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As I mentioned earlier, it's also quite impracticle when you're surrounded by ten guys with guns.


Its very unlikely she will be surrounded by ten guys. Even if she is, you can always escape or scream. And its not impracticle.

You wouldn't sit there, waiting to get beaten up.

Edited by Judge Judy
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What if it's a woman?

Cunt punt. I'm not kidding, it does work.

Common sense is the best self-defense out there. A good, quick, hard kick planted in the balls, raking the eyes, punching the nose or throat is the best fuckin' defense around. Also, punching a person in the collarbone is another great self defense move because if you use enough force and body weight, you can break the collarbone and the guy will be horrible pain.

I am a white belt in karate (nothing to be proud of compare to the rest of you guys) and karate is very good if for some reason, you need to fight back and show your attacker not to fuck with you. However, avoiding a fight is much better than martial arts itself.

Also, with guns. I'm not going to fight a guy with a gun. In fact, I would pull a gun out myself and start shooting you in legs, arms, or shoulders. Then I would have to call it in and help stop the bleeding.

What I heard the best way to avoid one guy with a gun is basically run in a zig-zag line, making it harder for the shooter to shot you, unless the shooter is trained then you just fucked.

Edited by Snow_Storm
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1. So is "Back the fuck up G, I know karate!".

2. Also, if it's a girl, punch them in the tits.

1. I doubt even a good martial artist could fight ten guys at once.

2. Also, hair pulling is great since if you twist the hair enough, you can have some control over the girl.

But seriously, NEVER fight a girl. I hope you guys know the old saying.

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2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo, hence the avatar.( Even though they weren't trained in that particular art style, I found it more fitting instead of the usual and unimaginative Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan copycats.)

Yeah, basically, if you ever find yourself in such a precarious situation as outlined above, just kick them in the balls(unless they have a gun, then just do what they say, unless you're some sort of gifted psychologist that can talk them into shooting THEMSELVES, which is pretty unlikely.)

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I know how to apply wrist control.

I know, it's great, especially against the mugger in the trunk of your car!

I am a Almighty Obsidian Belt in the art of Grizzly Bear Roundhouse Kick Badass - Fu. It's the preferred martial art of lumber jacks and bears everywhere. I am so in touch with my inner Godless killing machine that I can tie a blue whale in a know in less than 1.2345 seconds. In addition, I can stop bullets with my MIND, not that I need to, since they all ricochet off my balls. I fought Darth Vader once, but his life support system failed as soon as it made contact with the sheer field of virile masculinity that surrounds me 100 feet in every direction. In fact, I'm nearly unkillable. Plus, I didn't even have to take some bullshit vow of chastity or poverty. I'm so awesome I can rape a bear, but choose not to because they're way to fugly. That's right bitches, I don't know self defense, I am Self Defense.

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