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I still haven't played RD, so I can't say whether or not it has a good support system, but I can agree with Path of Radiance having the best. It isn't necessary to keep characters attached to each other for countless turns and it makes more sense for people to have conversations outside of a battle. Nobody in their right mind would train or read a book in the middle of a battle.

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Yeah, Radiant Dawn's system was the best on a basis of pure gameplay, but the character's personalities suffered. If only they could have made a convo. for every possible combination of characters... yeah right! But I do like PoR's supports the best out of the series.

And did anyone notice how creepy some of RD's supports were. Especially since anyone could pair with anyone.

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And did anyone notice how creepy some of RD's supports were. Especially since anyone could pair with anyone.

Oliver x Leanne OTP.

In all seriousness, I liked the FE 10 system the best, though I would've liked more flesh to convos for characters that could already support together in PoR, as well as some new ones with RD-only folk.

The only thing I'm missing is the lack of bonus critical in supports like these. If at least Bond supports had a 1-3 range.

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I missed the conversations. It was cool to team up anyone together though. It would of been a pain, but it'd of been awesome if they wrote for every possible combination.

Another thing that bugged me was the art changes. Some older characters were creepy looking. *coughastridcough*

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I love RD's support system, how anyone can support with anyone and no character is stuck with "bad" support options. Supports also build faster in RD than in other games which is pretty cool. The only thing it's missing is support convos. They should've just given us convos for a few pairs or add more base convos. But the system itself is my fave in the series.

I think the ironic thing is RD's support command being converse with a bunch of one-liners and other FEs being support with full conversations. It should be the other way around.

Edited by KSFF2150
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I never supported for the bonuses, I did it for the conversations themselves.

Me too, except for RD in which it's more of push that the game makes you use them whenever supported characters are in support range with that flash going off.

Edited by Yourgranny
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I never supported for the bonuses, I did it for the conversations themselves.

yeah in PoR and the GBA ones it was the same for me..

but in RD i did it for the bonuses because well...thats the only point to supports in that game..

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yeah in PoR and the GBA ones it was the same for me..

but in RD i did it for the bonuses because well...thats the only point to supports in that game..

Well not much else you can do it for.

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Do the GBA ones tell you what bonuses you get from supports in the game? It's been so long since I've played them.

I did the PoR supports for both the convos and bonuses. I like how there's a little flash in RD that lets you know that your characters are supporting each other and those bonuses have helped me so many times.

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Do the GBA ones tell you what bonuses you get from supports in the game? It's been so long since I've played them.

I did the PoR supports for both the convos and bonuses. I like how there's a little flash in RD that lets you know that your characters are supporting each other and those bonuses have helped me so many times.

No, you have to move the characters around and check the differences.

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I still haven't played RD, so I can't say whether or not it has a good support system, but I can agree with Path of Radiance having the best. It isn't necessary to keep characters attached to each other for countless turns and it makes more sense for people to have conversations outside of a battle. Nobody in their right mind would train or read a book in the middle of a battle.

For eat a feast for that matter. *cough*

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What I would have liked is if they had the whole support system for everyone but instead of everyone just having the same basic lines with minor changes for certain characters, make certain support pairings have proper conversations.

It makes no sense for pairs like Leonardo/Edward, Micaiah/Pelleas, Laura/Aran etcetera to just have the basic lines. They could have even put in a hilarious Oliver/Reyson support. Such the waste ;-;

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I never supported for the bonuses, I did it for the conversations themselves.

Me to.

Which is exactly why I hate RD's Support System.

It's also why I really am indifferent to the new characters in FE:RD, I know nothing about them.

Now with so many characters it'd be easy to just fill them with generic one line "Imma join ju army and nevr talk again, bitch" and then have them stay silent for the rest of the game, but in FE6-9 atleast they actualyl gave the characters personalities and back stories.

But in RD they sort of reverted to the deal of, "Imma join ju army and nevr talk again, bitch"

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