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Jill Fizzart is a Dracoknight of Daein, and daughter of Shiharam Fizzart, a former Dracoknight of Begnion renowned for his honor. Raised as a soldier of Daein, she is initially hostile towards the Crimeans and their "sub-human" allies, but after being forced to travel with them, she eventually learns the error of her ways.


When Jill's father Shiharam became fed up with the corruption of the Begnion Senators, he took his dracoknight platoon and left for Daein. He was given rule over Talrega, a region of Daein near the Begnion border. Life there, however, was not much better, as he was forced to serve the likes of Mad King Ashnard and Petrine, one of the Four Riders. To make matters worse, Shiharam was forced to raise his only daughter to follow Daein beliefs, including blind prejudice towards the laguz, even when he himself did not believe them. Jill grew up loved by her father, but was guided by the ideals of Daein. She eventually followed in his footsteps and became of dracoknight of Daein under the command of Haar, both a trusted subordinate of Shiharam and someone Jill highly looks up to.

In Path of Radiance

Jill is first seen as part of the Daein army in the Crimean port city of Toha. After seeing the commotion caused by Ike's group and the laguz among them, she wishes to join the battle, but is ordered by Haar not to move unless attacked. When Ike's group manages to board the ship and leave, Jill once again wishes to pursue them, but Haar orders her to withdraw as they are due back in Daein. Despite this, Jill manages to sneak off on her own and catches up with the Ike's ship. Upon reaching the ship, however, she finds the ship under attack by raven laguz pirates. Putting her laguz racism above all else, she allies with Crimeans to fight a common enemy, the ravens. After the battle, however, Jill found herself forced to stick with the Crimean forces, as she could not fly far enough past the laguz lands without resting, nor could she defeat the Crimeans all on her own. Despite the tension between Ike and Jill due to their opposing ideals and goals, Ike let Jill stay until they reached Begnion. After fighting alongside Ike and witnessing events such as the dragon tribe aiding the beorc, Jill was forced to reconsider her own beliefs on the laguz, and she eventually decided to stay with Ike's group to ascertain the truth for herself. When the Crimean Army marched into Daein, Talrega was one of their first stops. At this point, Haar approached Jill at the Crimean camp, asking why Jill had decided to remain with the Crimeans. When Jill replied the she had come to see the laguz and the Crimeans in a new light, Haar gave his tacit approval. However, he warned her that to follow through with her convictions, she would need to be prepared to fight both himself and Shiharam.

Weary of Crimea's string of success, General Petrine ordered Shiharam to open Talrega's floodgates to slow down the Crimean Army, despite the damage it would cause to the surrounding farmlands. When the Crimean Army approached the Talrega floodgates, Shiharam proved to be a soldier to the end, following Petrine's orders to keep the floodgates open and stop the Crimean advance. Ike was left with no choice but to kill Shiharam in order to continue their march and minimize damage to the farmlands. After the battle, Ike confronted Jill saying that although he would understand if she wanted to take revenge on him, he would like her to stay. Despite the tragedies she faced, Jill continued on with the Crimeans forces. During their march back to Crimea, she met up with Haar at the Riven Bridge, and convinced him to join the Crimean army. Soon after, the Crimean army marched into Melior, where the Mad King finally fell. After Ashnard's defeat, Jill returns to Daein and starts up a wyvern courier service with Haar.

During the war, Jill becomes friends with Mist and Lethe, both of whom are key in changing Jill's worldview. Mist's open-hearted personality and her genuine desire to become friends wore down Jill's pride as a soldier of Daein, and the two became fast friends as they were of similar age. In Mist, Jill found someone whom she could confide her guilt about her past beliefs and her concerns about her father. Her relationship with Lethe was far more turbulent, as initially, Lethe wanted nothing to do with the Daein native. Frustrated by Jill's ignorance of the history of beorc-laguz relations, Lethe lectured her harshly, leaving a stunned Jill behind to ponder her lessons. After the battle at Talrega, it was Lethe who questioned Jill, curious as to why Jill decided to fight against her homeland and father. When Jill explained her reasons, Lethe begins to understand and offers to shake Jill's hand, a beorc custom of friendship.

