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Yes, because it's raining cats and dogs, am I right? :(

And to Death: Alright, I get you. It must be the difference in our peers. You, being your intelligent debate buddies, and me, being my un-smart friends (yes, I really said that). I can guarantee you that I have never heard of anything you mentioned actually occuring though.

You are being sarcastic, right? I don't see how a person would be intelligent saying that, or any friend of mine. I just happen to live around a lot of "religious nuts" and I am a member at some communities with a few less than bright human beings.

Count yourself lucky, you have my envy for not having to deal with it.

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Methinks Black Knight should stop jumping around trolling topics.

I'm serious.

Sire, I do not troll, nay I revile the word as I elocute it! I seek merely to illuminate the absurdities which dominate this discussion, with an aspiration only to enlighten, my lord.

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Sire, I do not troll, nay I revile the word as I elocute it! I seek merely to illuminate the absurdities which dominate this discussion, with an aspiration only to enlighten, my lord.


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Would you, as a person, feel comfortable in a communal shower with an openly gay service member?

If someone who is gay and wants to join the military, why should other soldier’s insecurities prevent the person who is homosexual to join the army?

Alternatively, are you trying to say that, a gay man would rape or sexually approach other soldiers in a communal shower? Just shows what people think of homosexual men.

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Getting back on topic, I think the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy should stay as is. Would you, as a person, feel comfortable in a communal shower with an openly gay service member?

DADT was a terrible idea, and has been cause for abuse, both of homosexuals and of heterosexuals. Familiar with "lesbian baiting"? DADT needs to be done away with, period.

I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable in a communal shower period, but I doubt the inclusion of openly gay members into the mix would really make it any worse. Might even take some of the apprehension away, as you would know who might be more likely to be looking at you, rather than being paranoid about everyone.

If someone who is gay and wants to join the military, why should other soldier’s insecurities prevent the person who is homosexual to join the army?

Alternatively, are you trying to say that, a gay man would rape or sexually approach other soldiers in a communal shower? Just shows what people think of homosexual men.

Judy, I think the objection is not necessarily confined to rape or sexual advances, but sometimes simply being ogled or sized up would be enough to put you on edge. That said, I fully agree with your first point, that the insecurities of others is not an issue to be held against gay servicemen.

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Judy, I think the objection is not necessarily confined to rape or sexual advances, but sometimes simply being ogled or sized up would be enough to put you on edge. That said, I fully agree with your first point, that the insecurities of others is not an issue to be held against gay servicemen.

Yes I agree with you. I went over the top with my second point. :(

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Getting back on topic, I think the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy should stay as is. Would you, as a person, feel comfortable in a communal shower with an openly gay service member?

The military used to have a policy of strict racial segregation because some soldiers felt extremly uncomfortable having to share their quarters and entrust their protection on the field to people who were of a different race than they were.

Needless to say, in spite of how uncomfortable some people felt, our moral sensabilities won out over what makes us comfortable. As they must here.

Edited by Black Knight
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You are being sarcastic, right? I don't see how a person would be intelligent saying that, or any friend of mine. I just happen to live around a lot of "religious nuts" and I am a member at some communities with a few less than bright human beings.

Count yourself lucky, you have my envy for not having to deal with it.

Huh? Apparently it wasn't made clear that I don't care if people think I'm smart/dumb. Seriously, I don't give a crap if my friends don't know everything about the world. They make life fun, and give you people a right to call yourselves "smart". How would you define an intelligent person if everybody had that ability?

And I find it funny how people actually consider themselves "smart". Why limit yourself?

And yeah, I live in the Bay Area...near San Francisco, XD.

Edited by Eltoshen
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Getting back on topic, I think the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy should stay as is. Would you, as a person, feel comfortable in a communal shower with an openly gay service member?

Considering I don't hold the pathetic, laughable delusion that homosexuals are insatiable rapists willing to pounce, yes.

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The military's policy is perfectly good, and I hope it doesn't change. When you're in the military, it doesn't matter what your orientation is, you're there to serve your country. They don't care if you're straight, gay, bisexual, transsexual, genderless, or whatever other orientations there are. It doesn't matter at all.

By the way, what rights do married couples have that gay's so desperately want? I don't really see what there is that's worth fighting so hard over. You can live with them and just about anything else without being married, can't you?

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By the way, what rights do married couples have that gay's so desperately want? I don't really see what there is that's worth fighting so hard over. You can live with them and just about anything else without being married, can't you?

There is no need for a benefit to exist for one to desire something, it's how human insatiability works. The very thought of marriage can, at times, be found as appealing, seen as some sort of course, are important to one's values, or otherwise should be in their segmentation of human rights.

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By the way, what rights do married couples have that gay's so desperately want? I don't really see what there is that's worth fighting so hard over. You can live with them and just about anything else without being married, can't you?


Enjoy. And also, benefits aside, not allowing it effectively makes homosexuals second class citizens, which this country is -supposed- to be against.

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By the way, what rights do married couples have that gay's so desperately want? I don't really see what there is that's worth fighting so hard over. You can live with them and just about anything else without being married, can't you?

I think that they look at it as a step towards being more equal. The way I look at it is the way I would look at women earning the right to vote; once you attain one milestone in civil rights, the interest group can work from that point to pursue other civil rights legislation for their respective groups. So if this were true for gay people (it might have to be since the right to vote isn't denied to homosexuals), then marriage would be a place they could work from to make sure there's less discrimination against them.

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The military's policy is perfectly good, and I hope it doesn't change. When you're in the military, it doesn't matter what your orientation is, you're there to serve your country. They don't care if you're straight, gay, bisexual, transsexual, genderless, or whatever other orientations there are. It doesn't matter at all.

By the way, what rights do married couples have that gay's so desperately want? I don't really see what there is that's worth fighting so hard over. You can live with them and just about anything else without being married, can't you?

Well not sure in America but in the UK. If two couple get married, they get automatic rights stated within the Act of Parliament. I can't remember the name of the act.

This includes stuff like Wills, benefits etc

If not, then you need to apply for a long procedure to obtain those legal rights like a married couple. Its very expensieve this procedure. This depends on what legal rights your applying for.

Plus strangely in the UK, married couples have a higher chance of getting employed O_o

I learnt that in statitics....

EDIT: MY god thats a lot of typos

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I don't have nothing against it, I respect other people's decisions and like Levin said "It doesn't harm anyone".

Once again with the gloriously false assertion that sexual orientation is a "decision." How many times does it have to be restated? Orientation is not a choice.

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Once again with the gloriously false assertion that sexual orientation is a "decision." How many times does it have to be restated? Orientation is not a choice.

I am afraid people will never believe that. Has it been proven what you are saying?

I mean any scientific evidence. I don't think orientation is a choice really but some people want proof TT_TT

Edited by Judge Judy
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By the way, what rights do married couples have that gay's so desperately want? I don't really see what there is that's worth fighting so hard over. You can live with them and just about anything else without being married, can't you?

I think it has something to do with being taxed less.

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