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The lesser of two evils?


Which one?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Which system is the lesser of the evils?

    • Sony
    • Microsoft
    • Both are evil
    • None are evil
    • Metal Arc is the greatest evil of all!

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The 360 doesn't completely suck like the ps3. The ps3 put too much emphasis on graphics rather than decent gameplay. Plus the 360 has, in my opinion, the most comfortable controller for any system. (I exclude the wiimote from that roster because it's in it's own class of controller.)

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The PS3 doesn't completely suck either. It just needs some time. Plus, there's one gem coming on it that will outshine anything the 360 will ever have.


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What else? MGS4 is going to own.

My main qualm with the 360 is that, Microsoft is already making more than enough money with it's PC software and all that stuff, why try and steal conquer the video game market as well? It's just stupid.

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Well it's not that stupid. Microsoft is trying to become an omnipotent business. If they rule videogames and computers, that's pretty much everything we hold dear. With the exception of Televison, which thanks to the internet will become unnecessary in 20 years.

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I like a lot of games on Playstation so I went with that as being less evil. I hate Xbox. It mostly has shooting and sports games on it. I also don't like the controller. Every time I've played it I can't get used to how it works

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Microsoft, definitely. And I'm not just saying that because I own a 360.

The PS3's game library is pathetic at best. Almost every good game (with the exception of a couple) it has is ALSO on the 360. The 360's online is eons ahead, even though it's full of whiny 12-year-olds screaming "vetovetovetovetovetovetoveto" but hey, that's what the Mute button is for. The only real thing the PS3 has going for it is the Graphics, and even then the 360 can meet it halfway in that category. As for MGS4... One good game is NOT going to turn it around for Sony. Especially since Microsoft has several good games under their belt. Finally, Microsoft cares much more for it's fans than Sony (or even Nintendo, give us Mother 3 dammit!)

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Microsoft, personally they have better games, all I'd buy for the PS3 is Final Fantasy, and don't tell me anything about MGS4 it (along with the last two games) will have a port to the 360 in the future. Plus I like Halo, and KotOR II (despite the gayest ending in all of video games, and Fable (besides the fact that it's short)

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No it won't have a port to the 360 in the future. The graphics and the sheer size of it won't allow such a thing to happen.

EDIT: MGS4 I mean.

Edited by Nightmare
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I don't think either are evil. Competition is good.

competition forces all of the systems to make the best games out there, so its good that all of thems exist.

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I don't think either are evil. Competition is good.

Sony can't really do anything on their own without flopping eventually though. Their original system was their left overs from working with Nintendo--the PlayStation. Gee, look at their controller--a SNES with two extra L and R buttons. Then Nintendo gets an Analog stick--look, new PlayStation controllers with joysticks. N64 uses memory cards? Sony uses two. Nintendo launches rumble paks? Sony drops two in their controller. And then Sony stays the same for the years coming, while Nintendo actually changes their products.

The few times Sony has tried to be original--the Eye Toy--it was alright, most likely Nintendo's tries. But really, just look at the original controller for the PS3. What the fuck were they thinking, unveiling that thing? Wiimote was strange in that it had never really been done before for consoles. For Sony, they created a boomerang that was impossible to comfortably hold, yet could make a horrid $40 sex toy. And their controllers for the original PlayStation (the newer Analog ones) can be used on most PS2 games--PS2 controllers new cost nearly $30 or $40. Go to the pawnshop and get an old one for $2 or $3. At least they can try justifying the prices for the same hardware.

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Sony can't really do anything on their own without flopping eventually though. Their original system was their left overs from working with Nintendo--the PlayStation. Gee, look at their controller--a SNES with two extra L and R buttons. Then Nintendo gets an Analog stick--look, new PlayStation controllers with joysticks. N64 uses memory cards? Sony uses two. Nintendo launches rumble paks? Sony drops two in their controller. And then Sony stays the same for the years coming, while Nintendo actually changes their products.

The few times Sony has tried to be original--the Eye Toy--it was alright, most likely Nintendo's tries. But really, just look at the original controller for the PS3. What the fuck were they thinking, unveiling that thing? Wiimote was strange in that it had never really been done before for consoles. For Sony, they created a boomerang that was impossible to comfortably hold, yet could make a horrid $40 sex toy. And their controllers for the original PlayStation (the newer Analog ones) can be used on most PS2 games--PS2 controllers new cost nearly $30 or $40. Go to the pawnshop and get an old one for $2 or $3. At least they can try justifying the prices for the same hardware.

Loled at sex toy.

Added a new option to the poll.

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