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Jamka's really pissing me off right now

Father Wood

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No matter what I do he always kills someone. And you can't rely on the RNG it's always the same thing! Random Number Generator hah! More like Repeated Number Gayness! :angry:

Seriously how're you supposed to recruit the guy? You've got to get Aideen in his range in order for her to reach him on the next turn, it's impossible to run away in the trees with all your horsies, and he's got a critical bow with a supremely cheap skill combination that even Sigurd has a hard time surviving! What the hell!?

I suppose you could surround him but this is hardly possible with everyone being in a forest.

Guess I'm gonna have to kill the guy, it's such a shame he seems really good. :(

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Do NOT kill Jamka. Seriously that would be the worst idea. I think Dierdre and Alec are immune to criticals (Nihil negates criticals). But what I do is make sure the other guys (brigands I think) fill up the thin path so that Jamka can't even move to you.

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Don't kill Jamka. His Killer Bow is too good to be wasted. (even though you can get it in 2nd Gen, but still.) ;-;

You can use Alec as your bait, or you can follow my way by using Sigurd as the bait instead. :>

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Don't kill Jamka. His Killer Bow is too good to be wasted. (even though you can get it in 2nd Gen, but still.) ;-;

You can use Alec as your bait, or you can follow my way by using Sigurd as the bait instead. :>

Or you can just be lucky and hope that he only does one hit.

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Let Aideen walk to him on her own after killing some of his men. She should be able to dodge most of the axe blows, and Jamka doesn't attack her. There's absolutely no need to bait Jamka with anyone, you gain practically nothing by it except a chance to get killed.

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Why don't you just retreat back to the castle, save your game, put Sigurd on top of the castle, then hope that Jamka doesn't kill him?

Or better yet, take advantage of Jamkas impaired movement in the forests, and put Aideen not on the forests, but prepared to speak to him once he's barely out of the forest?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Ah it's too late, I already killed him and saved it, but the thing is, I can't see how I could have done it. On my turn almost all the brigands were dead and Jamka was gonna kill someone no matter what I did. He was even criticalling Sigurd turn after turn. Eh, maybe next playthrough.

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Ah it's too late, I already killed him and saved it, but the thing is, I can't see how I could have done it. On my turn almost all the brigands were dead and Jamka was gonna kill someone no matter what I did. He was even criticalling Sigurd turn after turn. Eh, maybe next playthrough.

That's to bad he's really good but I killed him on my first playthrough and I still finished it.

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He's not needed for anything, and he isn't a good partner for Aideen anyway.

Except that he is, if you aren't using the Pursuit Ring elsewhere.

He's just a good unit.

Who comes with the possibly best regular bow.

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NO! jamka too good! if you have to sac someone (one of the calvary) to get him.

This reminded me of something

The first time I played the (it was in Japanese) I thought Alec had to recruit him because they looked alike so I assumed they were related and I thought it was too much effort so I killed him.

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Not that I've ever done either pairing but Jamka is much better than Midir, so Lana and Lester would be better.

Irrelevant. You can be a good unit and still suck as a father for certain children.

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You can be a good unit and still suck as a father for certain children.

How does that make sense?

Lester will have his growths and more, so Lester will be better with a good unit for a father.

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How does that make sense?

Lester will have his growths and more, so Lester will be better with a good unit for a father.

You have to take skill sets and other possible pairings in consideration, as well. :/

Edited by Beowulf
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You have to take skill sets and other possible pairings in consideration, as well. :/

The kids have continue and charge instead of pursuit that doesn't sound like much of a sacrafice.

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I always have a fair bit more trouble recruiting Ayra than I do with Jamka because you actually need to move Alec or somebody into her firing range or she'll attack Sigurd and get killed shortly after ;-;

Jamka I just wait until he comes out of the trees and then have Aideen talk to him straight away.

I suppose he isn't needed. Lack of Killer Bow is bleh though.

At least you get the Hero Bow.

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