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Prayer Before Inaugaration?


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Anybody find it funny how there were two prayers held during the inauguration?

Separation of Church and state? Meh, I don't know. Personally, I think it's just a tradition, but I'm wondering what you guys think about it.

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I think we're gonna see the abuse of a dead horse pretty soon.

I myself am trying to figure out why there was two prayers. Yes, I mean, I like the Christian faith in all but I think it was really for tradition and those who believe in God. Other then that, why? Why just wrap it up in one prayer?

Oh look, a dead horse! (grabs any and all blunt objects and pass them out.)

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America is a Christian nation. Obama is a Christian. It was his inauguration. He could do just about anything he damn well pleased.

The idea of "separation of Church and State" is a myth, like people who attribute the phrase "survival of the fittest" to Darwin. It's over wrought, derived, and contrived, bullshit. The only thing about religion in the constitution is that the state shall make no LAW affecting religion. A law is a concrete thing. Informal practices, which many ceremonies in the United States are, including the inauguration, have no relation to this amendment.

Edited by Black Knight
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The idea of "separation of Church and State" is a myth

Thomas Jefferson would like a word with you.

And yes, the majority are Christian, but that does not mean America is a Christian nation, it just means we have a lot of them (one might say too many).

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This reminds me that there was a very recent (SC?) case, Newdow v. Roberts, to remove everthing religious from the inauguration ceremony (or was it just saying "god" in the oath...?) Either way, it seems like it must have failed...

I don't understand the point of any of these religious ceremonies, especially if they're supposed to bepolitial...

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No. America is secular, which is why Eltoshen, and myself, have a problem with it. GodObama can pray on his own time.

I'm pretty sure that WAS his own time. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch the inauguration. I ttly slept through it.

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I actually find that praying could be offensive towards others

Meh, I can see if it's a matter of folks of different religions. (not as bad with Christians vs. Muslims and Jews, since we all worship the same God, Jews and Muslims just won't be saying "and in Jesus's name we pray, amen") I can imagine it's alright to pray to whoever/whatever else for those with different religions. I imagine it's alright for Atheists not to pray at all. Just let the praying folk pray, those who don't aren't going to die. This is a country of religious freedom, it's ok to worship however you want, along with it being alright to not even worship at all.

Edited by Kintenbo
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I actually find that praying could be offensive towards others

If they have a problem with it, too bad. Their best bet would be to learn how to ignore people and not bitch and whine about their fragile feelings all the time.

EDIT: Fixed post.

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If they have a problem with it, too bad. Their best bet would be to learn how to ignore people and not whine about their fragile feelings all the time.

Probably but there are still those that will never learn

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Yep. America claims it isn't religious. Bah hurmburg.

For once, I actually kind of have to agree with you, even if this statement is just a little farfetched as I know plenty of Christians who don't quite go to the same extremes in practicing their religion as their fundamentalist counterparts at the Westboro Baptist Church and elsewhere.

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The idea of "separation of Church and State" is a myth

Thomas Jefferson would like a word with you.

Completely out of context quote and you know it.

No. America is secular, which is why Eltoshen, and myself, have a problem with it. GodObama can pray on his own time.

Again, formal institutions vs. informal institutions. There are entire branches of political science dedicated to just analyzing the differences between these types of institutions. It's not something you can just ignore when it suits you.

America is no more "officially" secular than it is "officially" Christian, the only law that exists is one which prohibits any interference with religion (which is NOT secularism). Secular governments usually involve consociational agreements which represent religious groups in proportionality to their presence in the population (like Lebanon) or governments which ban religious bents in their politicians (like Turkey). Neither of these are America, which allows people and politicians to practice whichever religion they damn please with no quotas or regulations. This is not the same a secular government.

Now, unofficially, America is a Christian nation (and just because it's unofficial doesn't mean its any less important). It's on our money, in our political and judicial practices, and it influences our policies. Over half of America is Christian, which is a plurality-democratic system like ours, indicates a majoritarian right.

Obama is simply upholding one of the longest standing (unofficial) institutions in American politics.

Edited by Black Knight
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