In Radiant Dawn

After the Mad King's War, Jill starts up a wyvern courier service alongside Haar. However, at some point during the Begnion occupation of Daein, Jill and Haar become seperated, with Jill remaining in Daein. Despite having once fought against Daein and no longer sharing the country's anti-laguz ideals, Jill is still strongly loyal to her homeland, and decides to fight against the Begnion occupation forces. She eventually reunites with General Tauroneo and Zihark and joins the Daein Liberation Army under the banner of Crown Prince Pelleas, the forgotten "son" of former King Ashnard. Jill makes her first appearance in the game aiding Tauroneo and Zihark in defending the Prince from a Begnion army at their desert hideout. Despite the three Daein veterans' superior skills, they are vastly outnumbered and only manage to drive off the Begnion forces with the aid of the Dawn Brigade, led by Micaiah. After Izuka suggests that Micaiah lead the Daein Liberation Army thanks to her reputation as the "Silver-Haired Maiden," Micaiah reluctantly agrees, and Jill continues to fight under her command. Daein is eventually liberated, and Pelleas is placed on the throne as King. Afterwards, Jill remains in Daein to aid in its restoration.

After King Pelleas announces that the Daein Army will march against the Laguz Alliance, Jill obeys orders, but not without protest. She raised her concerns to Micaiah, but Micaiah expressed faith in Pelleas, something Jill could not agree with. Despite this, Jill aided the Daein Army in preventing the Laguz Alliance from crossing the Ribahn River in a nighttime ambush. Not long after, the Laguz Alliance made another attempt in crossing the river, this time with the aid of the Greil Mercenaries. At this point, it is possible that Jill to leaves the Daein forces and joins the Laguz Alliance.

If she rejoins the Greil Mercenaries, Jill aids them in escaping from Begnion. When the Apostle Sanaki declares her intentions to retake Sienne from the Senators, the Greil Mercenaries becomes part of the Apostle's Army, which is forced to march against Daein due to their continuous attacks on Crimea. In battle conversations against old friends, she expresses confusion and doubt as to why Daein has resorted to tactics that Micaiah would normally abhor.

If Jill remains with the Daein forces, she is forced to retreat from the Ribahn River back to Daein. After learning of the blood pact that King Pelleas was tricked into signing, she joins the fight against the Apostle's Army, knowing full well that if Daein held back, the Begnion Senators would unleash the curse of the blood pact on Daein. In battle conversations against old friends, she expresses regret for employing dirty tactics against the Apostle, but continues to fight for Daein regardless.

Regardless of who she fights for, the war between Daein and the Apostle's Army causes the chaos energy to spiral out of control, awakening the goddesses from their slumber. The goddess Ashera immediately passes her judgement on laguz and beorc alike, petrifying all but a small group. Jill joins the goddess Yune's cause in defeating Ashera and restoring the petrified people to normal. After Ashera is defeated, Micaiah cedes Talrega to Jill, who governs the region with the same ideals as those of her father. If she is paired with Haar at the end of the game, the two will marry.

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I might take a closer look at this sometime soon, but at first glance it looks pretty good. The one issue that I notice straight off is frequent tense shifting - I would just keep everything in the in Path of Radiance and in Radiant Dawn sections in the present tense. Also, I think the first part of the "Bio" section would be more appropriately titled Background.

One quick typo I also noticed: "She eventually followed in his footsteps and became (a) dracoknight..."

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At this point, it is possible that Jill to leaves the Daein forces and joins the Laguz Alliance.

I had a problem with a similar sentence in the Zihark article. So, I'll copy, paste and edit my suggestion here.

To me, it sounds as if she disappears, and she is theorized to have joined Ike rather than it just it being a story branch. Elaboration seems to be a problem here. Maybe something similar to this is the better choice?: "At this point, it is possible for Jill to leave the Daein forces and join the Laguz Alliance."

Also, there were tense and grammar errors in this sentence to begin with.

When the Apostle Sanaki declares her intentions to retake Sienne from the Senators, the Greil Mercenaries becomes part of the Apostle's Army, which is forced to march against Daein due to their continuous attacks on Crimea.

