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What I hate about Wi-Fi

Destiny Hero

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So, I'm going online with Mario Kart DS, ready to pwn wid mah 1337 snaking skills, and I get a 1 on 1 with some kid. It's his first game. His name was a name (forgot, it was Jack or something) and he had a nicely drawn emblem of a can of beer.

The race begins! He doesn't get the boost. First thing, I assume e's a nub. We go to the first curve in DK Pass. He drives straight into a wall. I keep going, and then he drives right off a cliff in a big, clear track. I stop, turn around, and go after him.

So, throughout the race, this retard drives into every wall and off every cliff imaginable. After the whole race set was over, I was like "Holy shit, this is the biggest r-tard in the history of the universe!"

My first intention was to let him win. Whenever it's somebody's first game, I always make it close and let them win, and I never snake unless they do. Why does that suck? I can't talk to my opponents, so I have to gimp my skills so I don't frustrate them. I can't do my best out of respect for my opponents.

But this retard, he was really something. No matter how much I sandbagged, I just couldn't do as bad as him. So, I ended up kicking his ass in the other three races. He was either a retard, and I had just probably made a retard cry, or it was a little kid's first racing game, and I just made him cry.

You see? Without voice chats on random Wi-Fi, I have to gimp my abilities and I feel miserable when I kick someone's ass.

Edited by Destiny Hero
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I don't like online fighters... ever!!!

They could be nintendo wi-fi, PSN or even live THE WORLD ISN'T READY FOR ONLINE FIGHTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for wi-fi itself I don't really play any wii game wi-fi because..... what is there to play?

The system of the Mario Kart online is weird and stupid and other than that what do I play?

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So, I'm going online with Mario Kart DS, ready to pwn wid mah 1337 snaking skills, and I get a 1 on 1 with some kid. It's his first game. His name was a name (forgot, it was Jack or something) and he had a nicely drawn emblem of a can of beer.

The race begins! He doesn't get the boost. First thing, I assume e's a nub. We go to the first curve in DK Pass. He drives straight into a wall. I keep going, and then he drives right off a cliff in a big, clear track. I stop, turn around, and go after him.

So, throughout the race, this retard drives into every wall and off every cliff imaginable. After the whole race set was over, I was like "Holy shit, this is the biggest r-tard in the history of the universe!"

My first intention was to let him win. Whenever it's somebody's first game, I always make it close and let them win, and I never snake unless they do. Why does that suck? I can't talk to my opponents, so I have to gimp my skills so I don't frustrate them. I can't do my best out of respect for my opponents.

But this retard, he was really something. No matter how much I sandbagged, I just couldn't do as bad as him. So, I ended up kicking his ass in the other three races. He was either a retard, and I had just probably made a retard cry, or it was a little kid's first racing game, and I just made him cry.

You see? Without voice chats on random Wi-Fi, I have to gimp my abilities and I feel miserable when I kick someone's ass.

he knew it was you and decided to lose ;) but there are those people out there

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I always had a problem with Metroid Prime Hunter's online functionality. As soon as Shadow Freezing, or whatever they called it, was discovered, that effectively ended my incursion into Hunter's Wi-Fi.

And no, Shadow Freezing wasn't a tactic, it was a fucking glitch. One thing I'm thankful for in life is that Nintendo had the insight to close down their forums, which far and away beat out Gamefaqs in terms of complete fuckheadedness.

On an unrelated note, people still play Mario Kart DS's Wi-Fi? Power to you guys.

Edited by Fox
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I always had a problem with Metroid Prime Hunter's online functionality. As soon as Shadow Freezing, or whatever they called it, was discovered, that effectively ended my incursion into Hunter's Wi-Fi.

And no, Shadow Freezing wasn't a tactic, it was a fucking glitch. One thing I'm thankful for in life is that Nintendo had the insight to close down their forums, which far and away beat out Gamefaqs in terms of complete fuckheadedness.

On an unrelated note, people still play Mario Kart DS's Wi-Fi? Power to you guys.

Shadow Freeze was the gayest thing online. It's not a glitch, it's more of an exploit. The way that Noxus' charged cold beam was programmed was that it would have a set attack size for the X and Y coordinates, however, the Z coordinate in the positive direction (AKA straight up) is infinite, so it was really a programming error which was completely overlooked. Either way, it's gay.

Edited by Rei
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They could be nintendo wi-fi, PSN or even live THE WORLD ISN'T READY FOR ONLINE FIGHTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it is. Street Fighter HD Remix has playable netcode, and SF4 should have great netcode too.

