay attention plz?

and you can even do these on a chapter where Wing Spear is totally useless like C6x. By then she doubles as mage anyway so Mage's suck is barely visible.
Edited by laws b122
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Well one minute I hear Darros.

Next I hear Merric < Shiida.

Then somehow we hit BARST > Shiida (huh?)

Then somehow we railed backon track with Shiida.

EDIT: While I'm not going to take the Spirit Dusts too far, it does allowher a little breathing space to use Pegasus Knight a bit more often.

Edited by Colonel M
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Merric may want Spirit Dusts too considering his class.

In this case, think of the opportunity cost. Granted I could give those to Merric. However, if I give them to Shiida that is the possibility of extending that Wing Spear utility furter out. Merric's only unique utility is Excalibur which is only good for C7 and C10, the latter where he's near promotion anyway.

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However, if I give them to Shiida that is the possibility of extending that Wing Spear utility furter out.
We're already extending Sheeda's Wing Spear use to past Ch. 4. I'm sure she wants that Mag growth when possible because it's pretty mediocre as it is.

According to FE Planet's averages, there are two levels before promotion where she's not getting any +Mag points anyway, so getting around four levels as PK might net a loss of 1 Mag point at most, at least average wise.

In this case, think of the opportunity cost.
I am thinking of the opportunity cost, which is why I brought up Merric in the first place.
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That's just it. Merric IS the only opportunity cost. Even so, let's say all we were doing is allowing compensation for the loss of the Mag growth. If Shiida only gets 1 of them (likely) she can afford to miss up to almost 7 levels, which gives about 7 chapters to which we can actually use the Wing Spear when it is needed. I don't even think the Mag loss will make or break her anyway since by the time she doubles she likely 2RKOes once she has Blizzard.

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Even if he's the only opportunity cost, I felt that it's important to point it out anyway since there aren't a lot of viable Mages. Since both of these characters are in comparison, they'll both have to be compared with it applied.

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Well, if you give Shiida a Dust to compensate for missing Mag growth as a Peg for some early chaps, then her case is even better yet. Now, in addition to everything I've already said, she's doing very well in some of those early chapters with her Prf weapon that annihilates Cavs, where alot of units (even high tiers; i.e. Draug) are sucking. This allows her to build up the Spd to double as a Mage without sucking while doing it. Essentially the period of time where Shiida was previously doing the worst is eliminated.

With that in play I'd argue her clearly superior to Merric. Even earlygame Excalibur can be replicated by Wendell; no one else gets to use the Wing Spear at all.

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6x? That is not when it stops being useless. Cahpter 7's reinforcements before you can manage to clog the place, chapter 8 is a nightmare full of them. I'd say it stops being helpful in Pyarthi, since afterwards she has mage durability vs powerful silver which could OHKO her, where a wing spear shot might not kill in one shot.

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Wait, wait, how is a Spirit Dust solving all of her problems? Now she still has shitty magic if she was a pegasus before, and is has to wait even longer for a better rank. If she doesn't class change until the first spirit dust, I'd argue that she's even worse off then she would be in Chapter 4 when she would of first reclassed.

Ok, so first Spirit Dust doesn't come until Chapter 11. Are we saying that we're waiting until then to change her to Mage, when her and everyone else is level 14-15? Giving her a grand total of 4 magic, and only 5 if she promotes? And being stuck to a Fire tome at first? Don't we want to get her Mage shittyness out the way as soon as possible?

Edited by IOS
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Ok, so first Spirit Dust doesn't come until Chapter 11. Are we saying that we're waiting until then to change her to Mage, when her and everyone else is level 14-15? Giving her a grand total of 4 magic, and only 5 if she promotes? And being stuck to a Fire tome at first?
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