"The Greil Mercenaries becomes part of the Apostle's Army" has a subject-verb disagreement. Take out the "s" in "becomes".

In battle conversations against old friends, she expresses regret for employing dirty tactics against the Apostle, but continues to fight for Daein regardless.
Since the sentence after this one (in the next paragraph) starts with the word "regardless", it being in this sentence creates redundancy issues. Maybe you can replace it with a word like "anyhow" or "nonetheless"?
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I had a problem with a similar sentence in the Zihark article. So, I'll copy, paste and edit my suggestion here.

To me, it sounds as if she disappears, and she is theorized to have joined Ike rather than it just it being a story branch. Elaboration seems to be a problem here. Maybe something similar to this is the better choice?: "At this point, it is possible for Jill to leave the Daein forces and join the Laguz Alliance."

Aside from the typo I didn't notice earlier ("to leaves"), that sounds fine.

Also, there were tense and grammar errors in this sentence to begin with.

"The Greil Mercenaries becomes part of the Apostle's Army" has a subject-verb disagreement. Take out the "s" in "becomes".

Actually, I wasn't sure about this myself. "The Greil Mercenaries" is the name of a single group. If it was something like "The Greil Company", it would be "becomes" rather than "become", right? I guess "becomes" sounds better in this case though.

Since the sentence after this one (in the next paragraph) starts with the word "regardless", it being in this sentence creates redundancy issues. Maybe you can replace it with a word like "anyhow" or "nonetheless"?

"nonetheless" sounds fine.

I might take a closer look at this sometime soon, but at first glance it looks pretty good. The one issue that I notice straight off is frequent tense shifting - I would just keep everything in the in Path of Radiance and in Radiant Dawn sections in the present tense. Also, I think the first part of the "Bio" section would be more appropriately titled Background.

One quick typo I also noticed: "She eventually followed in his footsteps and became (a) dracoknight..."

Yeah, missed that typo. And yeah, I've always had problems with tenses, so help there is appreciated. I wasn't exactly sure about the "Background" though, since I didn't want to put too many headers.

I was also wondering if I should revise Radiant Dawn section of the bio. Since her story role in RD is very similar to Zihark's, I copied some sentences over just to make things easier on me. For the sake of character individuality, I thought I should try to make her bio more unique, too.

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Actually, I wasn't sure about this myself. "The Greil Mercenaries" is the name of a single group. If it was something like "The Greil Company", it would be "becomes" rather than "become", right? I guess "becomes" sounds better in this case though.

"nonetheless" sounds fine.

Another typo - I meant "I guess 'become' sounds better"

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Yeah, missed that typo. And yeah, I've always had problems with tenses, so help there is appreciated. I wasn't exactly sure about the "Background" though, since I didn't want to put too many headers.

If you'd like, I could go through and point out the places where the tense shifting is a problem. If you've got it figured out yourself at this point that's fine, too; I just didn't know if that was what you meant by "help there is appreciated."

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If you'd like, I could go through and point out the places where the tense shifting is a problem. If you've got it figured out yourself at this point that's fine, too; I just didn't know if that was what you meant by "help there is appreciated."

If you could point out any tensing problems (or any problems for that matter) and offer suggestions, that'd be great. I'm going to be busy for a while thanks to school, though, so I won't be able to get back to this for a while.

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Alrighty, here's my revision of the tenses, plus one or two extra small things I caught during the process. I left the Bio section in past tense, since it makes sense that way, and made everything else more uniform.


Jill Fizzart is a Dracoknight of Daein, and daughter of Shiharam Fizzart, a former Dracoknight of Begnion renowned for his honor. Raised as a soldier of Daein, she is initially hostile towards the Crimeans and their "sub-human" allies, but after being forced to travel with them, she eventually learns the error of her ways.


