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You know what Family Guy needs?

Destiny Hero

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well...I think we can all assume Lyle doesn't like Family Guy...I don't agree but I can live with it I guess

now if you have something against say RHPS then that's where I'ma have to kill you...with hugs `_`

*hugs Lyle* *resists urge to spring into "Touch-a-Touch-a-Touch Me"* :mellow:

<--needs to find a better obsession (or at least something less...whimsical?)

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Maybe it needs to stop repeating the same crap. First season was great. After that it just started repeating itself.

Yeah, Family Guy was great for when it started, before it was cancelled. Then it got so repetitive that it got pretty annoying.

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Rei has gone up in my respect. Though, I bet she still thinks of me as a slug. But whatever.

South Park FTW.

"Gineau Bears!"

South Park and Family Guy have both gone into a state of decline. If you don't like Family Guy, then I'm guessing it's because you've only seen newer stuff, which is nowhere near as good as the first and second seasons.

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South Park and Family Guy have both gone into a state of decline. If you don't like Family Guy, then I'm guessing it's because you've only seen newer stuff, which is nowhere near as good as the first and second seasons.

I own the first few seasons actually. I have seen the first ones.

However the fact that something was good for the first two seasons, doesn't excuse the poor quality of the sixe after it.

And South Park may be in a slight decline, but it always maintains a certain level of quality. With the exception of the recent Indiana jones episode, which I'm ashamed of.

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For once I agree with DHero and again I disagree with Lyle. :o

I wouldn't say it's the best on television but here's somewhere I can actually relate to DHero. What a surprise.

However the fact that something was good for the first two seasons, doesn't excuse the poor quality of the sixe after it.

Then you must reeeeeeeally hate The Simpsons.

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For once I agree with DHero and again I disagree with Lyle. :o

I wouldn't say it's the best on television but here's somewhere I can actually relate to DHero. What a surprise.

Then you must reeeeeeeally hate The Simpsons.

I've never really gotten into the simpsons. But I respect it as a show more than I do Family Guy.

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The Simpsons beats out Family Guy and South Park in terms of... age. It's like SNL: it's not funny, but you respect it as a show since it's managed to hang around for so long.

But Futurama's better, so.

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Both South Park and FG are declining, the were better in they previous seasons =\

SP >>>>>>> FG

And Futurama>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Both of them

But that was canceled because fagz.

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The Simpsons beats out Family Guy and South Park in terms of... age. It's like SNL: it's not funny, but you respect it as a show since it's managed to hang around for so long.

But Futurama's better, so.


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Family Guy is for people who want something funny without having to sit through a bunch a crap that isn't funny (like in Simpsons and Futurama, and South Park, a little). It's all the funny without virtually nothing else.

If I wanted half funny, half other crap I'd watch Futurama. If I wanted three fourths other crap and one fourth funny, I'd watch the Simpsons. If I wanted 100% funny and nothing else, I'd watch Family Guy.

Don't even try complaining that it doesn't have any drama crap in it. If I wanted to watch something that wasn't filled with funny things, I'd watch 24, House, or whatever the hell people watch these days. No matter what anyone says, Family Guy is a great show and a huge success, and that's shown.

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Family Guy is for people who want something funny without having to sit through a bunch a crap that isn't funny (like in Simpsons and Futurama, and South Park, a little). It's all the funny without virtually nothing else.

I 100% agree.

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I like some of the randomness of Family Guy, but overall, I don't even watch stuff on Cartoon Network/Adult Swim. (the only ones I ever was interested in throughout all Cartoon Network was Megas XLR and Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)

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