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Intelligent Life in Outer Space


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Whoops, sorry, I'm Athiest. What I meant to say was "Of course there is intelligent life in outer space."

What does that have to do with being Atheist? My parents are hardcore Christians and they believe there's life away from Earth.

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What does that have to do with being Atheist? My parents are hardcore Christians and they believe there's life away from Earth.

According to devout Christians, the universe is pretty much entirely centered around humans.

this whole thread's kind of pointless because there's already life on Earth that isn't humans, animals, things everyone knows so much about, etc.

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According to devout Christians, the universe is pretty much entirely centered around humans.

this whole thread's kind of pointless because there's already life on Earth that isn't humans, animals, things everyone knows so much about, etc.

A few hundred years ago, the Earth was the center of the universe according to devout Christians.

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There may be some life out there, but I doubt there will be intelligent life. Especially no creature at exactly the same stage of intelligence as us. Just think, the universe has been around for (insert ginormous number I don't know here) years. There may have BEEN intelligent life, but it died already, or there may be intelligent life in the future.

I find it unlikely that there is INTELLIGENT life right now, but I think it is fairly likely that at some point in the time there is/was intelligent life somewhere in the universe. I do think that there is some sort of life out there right now, however.

Edited by Urvan
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According to devout Christians, the universe is pretty much entirely centered around humans.

this whole thread's kind of pointless because there's already life on Earth that isn't humans, animals, things everyone knows so much about, etc.

Because Christians several centuries ago were not thinking about science when they wrote their holy scriptures. Pope Leo the XIII said it himself. ;)

And does that say anything about life on other places? No. We know life exists here because of certain predetermined conditions, and since the only other place in the universe that seems to have those conditions is one of Jupiter's moons...

What it all comes down to? Stop pretending you know everything and look your fucking facts up before you post, idiot.

Edited by Edgard Varése
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I believe so, we can't seriously be the only beings on this universe.

Anyways, scientest found in Mars some type of gas that supposedly belongs to some beings.

And many years ago, Earth sended a signal to space...and "they" awsered back.

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Hmmm...i find it arrogant to think that Earth is the only planet to have complex and intelligent lifeforms..i also find it wrong..

When i was around 4 years old, something happened to me that made me truly believe that there are other forms of life in the universe..(I'll just leave it at that)

the Universe is so very vast, no one (on this planet) can truly know whats really out there but i will always believe that there are other civilizations out there...(and visiting us)

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No, because I won't believe it until I see it. The Earth is pretty much the only habitable planet for life-forms, unless there were other planets out there with a similar composition. The only living things that can survive on other planets are micro organisms, but they aren't exactly intelligent. Also, we can't assume that aliens automatically have better technology than us, otherwise they would've already contacted us.

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@Flo, lol.. Let me take a stab in the dark, you were probed?

you know, i dont know :lol:

alls i remember was seeing weird lights and all the sudden they were gone in an instant but for some reason 3 hours passed...

weird stuff...

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That is actually a somewhat common claim, or at least was. I just realized I might watch the Discovery and History channels too much.

Is, after they visit those doctors that use hypnosis on you, I guess. I think the whole probe thing is bogus, anyways; if they are intelligent and have flying spacecraft, by then they'd probably also have the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything (and this time, it's not 42), and even if they don't they wouldn't need to do so many probes since the only thing they could glean from that is anatomical structures at best.

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Just for the record, I don't believe in all of the probings and all of that, I have the same opinion as Revan on this.

Like I said, I just watch the Discovery and History channels too much. My inhuman hatred for Nostradamus proves it.

LOL! why the Nostradamus hate?

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He was full of shit. I can say 1,000 vague things will happen at some point in the future, and before this race dies out I bet you something will happen to fit a few.

And also, let's not forget the glaring end of the world prediction that didn't come true: 1999. Ten years later we're still standing here.

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Dolphins are inteligent. They tried to warn us about the end of the world, but we interperetted it as complex attemps to jump through hoops and stuff.


I guess when you put it like that, everything's tried to warn us of the end of the world a some point or another...

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He was full of shit. I can say 1,000 vague things will happen at some point in the future, and before this race dies out I bet you something will happen to fit a few.

Also, every time they predict something ahead of time, it turns out wrong. Then they say, "Oh, we misinterpreted what he was saying."

But he is very famous, so I think I'll follow in his footsteps. Here's my first prediction:

"Someone will die today." Eh? Eh? Pretty good, huh?

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Dolphins are inteligent. They tried to warn us about the end of the world, but we interperetted it as complex attemps to jump through hoops and stuff.

What they are really saying is simply this: So Long, and thanks for all the Fish!


Nostradamus's quatrains about the antichrists are a bunch of hooey i agree.. i dont believe in antichrists..

I dont know if he was a real prophet or not but i enjoy reading and watching shit about him...i find prophecy of all sorts fascinating (whether it comes true or not)

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No, because I won't believe it until I see it. The Earth is pretty much the only habitable planet for life-forms,
Who the fuck are you to say this? (More importantly, who the fuck are you to pontificate like you know something when it's clear you're clueless?)
unless there were other planets out there with a similar composition.
Or unless other intelligent life doesn't use the same nitrogenous-base DNA. Or unless other intelligent life doesn't metabolize Terran atmospheres. Or unless they don't have any number of other aspects in common with humans that you oh-so-stupidly immediately assume.
The only living things that can survive on other planets are micro organisms, but they aren't exactly intelligent.
The only living things that we know of. Who are you to say there isn't something that's a complete paradigm shift away right around the next corner?
Also, we can't assume that aliens automatically have better technology than us, otherwise they would've already contacted us.
What basis do you have for such a stupid, stupid claim?

Maybe they have the intergalactic equivalent of isolationism on their hands.

Maybe they've grokked our radio broadcasts and figured that hey, we don't like them, let's avoid them.

Or the really obvious one: maybe they're too far away. When you understand how speed c affects any possible intergalactic mingling, then you will have the basis of a clue to comment on this thread.

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