When Jill's father Shiharam became fed up with the corruption of the Begnion Senators, he took his dracoknight platoon and left for Daein. He was given rule over Talrega, a region of Daein near the Begnion border. Life there, however, was not much better, as he was forced to serve the likes of Mad King Ashnard and Petrine, one of the Four Riders. To make matters worse, Shiharam was forced to raise his only daughter to follow Daein beliefs, including blind prejudice towards the laguz, even when he himself did not believe them. Jill grew up loved by her father, but was guided by the ideals of Daein. She eventually followed in his footsteps and became of dracoknight of Daein under the command of Haar, both a trusted subordinate of Shiharam and someone Jill highly looks up to.

In Path of Radiance

Jill is first seen as part of the Daein army in the Crimean port city of Toha. After seeing the commotion caused by Ike's group and the laguz among them, she wishes to join the battle, but is ordered by Haar not to move unless attacked. When Ike's group manages to board the ship and leave, Jill once again wishes to pursue them, but Haar orders her to withdraw as they are due back in Daein. Despite this, Jill manages to sneak off on her own and catches up with the Ike's ship. Upon reaching the ship, however, she finds the ship under attack by raven laguz pirates. Putting her laguz racism above all else, she allies with Crimeans to fight a common enemy, the ravens. After the battle, however, Jill (finds) herself forced to stick with the Crimean forces, as she (can) not fly far enough past the laguz lands without resting, nor (can) she defeat the Crimeans all on her own. Despite the tension between Ike and Jill due to their opposing ideals and goals, Ike let(s) Jill stay until they (reach) Begnion. After fighting alongside Ike and witnessing events such as the dragon tribe aiding the beorc, Jill (is) forced to reconsider her own beliefs on the laguz, and she eventually decide(s) to stay with Ike's group to ascertain the truth for herself. When the Crimean Army marche(s) into Daein, Talrega (is) one of their first stops. At this point, Haar approache(s) Jill at the Crimean camp, asking why Jill ha(s) decided to remain with the Crimeans. When Jill replie(s) (that) she ha(s) come to see the laguz and the Crimeans in a new light, Haar (gives) his tacit approval. However, he warn(s) her that to follow through with her convictions, she (will) need to be prepared to fight both himself and Shiharam.

Weary of Crimea's string of success, General Petrine order(s) Shiharam to open Talrega's floodgates to slow down the Crimean Army, despite the damage it ((would) will? not entirely sure here) cause to the surrounding farmlands. When the Crimean Army approache(s) the Talrega floodgates, Shiharam prove(s) to be a soldier to the end, following Petrine's orders to keep the floodgates open and stop the Crimean advance. Ike (is) left with no choice but to kill Shiharam in order to continue their march and minimize damage to the farmlands. After the battle, Ike confront(s) Jill saying that although he would understand if she wanted to take revenge on him, he would like her to stay. Despite the tragedies she (has) faced, Jill continue(s) on with the Crimeans forces. During their march back to Crimea, she (meets) up with Haar at the Riven Bridge, and convince(s) him to join the Crimean army. Soon after, the Crimean army marche(s) into Melior, where the Mad King finally (falls). After Ashnard's defeat, Jill returns to Daein and starts up a wyvern courier service with Haar.

During the war, Jill becomes friends with Mist and Lethe, both of whom are key in changing Jill's worldview. Mist's open-hearted personality and her genuine desire to become friends (wear) down Jill's pride as a soldier of Daein, and the two (become) fast friends as they (are) of similar age. In Mist, Jill (finds) someone (in) whom she (can) confide her guilt about her past beliefs and her concerns about her father. Her relationship with Lethe (is) far more turbulent, as initially, Lethe want(s) nothing to do with the Daein native. Frustrated by Jill's ignorance of the history of beorc-laguz relations, Lethe lecture(s) her harshly, leaving a stunned Jill behind to ponder her lessons. After the battle at Talrega, it (is) Lethe who question(s) Jill, curious as to why Jill decided to fight against her homeland and father. When Jill explain(s) her reasons, Lethe begins to understand and offers to shake Jill's hand, a beorc custom of friendship.

