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Lol Blagojevich

General Spoon

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You've seriously got to be kidding me, Blagojevich. Why not do what Nixon did and get your ass out of office before the impeachment hearings? Some people these days...

Pride factor that's all. And since my city boarders Illinois, we have been hearing a lot of this shit non-stop.

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He's boycotting HIS OWN impeachment hearing? Isn't there a whole LAW thing that would kind of require him to go to trial due to...well...being tried?

The balls on this guy...

It's not a trial. An impeachment hearing follows no strict legal code or precedent. The "judges" are senators, not members of the judiciary.

The better way to think of it is like a job performance review, and the senate is looking at firing Blagojevich. You're allowed to fire someone even if they didn't break the law, and you don't have to break the law to get impeached (See: Bill cheating on Hillary).

Edited by Black Knight
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I'm from Illinois so I already knew the guy was a douchebag.

Now everyone else is going on about, "How could he be such a douchebag" and I'm like "What's the big surprise?"

Same here (expect the Illinois part). We in eastern Missouri already know the facthe's a fuckin' jackass.

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Pride factor that's all.

I don't know, but either way I'd look at an impeachment as a way of being all 'holy shit, I'm screwed no matter what I do'. I'd actuall resign to save my pride instead of doing what Blagojevich is doing...

You're allowed to fire someone even if they didn't break the law, and you don't have to break the law to get impeached (See: Bill cheating on Hillary).

Also, Andrew Johnson, who got impeached after Lincoln died for the then Republican-held Senate since they were pretty angry at him not instilling enough equality on the South.

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Lols. I'd impeach him for being so ugly. You'd think a guy named Rod Blagojevich couldn't be uglier than his name.... You'd think wrong.

Okay. Now can we get an answer from someone who isn't a complete retard?

Would you also impeach Barack Obama for being black? Would you also impeach Sarah Palin for being a woman?

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Okay. Now can we get an answer from someone who isn't a complete retard?

Would you also impeach Barack Obama for being black? Would you also impeach Sarah Palin for being a woman?

Ugly =/= race


(I could think of a trillion serious reasons as to why Sarah Palin sucks)

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Ugly =/= race

Congratulations! For completely missing the point I was trying to make, you've officially brought the IQ of mankind down another 2 or 3 points! Give yourself a pat on the back, mister!


I was thinking I could clarify the point for you, but you clearly prefer to stay borded up in your ignorant suburban home. So I'll let you come up with more stupid reasons to impeach people since you clearly don't care about who's running the country unless it's an old fart who's responsible for fucking up the country.

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It's not a trial. An impeachment hearing follows no strict legal code or precedent. The "judges" are senators, not members of the judiciary.

The better way to think of it is like a job performance review, and the senate is looking at firing Blagojevich. You're allowed to fire someone even if they didn't break the law, and you don't have to break the law to get impeached (See: Bill cheating on Hillary).

An impeachment is a trial. A government official must be accused of legal misconduct in order to be impeached, and must be convicted of said legal misconduct in order to be removed from office. An impeachment is separate from an indictment - though both involve legal charges, an impeachment can only result in removal from office while an indictment can result in actual legal consequences.

Clinton was not impeached because he cheated on Hillary, nor was Johnson impeached solely because the Senate was fed up with him. Clinton's impeachment charges had to do with his alleged perjury in a separate sexual harassment case and Johnson's impeachment charges had to do with him violating an act that the Senate had passed in order to get him impeached (because they knew he would probably violate that act).

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Congratulations! For completely missing the point I was trying to make, you've officially brought the IQ of mankind down another 2 or 3 points! Give yourself a pat on the back, mister!

I was thinking I could clarify the point for you, but you clearly prefer to stay borded up in your ignorant suburban home. So I'll let you come up with more stupid reasons to impeach people since you clearly don't care about who's running the country unless it's an old fart who's responsible for fucking up the country.

You're cranky!

How do you pronounce bloogy...thingy?

