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Eirika vs. Ephraim



84 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's better?

    • Eirika
    • Ephraim

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Not a single stat comparison in 3 pages? This is madness!

Though seriously, I don't think anyone mentioned routes. Considering both characters are above average when available, it goes something like this:

Eph route Ephraim > Eph route Eirika

Eir route Eirika > Eir route Ephraim

So the only comparison with any purpose is Eph route Ephraim vs Eir route Eirika. But even then, Eirika has about a 6 chapter lead on Ephraim, so if Ephraim is to win, he has to win by quite a lot when he's around.

Upon route split:

Ephraim lv 8/0 (C Forde, C Kyle, iron lance): 26 hp, 18 Mt, 11 skl, 13 spd, 8 def, 3 res, 10 luck, 12 crit, 122 hit, 15 cev, 43 avo

Eirika lv 11/0 (B Seth, iron sword): 22 hp, 15 Mt, 13 skl, 14 spd, 8 def, 6 res, 10 luck, 11 crit, 131 hit, 15 cev, 43 avo

Ephraim leads slightly in durability (4 hp > 3 res) and in offence (3 MT > 1 spd) while everything else is more or less tied. Though, Ephraim also has a much better prf weapon than Eirika, and probably more uses left. Marginal win for Ephraim.

Jumping to promotion:

Ephraim lv 20/1 (A Forde, B Kyle, steel lance): 40 hp, 33 Mt, 21 skl, 17 spd, 16 def, 12 res, 16 luck, 30 crit, 163 hit, 28 cev, 67 avo

Eirika lv 20/1 (A Seth, B Tana, steel sword): 33 hp, 26 Mt, 21 skl, 17 spd, 16 def, 16 res, 16 luck, 27 crit, 145 hit, 28 cev, 57 avo

Now Ephraim is winning by quite a lot. He has a huge 7 Mt attack lead, and they share the same speed, which means Ephraim’s doing a whopping 14 damage more than Eirika when both double, which is rather often. He also leads durability with 7 hp and 10 avo > 4 res.

Now, to lazily look into the future, compare their growth rates:

Eirika: 70% hp, 40% str, 60% skl, 60% spd, 60% lck, 30% def, 30% res

Ephraim: 80% hp, 55% str, 45% spd, 50% lck, 35% def, 25% res

Difference (+ for Ephraim, - for Eirika): +10% hp, +15% str, -15% skl, -10% spd, -10% lck, +5% def, -5% res

What this tells us is that Ephraim will continue winning hp, strength and def, whereas Eirika will continue winning res. She does have other leads, but they won’t take much effect. For instance, a 10% speed lead just means that she’ll win speed by 1 in 10 levels, and both are doubling everything as it is. She also has a 30% avo growth lead, but Ephraim’s already ahead by 10, so she’ll never be able to close that gap.

Finally, I want to put more attention on supports. Eirika has a no brainer A support with Seth, but filling her B is quite an ordeal. Saleh, L’Arachel and Innes are all pretty bad (or at least worse than Ephraim’s supports), which leaves Tana, Forde and Ephraim. The Ephraim support is rather late considering it will only start like halfway through the desert chapter, and Forde has Kyle, Ephraim and Franz he could support earlier. So Eirika really is relying on that B Tana to fill in her support set, and Tana is really only an upper mid unit at best.

Ephraim, on the other hand, has Kyle, Forde, Duessel and Tana, all of which are lightning fast supports with good 2 way benefits. Clearly Ephraim having 4 viable support options > Eirika having 2, maybe 3, and Ephraim wins support speed regardless.

So yeah, I think there is overwhelming evidence of Eph route Ephraim > Eir route Eirika.

I greatly question your supports. The best is obviously Ephraim and Eirika supports, since they will be together after you get Eirika back. With 20/20 Eirika and Ephraim with A support, they could double almost anything.

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Okay, I just finished analyzing my first PT of TSS, and I convinced myself that Ephraim Route Eir>Eirika Route Eir. But, since PEMN, this is null and void.