In Radiant Dawn

After the Mad King's War, Jill starts up a wyvern courier service alongside Haar. However, at some point during the Begnion occupation of Daein, Jill and Haar become sep(a)rated, with Jill remaining in Daein. Despite having once fought against Daein and no longer sharing the country's anti-laguz ideals, Jill is still strongly loyal to her homeland, and decides to fight against the Begnion occupation forces. She eventually reunites with General Tauroneo and Zihark and joins the Daein Liberation Army under the banner of Crown Prince Pelleas, the forgotten "son" of former King Ashnard. Jill makes her first appearance in the game aiding Tauroneo and Zihark in defending the Prince from a Begnion army at their desert hideout. Despite the three Daein veterans' superior skills, they are vastly outnumbered and only manage to drive off the Begnion forces with the aid of the Dawn Brigade, led by Micaiah. After Izuka suggests that Micaiah lead the Daein Liberation Army thanks to her reputation as the "Silver-Haired Maiden," Micaiah reluctantly agrees, and Jill continues to fight under her command. Daein is eventually liberated, and Pelleas is placed on the throne as King. Afterwards, Jill remains in Daein to aid in its restoration.

After King Pelleas announces that the Daein Army will march against the Laguz Alliance, Jill obeys orders, but not without protest. She raise(s) her concerns to Micaiah, but Micaiah expresse(s) faith in Pelleas, something Jill (can) not agree with. Despite this, Jill aid(s) the Daein Army in preventing the Laguz Alliance from crossing the Ribahn River in a nighttime ambush. Not long after, the Laguz Alliance ma(kes) another attempt in crossing the river, this time with the aid of the Greil Mercenaries. At this point, it is possible that Jill to leaves the Daein forces and joins the Laguz Alliance.

If she rejoins the Greil Mercenaries, Jill aids them in escaping from Begnion. When the Apostle Sanaki declares her intentions to retake Sienne from the Senators, the Greil Mercenaries become s part of the Apostle's Army, which is forced to march against Daein due to their continuous attacks on Crimea. In battle conversations against old friends, she expresses confusion and doubt as to why Daein has resorted to tactics that Micaiah would normally abhor.

If Jill remains with the Daein forces, she is forced to retreat from the Ribahn River back to Daein. After learning of the blood pact that King Pelleas was tricked into signing, she joins the fight against the Apostle's Army, knowing full well that if Daein (holds) back, the Begnion Senators (will) unleash the curse of the blood pact on Daein. In battle conversations against old friends, she expresses regret for employing dirty tactics against the Apostle, but continues to fight for Daein regardless.

Regardless of who she fights for, the war between Daein and the Apostle's Army causes the chaos energy to spiral out of control, awakening the goddesses from their slumber. The goddess Ashera immediately passes her judgement on laguz and beorc alike, petrifying all but a small group. Jill joins the goddess Yune's cause in defeating Ashera and restoring the petrified people to normal. After Ashera is defeated, Micaiah cedes Talrega to Jill, who governs the region with the same ideals as those of her father. If she is paired with Haar at the end of the game, the two will marry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the delay.

Thanks for the input Mitoya. I've updated the bio along with the suggestions everyone else made:



Jill Fizzart is a Dracoknight of Daein, and daughter of Shiharam Fizzart, a former Dracoknight of Begnion renowned for his honor. Raised as a soldier of Daein, she is initially hostile towards the Crimeans and their "sub-human" allies, but after being forced to travel with them, she eventually learns the error of her ways.


When Jill's father Shiharam became fed up with the corruption of the Begnion Senators, he took his dracoknight platoon and left for Daein. He was given rule over Talrega, a region of Daein near the Begnion border. Life there, however, was not much better, as he was forced to serve the likes of Mad King Ashnard and Petrine, one of the Four Riders. To make matters worse, Shiharam was forced to raise his only daughter to follow Daein beliefs, including blind prejudice towards the laguz, even when he himself did not believe them. Jill grew up loved by her father, but was guided by the ideals of Daein. She eventually followed in his footsteps and became of dracoknight of Daein under the command of Haar, both a trusted subordinate of Shiharam and someone Jill highly looks up to.

