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My Garcia just got critted by a Caelach (?) On hard PT of Sacred Stones with one percent chance of critical, with A support Ross beside him......Fuck. This game has some screwed up Hit percent. As in a fighter with ten Percent hit chance hit Moulder sage. I dont know if this should be in FFtF, but oh well.

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Funny. I once had to restart that very chapter about 6 times for similar reasons. As a result, I grew to hate that chapter.

Hmm. I worry more about Valter than Caellach, though I still kill Caellach first. Valter activating Pierce and getting a critical hit in the same attack is no fun, ja? Also, you can't use anyone who'll get doubled by Valter.

And Red Fox, I want that picture you had in your sig earlier. I just like it that much. Where did you find it?

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Meh, my Joshua has to high speed to be hit by anything. And the only reason Garcia went to fight him was because I sent him and Ross to single that side of the map, and except for that lucky crit they almost did. I also had gotten all the treasures on the map, that was a pain.

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Caellach actually isn't that much of a pain to deal with in this chapter; it's Valter that makes this chapter slightly difficult. I remember Valter killed Cormag once...

Amen, the same thing happpened to me too, with a fucking Pierce critical no less.

I still can't hate that guy though.

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Amen, the same thing happpened to me too, with a fucking Pierce critical no less.

I still can't hate that guy though.

Who can't? Storywise, he's a conniving madman, and gameplay wise he's annoying as hell to deal with.

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Caellach actually isn't that much of a pain to deal with in this chapter; it's Valter that makes this chapter slightly difficult. I remember Valter killed Cormag once...

What makes it even funnier is that Cormag's death quote goes something like this "Damn. My brother wouldn't have gone out like this."

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What makes it even funnier is that Cormag's death quote goes something like this "Damn. My brother wouldn't have gone out like this."

The funny thing is it's true; Valter pretty much cornered Glen and slaughtered him all by his lonesome. Cormag at least has backup if things go horribly wrong against Valter.

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I usually send Gerik (Ranger) to do battle with him. Best battle ever...


But, on this current playthrough Gerik is level 16 Merc, and I have yet to Promote him. So yea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
garcia is not a big deal anyway..

Not true. Garcia for me naturaly capped Str, speed, and hp. Coupled with Garm and hero, that equals win. The only stat booster I used was a talisman.

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