In b4 90% of the people reading this vote Ephraim

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The best is obviously Ephraim and Eirika supports, since they will be together after you get Eirika back.

Everyone is together with at least one of the lords, except the other lord. You're not making any sense. Eirika would much rather take someone from earlygame (A Seth) and then someone from midgame (Tana, Forde, Saleh). Ephraim would take Kyle, Forde and Duessel before Eirika.

The lord that doesn't go on your route may want a support with the one you went with, but that one will have to perform worse for the midgame chapters in order to have room.

Ephraim beats Eirika in almost every way imaginable. I mean you're comparing Ephraim, a great lord, to the lamest one in the whole series.

Why does everyone hate Eirika so much? I've even seen people say Lyn > Eirika, when Eirika is better in every single way. Look at what Eirika gets. Good earlygame performance, Rapier, Seth support, and in endgame she has a personal weapon that OHKOs everything.

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Why does everyone hate Eirika so much? I've even seen people say Lyn > Eirika, when Eirika is better in every single way. Look at what Eirika gets. Good earlygame performance, Rapier, Seth support, and in endgame she has a personal weapon that OHKOs everything.

Good man.

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Why does everyone hate Eirika so much? I've even seen people say Lyn > Eirika, when Eirika is better in every single way. Look at what Eirika gets. Good earlygame performance, Rapier, Seth support, and in endgame she has a personal weapon that OHKOs everything.

I actually despise her for her lame personality. I'll admit, she's not that bad as a combat unit.

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They're both pretty awesome, but I like Ephraim better.

He has more strength and onerounds enemies much more reliably, doesn't have to rely on avoid (and criticals) and a better Prf weapon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lute is better then both :P

Anyway, I only played this game a few times since it was so damn easy and boring, but in those times, Ephraim performed better generally. His speed is lower, but not not low enough to never not be able to double enemies. And that combined with his strength makes kill really anything.

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Eirika, her defense growth is slightly lower, yeah, by 5%, Ephraim will be slower, he reaches 24 of speed and 26 of skill, he is like paladin with more strength.

Eirika: 24 str + 29 skill + 30 speed and luck = OMG! A mounted swormaster!

Ephraim: 27 str + 26 skill + 24 speed = Meh, another paladin-like lord with wyern lord str.

Eirika will get a good defense later on, mine is lvl 8 promoted and has 19 of defense, in my other file she has 15 defense and unpromoted(20/20) :o .

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Eirika can have my vote. I'll admit, ephraim is a much better unit, stronger, and better defense, his path is also the most fun. However, When you look at the story itself, Eirika is a stronger character. Ephraim takes on enemy after enemy, with very few men, and even spits in valters face when faced with quite a large army...but thats who he is, he's a general, and used to combat. He's of a fighting nature, and the choice to fight on just comes natural to him. Eirika on the other hand is weaker and more timid, and yet forces herself to go after her brother and do he part to end the war. Ephraim isnt courageous, its just who he is, a normal state of mind. Eirika is afraid, but pushes on anyways, that is real courage. In the end she wins my vote.

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Eirika can have my vote. I'll admit, ephraim is a much better unit, stronger, and better defense, his path is also the most fun. However, When you look at the story itself, Eirika is a stronger character. Ephraim takes on enemy after enemy, with very few men, and even spits in valters face when faced with quite a large army...but thats who he is, he's a general, and used to combat. He's of a fighting nature, and the choice to fight on just comes natural to him. Eirika on the other hand is weaker and more timid, and yet forces herself to go after her brother and do he part to end the war. Ephraim isnt courageous, its just who he is, a normal state of mind. Eirika is afraid, but pushes on anyways, that is real courage. In the end she wins my vote.

You must LOVE Neimi, don't you?

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Lol sadly i do, i just like the plot of characters more than stats i guess. Both girls are timid and not the strongest, yet do their all to fight in the war, whatever their reasons, its still pretty awesome in my books

you are my friend, sir.

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