In Path of Radiance

Jill is first seen as part of the Daein army in the Crimean port city of Toha. After seeing the commotion caused by Ike's group and the laguz among them, she wishes to join the battle, but is ordered by Haar not to move unless attacked. When Ike's group manages to board the ship and leave, Jill once again wishes to pursue them, but Haar orders her to withdraw as they are due back in Daein. Despite this, Jill manages to sneak off on her own and catches up with Ike's ship. Upon reaching the ship, however, she finds the ship under attack by raven laguz pirates. Putting her laguz racism above all else, she allies with Crimeans to fight a common enemy, the ravens. After the battle, however, Jill finds herself forced to stick with the Crimean forces, as she cannot fly far enough past the laguz lands without resting, nor can she defeat the Crimeans all on her own. Despite the tension between Ike and Jill due to their opposing ideals and goals, Ike lets Jill stay until they reach Begnion. After fighting alongside Ike and witnessing events such as the dragon tribe aiding the beorc, Jill is forced to reconsider her own beliefs on the laguz, and she eventually decides to stay with Ike's group to ascertain the truth for herself. When the Crimean Army marches into Daein, Talrega is one of their first stops. At this point, Haar approaches Jill at the Crimean camp, asking why Jill has decided to remain with the Crimeans. When Jill replies that she has come to see the laguz and the Crimeans in a new light, Haar gives his tacit approval. However, he warns her that to follow through with her convictions, she will need to be prepared to fight both himself and Shiharam.

Weary of Crimea's string of success, General Petrine orders Shiharam to open Talrega's floodgates to slow down the Crimean Army, despite the damage it would cause to the surrounding farmlands. When the Crimean Army approaches the Talrega floodgates, Shiharam proves to be a soldier to the end, following Petrine's orders to keep the floodgates open and stop the Crimean advance. Ike is left with no choice but to kill Shiharam in order to continue their march and minimize damage to the farmlands. After the battle, Ike confronts Jill saying that although he would understand if she wanted to take revenge on him, he would like her to stay. Despite the tragedies she has faced, Jill continues on with the Crimeans forces. During their march back to Crimea, she meets up with Haar at the Riven Bridge, and convinces him to join the Crimean army. Soon after, the Crimean army marches into Melior, where the Mad King finally falls. After Ashnard's defeat, Jill returns to Daein and starts up a wyvern courier service with Haar.

During the war, Jill becomes friends with Mist and Lethe, both of whom are key in changing Jill's worldview. Mist's open-hearted personality and genuine desire to become friends woear down Jill's pride as a soldier of Daein, and the two become fast friends as they were of similar age. In Mist, Jill finds someone in whom she can confide her guilt about her past beliefs and her concerns about her father. Her relationship with Lethe is far more turbulent, as initially, Lethe wants nothing to do with the Daein native. Frustrated by Jill's ignorance of the history of beorc-laguz relations, Lethe lectures her harshly, leaving a stunned Jill behind to ponder her lessons. After the battle at Talrega, it is Lethe who questions Jill, curious as to why Jill decided to fight against her homeland and father. When Jill explains her reasons, Lethe begins to understand and offers to shake Jill's hand, a beorc custom of friendship.

In Radiant Dawn

After the Mad King's War, Jill starts up a wyvern courier service alongside Haar. However, at some point during the Begnion occupation of Daein, Jill and Haar become separated, with Jill remaining in Daein. Despite having once fought against Daein and no longer sharing the country's anti-laguz ideals, Jill is still strongly loyal to her homeland, and decides to fight against the Begnion occupation forces. She eventually reunites with General Tauroneo and Zihark and joins the Daein Liberation Army under the banner of Crown Prince Pelleas, the forgotten "son" of former King Ashnard. Jill makes her first appearance in the game aiding Tauroneo and Zihark in defending the Prince from a Begnion army at their desert hideout. Despite the three Daein veterans' superior skills, they are vastly outnumbered and only manage to drive off the Begnion forces with the aid of the Dawn Brigade, led by Micaiah. After Izuka suggests that Micaiah lead the Daein Liberation Army thanks to her reputation as the "Silver-Haired Maiden," Micaiah reluctantly agrees, and Jill continues to fight under her command. Daein is eventually liberated, and Pelleas is placed on the throne as King. Afterwards, Jill remains in Daein to aid in its restoration.