At least for 2D fighters, but I heard that 3D fighters are improving in this area as well. It's all a matter of improving at this point. I think the world is ready for online fighters, but they won't replace tournament scenes, just be a matter of actually being fun to play.

Edited by FE3 Player
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Mario Kart online is really fun, I don't see what's wrong with it other than the fact you can't talk to others on Wi-Fi.

Yeah, it's pretty cool. I just wish it could do Balloon Battles.

he knew it was you and decided to lose ;) but there are those people out there

My avatar was a baseball and my screenname was Bust A Nut. How did you know it was me?

I always had a problem with Metroid Prime Hunter's online functionality. As soon as Shadow Freezing, or whatever they called it, was discovered, that effectively ended my incursion into Hunter's Wi-Fi.

And no, Shadow Freezing wasn't a tactic, it was a fucking glitch. One thing I'm thankful for in life is that Nintendo had the insight to close down their forums, which far and away beat out Gamefaqs in terms of complete fuckheadedness.

On an unrelated note, people still play Mario Kart DS's Wi-Fi? Power to you guys.

1. I could never stand MPH.

2. Shadow Freezing?

3. MKDS's online has been getting better and better. The hackers are gone, and the lag is gone. Go play it NOW!

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1. I could never stand MPH.

2. Shadow Freezing?

3. MKDS's online has been getting better and better. The hackers are gone, and the lag is gone. Go play it NOW!

Shadow Freezing relates to one one of the character's special weapons. Noxus's Judicator (good lord how do I rememeber the name of that) had the ability to freeze an opponent for a few seconds when fully blasted at full capacity. This in itself was nothing particularly special, since everyone had their own unique weapons. However, as Rei stated before, an exploit was discovered where, if you shot Noxus's charged gun directly into the ground, everyone on the map, no matter how far away, would be temporarily frozen. Obviously, you can see how shit like this would get irritating. Then the tards on Nintendo's official forums tried to defend Shadow Freezing as some kind of valid strategy.

Also, I think I'll take up your last suggestion. I've only played Mario Kart DS's online modes a few times. Lack of Waluigi Pinball makes me unhappy.

Edited by Fox
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Shadow Freezing relates to one one of the character's special weapons. Noxus's Judicator (good lord how do I rememeber the name of that) had the ability to freeze an opponent for a few seconds when fully blasted at full capacity. This in itself was nothing particularly special, since everyone had their own unique weapons. However, as Rei stated before, an exploit was discovered where, if you shot Noxus's charged gun directly into the ground, everyone on the map, no matter how far away, would be temporarily frozen. Obviously, you can see how shit like this would get irritating. Then the tards on Nintendo's official forums tried to defend Shadow Freezing as some kind of valid strategy.

Also, I think I'll take up your last suggestion. I've only played Mario Kart DS's online modes a few times. Lack of Waluigi Pinball makes me unhappy.

-I hate Waluigi Pinball....

-I hate Noxus....

So, some retards actually tried to defend it as a valid strategy? Oh, Jesus, what dumbasses. You can freeze everyone on the map instantly. That's fair!




*goes to play MPH*

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-I hate Waluigi Pinball....

-I hate Noxus....

So, some retards actually tried to defend it as a valid strategy? Oh, Jesus, what dumbasses. You can freeze everyone on the map instantly. That's fair!




*goes to play MPH*

-My reasons for liking Waluigi Pinball don't exceed beyond "it's really colorful."

-I hate Noxus.


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Online is fun when you're good and they're good, but sucks when you suck and they're good.

MK Wii owns MKDS's online, but its weapons are very overpowered.

Overall, I'd say for online that it's good unless you get tons of lag and speaking to each other improves it a lot. The only time when I don't want to talk to and hear others is when I'm losing terribly and want to joke around. And having your name be displayed along with an emblem rocks! Plus a bunch of different options for playing is awesome!

So in conclusion, I'd say Nintendo's online sucks and other companies are great at it. However I haven't been able to get my Xbox online due to my internet being encrypted even though it's Netgear.

Edited by Yourgranny
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-My reasons for liking Waluigi Pinball don't exceed beyond "it's really colorful."

-I hate Noxus.


I really hate the noises though. they're terrible. But the only MPH character I use is Samus. The rest are ugly.

Online is fun when you're good and they're good, but sucks when you suck and they're good.

MK Wii owns MKDS's online, but its weapons are very overpowered.

