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Steven Tyler

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funny thing about the timing on this.

[03:03] * Rei is now known as Rei{Masturbating}

[03:03] <Rei{Masturbating}> There you go boys

[03:03] <Yosuke|Bed> my bed is WHAT THE FUCK

[03:03] <Yosuke|Bed> *stifles laughter*

[03:03] <herro> xDDDD

[03:03] <Yosuke|Bed> oh god

[03:03] <Luxord> looks like a water bed to me

[03:03] <Yosuke|Bed> oHHHH GOOOOOOOD

[03:03] <herro> Ohyes

[03:03] <Yosuke|Bed> TOO FUNNY

[03:03] <Luxord> may I join you Yosuke

[03:03] <Yosuke|Bed> *makes topic "A FEMALE SF MEMBER MASTURBATED LAST NIGHT"

[03:03] <herro> xDDDD

[03:03] <Yosuke|Bed> *and watches all the sad boy's cocks shoot up*

[03:03] <herro> OLOL xPPP

[03:04] <Luxord> lo

[03:04] <Shinespark> Wow Masu...it wasn't that funny.

[03:04] <Shinespark> Lol

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> no

[03:04] <Luxord> *LOL*

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> its funny

[03:04] <Rei{Masturbating}> You act as if females masturbating is a holy event.

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> shinespark

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> who u be???

[03:04] <Luxord> LOL

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> it totally never happens rei

[03:04] <Rei{Masturbating}> One which the whole world rejoices for

[03:04] <herro> Not really it happens all the time for Shinespark

[03:04] <Luxord> does Yosuke have boobies?

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> no girls masturbate

[03:04] <Rei{Masturbating}> SHIN

[03:04] <Rei{Masturbating}> SHINE

[03:04] <herro> He has a whole house of whores in his basement <3

[03:04] <Rei{Masturbating}> SPAAAAAARKU

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> girls dont have sexual urges

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> its not possible

[03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> *total sarcasm*

[03:05] <Luxord> of course they have sexual urges

[03:05] <Luxord> just guys more horny

[03:05] <Rei{Masturbating}> lol

[03:05] <Yosuke|Bed> [03:04] <Yosuke|Bed> *total sarcasm*

[03:05] <Rei{Masturbating}> You sure about that?

[03:05] <Yosuke|Bed> actually

[03:05] <Luxord> sounds more like a orgasm

[03:05] <Yosuke|Bed> girls probably have more urgers

[03:05] <Yosuke|Bed> *urges

[03:05] <herro> OMGGGG

[03:05] <Rei{Masturbating}> Guys are MORE open about it

[03:05] <Luxord> yes I suppose

[03:05] <Rei{Masturbating}> But doesn't mean they are more horney.

[03:05] <Kialha> true!!!!!!!!

[03:05] <herro> We have a miracle

[03:05] <Rei{Masturbating}> ^_^

[03:05] <Yosuke|Bed> but whatever its nothing new or important to me

[03:05] <Yosuke|Bed> im goin to seep for reals now

[03:05] * Kialha is now known as Kia`sickinbed

[03:05] <herro> Chicks tend to be more horny anyway

[03:05] <Luxord> your the first girl I met who said openly me masturbating o_o

[03:06] <herro> <Luxord> your the first girl I met who said openly me masturbating o_o <=== that's the only girl you met.

[03:06] <herro> Too bad she was on the internet ;)

[03:06] <Yosuke|Bed> O DAYUM

[03:06] <Shinespark> Lol

[03:06] <Shinespark> Masu's never going to sleep. :P

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God you guys are so fucking stupid sometimes. The only acceptable excuse is that you are all in the 6th grade, and I know that isn't true.

Now I have to go browse another forum for an hour or so until my faith in mankind is restored.

I recognized the pun when I saw it. You didn't?

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You aren't the one who I think is a moron from that, though you were once again begging for it. lol

Boredom hun, boredom.

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Hey, they're the ones that were like "OMG gurl masturbating!" I just fed the flames cause I was bored ^_^

I find it quite funny that some men don't think girls masturbate. Oh god, I would had a fun time fuckin' with people.

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