After King Pelleas announces that the Daein Army will march against the Laguz Alliance, Jill obeys orders, but not without protest. She raises her concerns to Micaiah, but Micaiah expresses faith in Pelleas, something Jill could not agree with. Despite this, Jill aids the Daein Army in preventing the Laguz Alliance from crossing the Ribahn River in a nighttime ambush. Not long after, the Laguz Alliance makes another attempt in crossing the river, this time with the aid of the Greil Mercenaries. At this point, it is possible for Jill to leave the Daein forces and join the Laguz Alliance.

If she rejoins the Greil Mercenaries, Jill aids them in escaping from Begnion. When the Apostle Sanaki declares her intentions to retake Sienne from the Senators, the Greil Mercenaries becomes part of the Apostle's Army, which is forced to march against Daein due to their continuous attacks on Crimea. In battle conversations against old friends, she expresses confusion and doubt as to why Daein has resorted to tactics that Micaiah would normally abhor.

If Jill remains with the Daein forces, she is forced to retreat from the Ribahn River back to Daein. After learning of the blood pact that King Pelleas was tricked into signing, she joins the fight against the Apostle's Army, knowing full well that if Daein holds back, the Begnion Senators will unleash the curse of the blood pact on Daein. In battle conversations against old friends, she expresses regret for employing dirty tactics against the Apostle, but continues to fight for Daein nonetheless.

Regardless of who she fights for, the war between Daein and the Apostle's Army causes the chaos energy to spiral out of control, awakening the goddesses from their slumber. The goddess Ashera immediately passes her judgement on laguz and beorc alike, petrifying all but a small group. Jill joins the goddess Yune's cause in defeating Ashera and restoring the petrified people to normal. After Ashera is defeated, Micaiah cedes Talrega to Jill, who governs the region with the same ideals as those of her father. If she is paired with Haar at the end of the game, the two will marry.

If there's anything else, feel free to comment.

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Jill Fizzart is a Dracoknight of Daein, and (the?) daughter of Shiharam Fizzart, a former Dracoknight of Begnion renowned for his honor. Raised as a soldier of Daein, she is initially hostile towards the Crimeans and their "sub-human" allies, but after being forced to travel with them, she eventually learns the error of her ways.
She eventually followed in his footsteps and became (a) dracoknight of Daein
both a trusted subordinate of Shiharam and someone Jill highly look(ed) up to.

To make it follow with the past tense towards the beginning of the sentence.

Despite the tragedies she has faced, Jill continues on with the Crimeans forces
Mist's open-hearted personality and genuine desire to become friends woear down Jill's pride as a soldier of Daein

Is that supposed to be "wear down"?

After the Mad King's War, Jill starts up a wyvern courier service alongside Haar.

Towards the end of the PoR bio, you already mentioned this. So I think you'd need to alter it slightly. Perhaps instead of "starts up" you could have "runs"? Although I'm not sure if that changes the timeliness enough.

Otherwise, I think it looks great.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Jill Fizzart is a Dracoknight of Daein, and the daughter of Shiharam Fizzart, a former Dracoknight of Begnion renowned for his honor. Raised as a soldier of Daein, she is initially hostile towards the Crimeans and their "sub-human" allies, but after being forced to travel with them, she eventually learns the error of her ways.

She eventually followed in his footsteps and became a dracoknight of Daein

both a trusted subordinate of Shiharam and someone Jill highly looked up to.

Despite the tragedies she has faced, Jill continues on with the Crimean forces

Mist's open-hearted personality and genuine desire to become friends wear down Jill's pride as a soldier of Daein

After the Mad King's War, Jill runs a wyvern courier service alongside Haar.

I've made all of the suggested changes. I'm not 100% sure about the "someone Jill highly looked up to" part, since Jill looks up to Haar throughout the entire series, but I think the past tense is grammatically correct. The only thing I can think of adding is some more detail relating to her battle conversations in part 3 and part 4, but the article might already be long enough.

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Thanks. I've added a page for the article now. If you do decide to add something about her battle conversations, I'll edit the page accordingly ^^

Also, what name would you like to be credited under? For now, I simply used your guest name.

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