Overall, I'd say for online that it's good unless you get tons of lag and speaking to each other improves it a lot. The only time when I don't want to talk to and hear others is when I'm losing terribly and want to joke around. And having your name be displayed along with an emblem rocks! Plus a bunch of different options for playing is awesome!

So in conclusion, I'd say Nintendo's online sucks and other companies are great at it. However I haven't been able to get my Xbox online due to my internet being encrypted even though it's Netgear.

You can speak over MKWii? 12 players sounds pretty awesome by itself, though.

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Shadow Freezing relates to one one of the character's special weapons. Noxus's Judicator (good lord how do I rememeber the name of that) had the ability to freeze an opponent for a few seconds when fully blasted at full capacity. This in itself was nothing particularly special, since everyone had their own unique weapons. However, as Rei stated before, an exploit was discovered where, if you shot Noxus's charged gun directly into the ground, everyone on the map, no matter how far away, would be temporarily frozen. Obviously, you can see how shit like this would get irritating. Then the tards on Nintendo's official forums tried to defend Shadow Freezing as some kind of valid strategy.

Also, I think I'll take up your last suggestion. I've only played Mario Kart DS's online modes a few times. Lack of Waluigi Pinball makes me unhappy.

This is incorrect. If you read my explanation, there's an infinite only in the Z direction. The x and y are set. So every enemy in the XYZ plane is hit. so if you angle your shot down, the Z plane is now in front of you so it's infinite in the Z plane. So anything in the direction that your feet are facing is frozen.

Edited by Rei
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This is incorrect. If you read my explanation, there's an infinite only in the Z direction. The x and y are set. So every enemy in the XYZ plane is hit. so if you angle your shot down, the Z plane is now in front of you so it's infinite in the Z plane.

Whoops, sorry for that. My understanding of Shadow Freezing was limited to what I thought I saw people doing. My bad.

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You can speak over MKWii? 12 players sounds pretty awesome by itself, though.

No, but playing with 11 other people including a friend beside you with no lag owns MKDS's 4 player free for all. The more the merrier I say.

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So, some retards actually tried to defend it as a valid strategy? Oh, Jesus, what dumbasses. You can freeze everyone on the map instantly. That's fair!

Its as fair as mini-turboing on the straights to go faster. Wait what am I saying? Its clear that snaking is a feature while this freezing is a "feature".

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Shadow Freezing relates to one one of the character's special weapons. Noxus's Judicator (good lord how do I rememeber the name of that) had the ability to freeze an opponent for a few seconds when fully blasted at full capacity. This in itself was nothing particularly special, since everyone had their own unique weapons. However, as Rei stated before, an exploit was discovered where, if you shot Noxus's charged gun directly into the ground, everyone on the map, no matter how far away, would be temporarily frozen. Obviously, you can see how shit like this would get irritating. Then the tards on Nintendo's official forums tried to defend Shadow Freezing as some kind of valid strategy.
Since when wasn't it a valid strategy? MPH is a very competitive game that demands playing to win. It's certainly far more valid than the many holes in the map construction that get you inside walls.

When you consider the fact that there are a ton of other cheap things in MPH, Shadow Freezing is just one more option on top of it all.

This brings me back to something I've said before: even if you prove something is a glitch, it's still going to be used as long as it's competitive.

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So you're good at MKDS? I'd like a race or four sometime.

Yes, I'm extremely good at it. I've only ever lost one match I've tried, and that was against another snaker, and I didn't know he snaked until the second lap (I don't snake unless I know my opponent does).

I can snake for nearly the whole course, and even without any boosts at all I kick ass. I also crush Shine Runners and eat Balloon Battles for fun. I can own every course against Mirror + Hard opponents....

Unless I get hit by two blue shells in a row, then a red shell, then Lightning T_T

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Since when wasn't it a valid strategy? MPH is a very competitive game that demands playing to win. It's certainly far more valid than the many holes in the map construction that get you inside walls.

When you consider the fact that there are a ton of other cheap things in MPH, Shadow Freezing is just one more option on top of it all.

This brings me back to something I've said before: even if you prove something is a glitch, it's still going to be used as long as it's competitive.

I shouldn't have said "valid," should I? It's a stupid-ass oversight which is easily abused and is more or less on the same playing field as cheating, though in this case players get to hide behind the argument that "it was included in the game," which is falls on its face morally and doesn't excuse scumbag tactics.

I realize this has no bearing on your point.

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