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Do you Remember When...


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When I was stuck at 105 or so posts for a month?

When Gatrie, TLS, and I all hated each other?

When Hotel MaSu and the Tavern were active?

When Jyo was still on hiatus, and NTG was too?

When we all had fun and little to no drama?

When Judge Judy was Dark Sage?

When Judge Judy and I were friends?

When Cynthia was active? (You should)

When a certain member was making a dozen Forums a day?

When there were only three Mods and one Admin, and we still functioned WAY better?


Okay, those mostly sucked. ;P

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You should remember at least one. (Judy and I were friends until last week, when we began to hate each other)

The only thing I remember about Zephiel is him seeming like he was bragging about being black, and when he kept spamming me and I blocked & reported him.

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When I was stuck at 105 or so posts for a month?

When Gatrie, TLS, and I all hated each other?

When Hotel MaSu and the Tavern were active?

When Jyo was still on hiatus, and NTG was too?

When we all had fun and little to no drama?

When Judge Judy was Dark Sage?

When Judge Judy and I were friends?

When Cynthia was active? (You should)

When a certain member was making a dozen Forums a day?

When there were only three Mods and one Admin, and we still functioned WAY better?


Okay, those mostly sucked. ;P

I remember them all, though the bolded ones are complete and utter bullshit.

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I remember them all, though the bolded ones are complete and utter bullshit.
Oh come on, you know we had less drama over the Summer than we did during the month or so after Jyo returned. Which I am sure was complete coincidence.
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LESS drama. Not "little to no". >_>

Night: Oh, really? Things are way more active and intresting now than over the summer.

And activity generally equals less drama and more fun. Yeah no.

Like I said before, the FE boards and all such are better but other than that? Uh, no. There's a lot more drama and unnecessary trolling than before, though I'll admit the drama has lessened recently.

Stop being a tool.

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When Gatrie, TLS, and I all hated each other?

When Jyo was still on hiatus, and NTG was too?

When Judge Judy and I were friends?

When Cynthia was active? (You should)

When a certain member was making a dozen Forums a day?

When there were only three Mods and one Admin, and we still functioned WAY better?


Okay, those mostly sucked. ;P

I slightly remember those events. I think when I first joined, those events was coming to an end.

The only thing I remember about Zephiel is him seeming like he was bragging about being black, and when he kept spamming me and I blocked & reported him.

King_Zephiel was such a fuckin' prick and an idiot. Fuck him because he made black people look bad.

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When Hika was God?

No, but I've heard about it. Didn't Vincent change his name to 'changed by VASM'?

... How was that not a double post?

Edited by Reinfleche
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And activity generally equals less drama and more fun. Yeah no.

Like I said before, the FE boards and all such are better but other than that? Uh, no. There's a lot more drama and unnecessary trolling than before, though I'll admit the drama has lessened recently.

Stop being a tool.

Uh, yeah. It does. New opinions, new ideas, new everything. It keeps things more intresting.

So, becasue people are making 504518416541564616541451 FFtF topics with the same jokes over and over again (FUCKING BARREL ROLL), FFtF has gotten worse? Because we're now switching to intelligent humor, things are worse? As far as I can tell, the only one who's actually trolling would be DH. Also, how are topics about peopel threatening to kill themselves NOT drama?!

Stop being ignorant and stop bitching.

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I think you're the ignorant one here. But if I go any further into this, it'll become a huge flame war and I don't want to ruin the good mood right now.

Just know that you're a huge kiss-ass. That is all. *Leaves*

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