Rod (as in, a terrible ugly name)

Bla (as in, he says bla bla bla)

Goy (as in, that boi is a dumbass)

Juh (as in, "Is he an idiot?" "Duh!")

Vitch (as in, he's a bitch)

Edited by Destiny Hero
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^Further proof that retards and/or children and politics don't fuckin' mix. Shut up if you don't know what you are talking about and don't fuckin' post if all you going to do is fuckin' spam and harass members.

Well, Blagojevich was a no-show at his hearing. What does that say ladies and gents?


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You're cranky!

Well, see, if you hadn't said that incredibly stupid comment that killed the point I was trying to make, I wouldn't have had to do that. Come back here whn you gain some intelligence.

EDIT: I think Blagojevich not showing up at his trial is an indication that despite what he's saying, he's definitely trying to hide something. What he needs to realize is thaht you can't hide forever...

Edited by Edgard Varése
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EDIT: I think Blagojevich not showing up at his trial is an indication that despite what he's saying, he's definitely trying to hide something. What he needs to realize is that you can't hide forever...

Yeah. People close and this incident to him are going to snitch him out so they will not be involve. Something is out there just ready to blow on the whistle at any minute.

Edited by Snow_Storm
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Yeah. People close and this incident to him are going to snitch him out so they will not be involve. Something is out there just ready to blow on the whistle at any minute.


I mean, take Watergate for example. Nixon saw everything fall apart around him, from Spiro Agnew getting in major trouble for tax evasion to some tapes he wouldn't give out. So what did he do? He resigned before he impeached, and then handed the tapes in to the FBI. He was a coward, but at least he was honest after the fact by doing what everybody else needed to do. Plus, he still kept some of his dignity (I mostly think about his trip to China when I think of Nixon).

The way things are going with Blagojevich's trial, he's taking the Paris Hilton approach to it. (If any of you remember when she got put in prison two years ago for violating house arrest and drinking, she was all 'it's not fair!'. I was all, 'well, bitch, you went out of your house knowing perfectly well you weren't supposed to, and on top of that you did the thing with which you got put on house arrest in the first place, so yeah, it's fair, whether you like to believe it or not'. I see Blagojevich making the same mistake of distancing himself from an 'I'm screwed' situation and being a whiny little bitch about it.)

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Now can we get an answer from someone who isn't a complete retard?

You're in General, not FFtF (whether it's strikethrough'd or not). Keep that kind of thing where it belongs.

Congratulations! For completely missing the point I was trying to make, you've officially brought the IQ of mankind down another 2 or 3 points! Give yourself a pat on the back, mister!

I was thinking I could clarify the point for you, but you clearly prefer to stay borded up in your ignorant suburban home. So I'll let you come up with more stupid reasons to impeach people since you clearly don't care about who's running the country unless it's an old fart who's responsible for fucking up the country.

Well, see, if you hadn't said that incredibly stupid comment that killed the point I was trying to make, I wouldn't have had to do that. Come back here whn you gain some intelligence.

EDIT: I think Blagojevich not showing up at his trial is an indication that despite what he's saying, he's definitely trying to hide something. What he needs to realize is thaht you can't hide forever...

Can the trolling.

You're cranky!

Lose the spam.

^Further proof that retards and/or children and politics don't fuckin' mix. Shut up if you don't know what you are talking about and don't fuckin' post if all you going to do is fuckin' spam and harass members.

Well, Blagojevich was a no-show at his hearing. What does that say ladies and gents?


Knock off the flaming and minimodding.

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Okay, after that very deservingly so little halt...

Yeah. People close and this incident to him are going to snitch him out so they will not be involve. Something is out there just ready to blow on the whistle at any minute.

Oh, well, looks like they won't need to do that, seeing as Blagojevich was ousted from office. Comments?

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Party hard much. Well, he's going down in history and I hope that many in politics will learn from this guy mistake.

(I almost didn't laugh when I had type that.)

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