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What stats do you like having the most?


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I usually like to have these stats in this order (depends on the class, but it's mostly this):

Speed- Gotta dodge AND attack lots

Strength/Magic- It's good to do damage

Skill-It's good to HIT with that damage

Defense- I like taking minimal damage, but I'd rather dodge it and avoid damage altogether

Luck- This used to be on the bottom, but recent events have moved it up on my list

HP- Health is good to have, but after you get a good amount you really don't NEED much more especially when you get up to uber stats later in any game. Also, the Robes give you +7 HP while other stat boosters give you +2

Resistance- I like having it, but IIRC magic users don't usually have much speed so I'd rather just dodge it, plus there's much more melee weapons units than magic units

For magic users, strength is second on the list only until they get enough strength to not get weighed down by any magic they'll be using

For Mist and Elincia, Magic is under Defense. They usually have enough magic to heal a good amount

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Speed, all the way. Who needs strength if you have speed? Doing 2*3 damage is better than doing 1*5 damage. Avoiding hits is fun too.

Speaking of fun, defense is good too. Having chars slaughter whole armies on their own is just win.

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It depends largely on the game I'm playing. In FE7, for example, skill isn't so important. On the other hand, skill is a bit more important in FE6 with the weapons having lower accuracy overall.

Personally, I consider speed the most important stat followed by strength.

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Without it, your str and spd are useless. that does not go every way.

Str and skl (armor for example) can be effective for holding off enemies, and are not intent to kill, but to defend, and slowly stop enemies. Killing them too fast allows them to hit you too many times.

Spd/skl- swordmaster/heroes- no explainion needed. completly offensive


Spd, str- usually an ax user like gonzales. good luck getting reliable hits in.

EDIT: I agree, it really depends on the game. BUT I find str least important out of the offensive three.




MAG/STR (magic user or physical, if a magic user, str goes to bottom in games where they coexist)





Edited by The Gambit
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If I have my Strength and Defense, I don't feel the need for anything else! (well, as much, I still want the others to be reasonable) Speed is a good perk, too. Although, I don't feel that double attacking is super top priority over damaging and taking hits.

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depends on the game

also what part of the game...

For FE7... def > spd > str >>>> hp >> skl >> luck/res

For FE9... spd > str > def >>>> hp > luck >> skl >> res

For FE10... spd > str > def >> luck/hp > skl >>> res

For FE6... spd >> str > def >> hp/skl >> luck > res

something like that

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Offense is usually more important than defense in these games, so offensive stats like Spd and Str (in that order) are the most important.

This is my general ranking of the importance of stats (can be variable from game to game):

Spd, Str, Def, HP, Skl, Res, Luk

Constitution is very variable. In the GBA games it's between Def and HP. It's slightly more important in Thracia 776, and pretty much worthless in FE9 and FE10. I dont know the mechanics of FEDS yet.

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I more or less agree with the first post.

1. Speed - Doubling and dodging. Need I say more?

2. Strength/Magic - Killing is the main job of a unit, so this is needed.

3. Skill - We have to hit that enemy, right?

Those first 3 were the easy ones, but the rest are fairly tough to order. I'd put it at:

Luck - The extra avoid/accuracy can do more than most people think, and this is all the crit evade (dodge) you get. Luck is a highly underrated as a stat.




I put these 3 last because if your character is awesome enough in the first 4 stats, these three are next to meaningless. These 3 can't really do that to the other stats. For FE10, I'd put HP over defense.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Speed because I'd rather dodge an attack then take it and have it to minimal damage because of high defense.

Strength as a second because you have to be able to do damage to fight.

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For FE7... def > spd > str >>>> hp >> skl >> luck/res

IMO res decisively beats luck as you need like 6 luck to not get crit by everything in the damn game but there'll be certain chapters where you'll be wishing you had more res... particularly 19x, 23, 23x, 25, and 29. I'd even argue it's more useful than skill when you consider that low-skill units like Sain and Dart never have trouble hitting and that enemies have 0 luck.

I put these 3 last because if your character is awesome enough in the first 4 stats, these three are next to meaningless. These 3 can't really do that to the other stats. For FE10, I'd put HP over defense.

I could rank HP, defense, strength and resistance as the first 4 and say that HP, skill, speed, and luck are not needed...

Edited by dondon151
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Here what I like the best:

Speed - I want to get the first hit in before the enemy.

Defense - I would like to see my unit live.

HP - See above

Strength/Magic - I like to knock as much HP off of an enemy as possible

Skill - I would like to see my unit actually hit an enemy.

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Let's see...

Strength - Let's knock out as many HP as posible

Speed - I want to double and dodge

Defense - More defense, better chance to live

Skill - Must hit enemy

HP - Lots of HP is always bice

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I usually pay the most attention to a unit's strength and speed. Resistance may be the stat I pay the least attention to and all the others stats are somewhere in between.

Edited by Fireman
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It is largely impossible to determine the most important stat given the large number of hypotheticals which shift the value of each individual stat. Here's a breakdown:

Hp- You must have a sufficient amount if you have no way to avoid damage. What's the point of having h3x stats everywhere if 1 hit is going to kill you? From that basis alone, hp already serves a vital function.

Str- So long as the weapons you wield alone are enough to injure the enemy, then strength cannot claim the same type of importance that hp does. Though assuming the opposite, then both hp and strength become equally as vital, assuming the goal of the map involves mandatory enemy kills.

Skl- Definitely not vital because of the high base value of hit that weapon have, as well as the fact that crits are never truly necessary.

Spd- Doubling an enemy is nice but if you do not damage them, it is of no consequence. Thus, strength easily trumps speed in importance under that assumption.

Luck- Gives minor boosts to avoid, hit and crit. Since neither stat is truly necessary, neither is luck.

Def- If your defence is high enough that enemies cannot injure you, then you are invincible. Thus, this stat trumps speed since avoid is unecessary, as well as hp since the minimum hp of 1 will suffice.

Res- Similar to defence, though in most FE games the number of physical attackers outnumber magical ones, so this stat cannot claim more importance than defence.

So my vote's on defence as most important stat.

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