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Something I've never understood


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they're jealous. thats gotta be it

Tru dat.

Also, I'm not really bothered by the fact they call me gay, more the repeated assumption based on ridiculous grounds. I hate ignorance.

Also, I'm not getting this anymore( last time it happened in school was sophomore year) from just guys. It's adults now too! Most of my female friends' parents think I'm gay, and even MY GIRLFRIEND'S MOTHER thinks I'm gay. It's ridiculous, don'tcha think?

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I don't remember anyone calling me gay for no reason whatsoever, besides my brother. (but nobody ought to pay attention to his derogatory statements) I've seen people call folks gay for the whole hanging out with girls thing, but it never sounded intelligent. There are dim-witted folks out there.

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I usually hang out with girls. Actually, I rarely hang with guys, mostly cuz I dislike them. Why does EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN PERSON THINK IM GAY. I see it happen a lot too. Guys who tend to hang with girls tend to get stuff about being gay, which no sense if you think about it. "You're gay because you surround yourself with girls! I'm straight cuz I surround myself with guys!"

Anybody else know what I'm talkin' about?

they are probably jealous at the fact you can hang out with chicks...i caught hell from my sister growing up cuz i had more dude friends than girls...she was insanely jealous that i could get on the same level and chill with dudes...She had to try too hard to even get a guys attention and i could go up to one and say "yo, whats up!" with no problem...

if i were you and they say "youre gay!" you say "no....im just suave" :)

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I've got a similar situation, except I've told a lot of people I'm bi. My group of friends is mixed in gender, but the majority is guys. A lot of people tend to think I'm a lesbian....They say I "act the part".

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I've got a similar situation, except I've told a lot of people I'm bi. My group of friends is mixed in gender, but the majority is guys. A lot of people tend to think I'm a lesbian....They say I "act the part".

Have a hot threesome in public. Then everyone will know the truth, amirite? :3

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I take it this is based off our convo on friday about how your girlfriend's mom think's you're gay? I laughed so hard at the down right stupidity of that.


<_< same shit happens with me. *sighs* why must retarded stereotypes populate the world?

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Retarded stereotypes are everywhere because people don't stop believing them until they are pinned with said stereotype. Sometimes it gets out of hand,example,my last girlfriend dumped me because she thought I was gay and wasn't enjoying her,for no reason whatsoever.

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Stereotypes exist for a reason. Though most of us can agree it sucks being pinned as one that actually doesn't fit our true selves.

I demand a new thread be made for people to list their closest stereotype. It would be entertaining.

That's actually a great idea

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