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What's the most annoying thing in your opinion?


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Destiny Hero.

I'd have to say anybody that is so stupid you have to wonder why God hasn't struck them down yet. I'm especially annoyed at Ann Coulter for reasons that go beyond how stupid her controversial comments are.

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Not in order

1. Internet Tough Guys - Cowards who can't do shit in real life so they go online and talking shit about people. It's funny when they are exposed because they usually fit the typical nerd/geek/loser stereotype. I think the internet is basically creating a generation of cowards and pussies who will think because it's the internet, they can talk shit about people without any reaction.

2. Politics and Religion Debate - I don't care what god you believe or don't believe in and I don't care what are your political views so why you care about mines and try to debate me on it?

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2. All the newbies that join this site keep stealing FE characters' and weapon's names.

That's a pretty broad generalization. Besides, people have been doing things like that for ages. What's so annoying about it?

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That's a pretty broad generalization. Besides, people have been doing things like that for ages. What's so annoying about it?

Personally, I find weapon names better handles than somethingnumbers, at least.


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Those extremely religious people who try to force their religion on you. This was an extremely hard choice to make. So very many things annoy me.

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2. Politics and Religion Debate - I don't care what god you believe or don't believe in and I don't care what are your political views so why you care about mines and try to debate me on it?

Snow, i present you with this gold statue of Shanoa and a free beer...

anyway people with no sense of humor piss me off a great deal..

also shopping at Wal-Mart <_<

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In my country, it's said that there are three things one shouldn't discuss (since no conclusion will ever be reached, and the chances of a fight happening increase geometrically as the discussion goes on): politics, religion and soccer.

It's quite true, as they're very subjective and personal fields. You can't change a person from left wing to extreme right with a debate, just like you won't convert a devout Christian to Buddhism through words. It's just a waste of time, and an excellent flame bait.

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1. Internet Tough Guys - Cowards who can't do shit in real life so they go online and talking shit about people. It's funny when they are exposed because they usually fit the typical nerd/geek/loser stereotype. I think the internet is basically creating a generation of cowards and pussies who will think because it's the internet, they can talk shit about people without any reaction.

2. Politics and Religion Debate - I don't care what god you believe or don't believe in and I don't care what are your political views so why you care about mines and try to debate me on it?


The internet's guise that they really can say anything they want.

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2. All the newbies that join this site keep stealing FE characters' and weapon's names.

Hey, I was Ragnell long before I joined here. I just happened to change it to Urvan recently because the same name was getting boring.

And the thing that annoys me most is people who walk slow (which is approximately 99% of the kids in my school). Seriously, just because you don't have anywhere to go doesn't mean no one else does. Unless we're talking about on the internet. Then it is people who refuse to read your posts and just call you an idiot.

Edited by Urvan
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I have a giant long list of things hate, if you want me to post it. But I'd rather not, because everyone here is too close-minded and take everything in the world as a direct insult to them.

post it please, i will give you 3 norebucks

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That's a pretty broad generalization. Besides, people have been doing things like that for ages. What's so annoying about it?

What disturbs me is that EVERY newbie steals a FE characters name.

Those extremely religious people who try to force their religion on you. This was an extremely hard choice to make. So very many things annoy me.

Indeed, one time when I was talking to my friend(Who is religous) about the universe and some other scientifc matter, his mother(Who is religous too) said those stuff weren't true, that they just invent that stuff, my friend is younger than me so he could believe what his mother said anyways.

That's also quite annoying.

Hey, I was Ragnell long before I joined here. I just happened to change it to Urvan recently because the same name was getting boring.

No, no, you nevered bothered me, you're OK.

Edited by soul1112
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Everything annoys me. But, to be more specific than that, I would say: people who make those really lame, badly thought out, short, praise posts when commenting on things in the creative section. It is especially annoying then they make those kinds of posts on things that are clearly bad.

... And creationists. Always creationists.

Edited by Shuuda
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*tear* im always Florina in the FE community..sorry if it bugs you

No, no, not ALL newbies bother me, and you've been Florina for quite a while, just some newbies bother me, don't get me wrong :lol: .

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3. Fanboys - Look, the companies doesn't care about you. The only care about your money. They could give less than a rat's ass that you are so loyal to Nintendo while you hate Sony. You look like a fuckin' retard fighting over which video game company is better. You might as well fight over which retail store is better.

4. Internet Racists - See my rant on internet tough guys.

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