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Once again this is all assumptions. I honestly put a little bit more faith in the maturity of the members here. I mean I was very doubtful they would have accepted it, but I put my trust in them. I'm sorry to say I was foolish to do so, and they have gravely disappointed me.

The only mistake I made was to trust them.

The mistake you made was not trusting us from the start.

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Nah I'm not a spiritual person. I'm an atheist and really am more of a realist about things. And I think byass is just your terrible spelling ^_^

Poor thing......open your mind!

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And there's no way to prove you would have either.

You, too. Have fun.

I know that, and you know that, but when one's gender preference isn't perfectly straight, some people tend to see it as, like you said, "lolgay."

You're all right Fox.

I know we had a few fall outs because of subjects we disagreed on in the past, but like I said I held no grudges. I only bring it up because my opinion on you has changed slightly. I mean I still think you base a lot on your own personal opinion too much, but you're not as oblivious to the kind of thing people do subtly or when you're not looking as anticipated.

I mean I'll still say when I think you're wrong, and disagree, but you're all right.

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Once again this is all assumptions. I honestly put a little bit more faith in the maturity of the members here. I mean I was very doubtful they would have accepted it, but I put my trust in them. I'm sorry to say I was foolish to do so, and they have gravely disappointed me.

The only mistake I made was to trust them.

You failed to properly measure the consequences of your actions with the data you had at hand. Now, the best you have to do is to remember this experience in the future to avoid commiting the same (or similar) mistake(s).

How about all 3?

They're safety levels.

By entering zone 2, you've negated zone 1 already.

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Nah I'm not a spiritual person. I'm an atheist and really am more of a realist about things. And I think byass is just your terrible spelling ^_^

I think spirituality and religion are different. But to each his or her (or something else) own.

Actually byass is a real thing. It's just not very common. *Shiftyeyes.*

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You failed to properly measure the consequences of your actions with the data you had at hand. Now, the best you have to do is to remember this experience in the future to avoid commiting the same (or similar) mistake(s).

They're safety levels.

By entering zone 2, you've negated zone 1 already.

Oh I don't consider this a mistake at all. The only mistake I made was having some lousy friends who are close minded.

In real life I am 100% honest about my gender situation. I am not ashamed of it at all. I just avoid it online because every time I bring it up I end up having to talk about it all the time. I'd rather not have to. I only tell people I trust in that sense, and clearly I can't trust an entire forum I just met.

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You're all right Fox.

I know we had a few fall outs because of subjects we disagreed on in the past, but like I said I held no grudges. I only bring it up because my opinion on you has changed slightly. I mean I still think you base a lot on your own personal opinion too much, but you're not as oblivious to the kind of thing people do subtly or when you're not looking as anticipated.

I mean I'll still say when I think you're wrong, and disagree, but you're all right.

I agree with this entire post. Yes, I base a lot of what I say on opinion, but who the hell doesn't?

I disagree. I think you and I both know that some members here have no self control and shouldn't be trusted.

I think if you'd said this ("this" being your gender preference) in your introduction, it would've been met with things more along the lines of "Wow, interesting" and "Ok *doesn't really care*" and would've been passed off. I doubt you would have been treated much differently, if at all. This is, after all, a gaming forum, not a dating forum.

Maybe I'm wrong. We don't have a transgender on this forum other than you that I know of. In that case that you're right and this still would've happened, I may have left the forum right there. Of course, this is all just a bunch of "if's", so we can't truly make assumptions of what it would've been like, only speculate.

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I think we need to stop before a certain dead horse get's slammed on the floor and used as a hockey puck.

Just my own little Spidey Sense. Take it as you will.

Edited by Hibari
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I disagree. I think you and I both know that some members here have no self control and shouldn't be trusted.

It's convenient to minimize your mistake by putting the blame on others, isn't it?

However, it's an excuse. It prevents you from growing from the experience.

Please do clarify XD

*eats popcorn*

Zone 1: Don't tell anybody. Nobody knows, no drama is generated. End of story.

Zone 2: Tell only a few trusted ones, privately. By doing this, you've already left zone 1 (where nobody knows about it), and the potential of drama is limited, due to the hand-picked nature of the listeners. Of course, unexpected reactions and even leaks may happen, but it's safer than...

Zone 3: Put it in the open. Drama and trolling potential are maximum. By the point this happens, it's meaningless whether you've told others privately of this before or not; it's public. The lions are all out.

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MATURITY is a badly-defined and overrated term. But, that aside... I call that an "expected consequence". This forum's population is mostly made of teenagers, many influenced by the way 4chan works. The more puerile ones will behave here because of the mods, but they won't waste a possibility of laying the smackdown behind the veil of anonimity and beyond the authority of the mods.
This. Teenagers do not have fully developed minds, and tend to have very crude reactions if not influenced correctly. If you aren't able to be above those that do this and ignore it, then you may not be fully mature yourself.

Things happen over IM? Block them. Give them some verbal lessons before doing so in making sure they know what they did wrong.

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Well Fox I suppose you can close this now. As I said what I wanted to say, and confirmed the disappointment I knew I'd have.

I doubt I'll be seeing you all any time soon.

Testing the community?


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