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Which characters from Brawl won't be in the next game

luigi bros

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As much as I wish Luigi to be the new mascot, Mario is irreplaceable.

Daisy won't replace Peach.

Peach may not be replaced by Daisy but she may join.

I don't know about anybody else, but if Daisy got into a SSB game I'd main her.

or at least try to...

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R.O.B. was in Mario Kart DS. [sarcasm=300%]That wasn't as good as a Game&Watch game though[/sarcasm]

I was thinking more of the games that were came with R.O.B. in the Deluxe Set.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Clones DID have their moveset changed from melee to brawl

Falco got a reflector with different properties, different neutral aerial, forward aerial attack, new side smash, new up tilt attack, new jab, side B goes further and Up B less far to make it difference from Fox's, and his back air is already different from Fox's

Ganondorf got a new side B attack, a new up smash attack, and all of his tilt attacks are already different from Capt. Falcons

Dr. Mario, Pichu, and Young link were removed

Toon Link comes CLOSEST to a clone in brawl, but all of his special attacks have different properties than Link's, he has a different neutral and back aerial attack and different up smash.

anyway, as for who will leave in SSB4...

I'm sure it won't be Wolf, Wolf > Crystal and Panther, not sure why people are saying Wolf

And jigglypuff won't be leaving either. The original 12 are holy. and he's lol popular in Japan

Ike will probably get his spot replaced by someone. A Pokemon will probably be leaving too, either Lucario or Pokemon trainer

And to be honest, I think/hope Sonic will be leaving too.

For the rest, I'm not sure, all of the characters from brawl seem to be at least slightly important. I mean, wtf Young Link and Pichu in melee? At least Toon Link has like 5 of his own games.

Edited by Cyrus
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Wolf ain't coming back either, people were PISSED when they saw him instead of Krystal. He was also last minute.

So were Sonic, Jigglypuff and Toon Link. Think about where they appeared in SSE. Sonic was thrown in right before the end and the others were post-game finds. Also the glitchiness of Toon Link and Jigglypuff points to that (the down stab thing and the getting Jiggly into the hole on Eldin Bridge...) not to mention the not properly done cell shaded look of Toon Link.

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate to say but...I think Sonic is not going to be in the next game, that way he will be more rare since he was on Brawl.

It only took 30 posts as well. If anything thats almost an achivement for the topic.

I'm going to be boring and say Sheik. Its been one decade since that character appeared in any Zelda games...The only way I can think of the moveset surving is to be thrown into a Toon Zelda/Tetra set

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As much as I hate to say it, if there were two characters I think would be kicked out, it would be Ike and Lucario. I think Marth is pretty much a fixture now so I'm not too worried about him, but Ike's future is a bit more uncertain to me. But still, I'd reaaaaaaaaaally like to see Ike stay and they just add another FE character, there's still a huge possibility that Ike could be removed for a new character in another FE is introduced. Hope it doesn't happen though.

Lucario just because it doesn't seem to have the staying power of Jigglypuff and Pikachu. Once again, hope it doesn't happen because I adore Lucario to pieces in both Pokemon games and in Brawl. His fighting style is just so unique <3. Even so, I can easily see a new Pokemon replacing Lucario if a new generation of Pokemon is released before the next SSB.

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What's up with your hatred towards Toon Link, guys? He's way better than Link, so why don't we take Link out? *hold hand to ear* THAT'S RIGHT! He's a classic character, and if they won't get rid of the shitty old version of Link, then they aren't going to get rid of the faster, better Toon Link.

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What's up with your hatred towards Toon Link, guys? He's way better than Link, so why don't we take Link out? *hold hand to ear* THAT'S RIGHT! He's a classic character, and if they won't get rid of the shitty old version of Link, then they aren't going to get rid of the faster, better Toon Link.

I kind of agree with this guy. the only thing I don't agree with is that you say they'll take out Link earlier than Toon Link.

Toon link has quite a big fanbase and he has a lot of games on his own, 4-5 and that's more than some other characters in Brawl.

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Why are people saying who they WANT to be taken out of the Smash series? That's just stupid. I mean, I understand saying things like "Lucario probably won't make it into the next game", but how could you benefit from a character not being in SSB4? It's already almost guaranteed that they'll nerf Dedede's stupid dthrow, fix Snake's hitboxes, give MetaKnight some attack lag, etc., so whatever characters you can't play well against will probably be easier to play against in the next installment.

Edit: That being said, I think Lucario will be replaced by a new human-like Pokemon with a third jump that doesn't hurt enemies and a neutral special that's identical to Mewtwo/Lucario's. If Toon Link stays, I think they'll bring Young Link back (with a unique-ish moveset), but I think they'll replace him. Whether it's to replace TL/YL or just as a new character, though, I really hope they put in Deku Scrub Link. I also think that Sonic WILL be returning, simply because so many fanboys would get butthurt and not buy SSB4. Ike's out, the next sword-wielding Fire Emblem lord will be replacing him. I don't care whether or not they were planning to make Roy return, they didn't, and that's just fucked up to get rid of the toppest-tier character in Melee (yes I'm trolling) and keep the low-tier Brawl replacement. Also, Ike in Brawl is slow, and he uses fire, and his Aether doesn't heal him, and the majority of his attack animations from FE10 were left out, despite the fact that they'd make perfect smashes/tilts, so you know they fucked him up too much to let him come back. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, I think Olimar might be on the chopping block. Most casual players see him as "that character that sucks and just spams pikmin" and most competitive players see him as "that character that might be kinda fun to play as but I don't want to take the time to learn him", which means he's getting a lot less play than he deserves. ROB will return, despite what everybody thinks. He was put in for the same reason as Game&Watch, so that the older crowd would still play. They'll probably add a couple more classic character like Donkey Kong Jr. (unlikely, but that'd be cool) or Pac-man (a bit more likely).

Edited by Krevin
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  • 3 months later...

I believe any character who was a starter character is safe and are here to stay.

I also believe captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Luigi, and Ness will stay as they are part of the original 12.

Any secret characters returning from Melee Im sure will stay as wel.

If I'm correct, the only characters that might possibly leave are Sonic, Snake, R.O.B., Lucario, Wolf, and Toon Link. Sonic and Snake arre the most likely to leave as they are third party.

My thougths though, not fact.

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Who exactly were the starting 12? Let's see how many I can name...

1 Mario

2 Donkey Kong

3 Link

4 Pikachu

5 Jigglypuff

6 Yoshi

7 Kirby

8 Fox

9 Zelda (?)

10 Captain Falcon (?)

Can't remember the rest. I'll probably smack myself.

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Who exactly were the starting 12? Let's see how many I can name...

1 Mario

2 Donkey Kong

3 Link

4 Pikachu

5 Jigglypuff

6 Yoshi

7 Kirby

8 Fox

9 Zelda (?)

10 Captain Falcon (?)

Can't remember the rest. I'll probably smack myself.

They were:

1. Mario

2. Link

3. Donkey Kong

4. Samus

5. Kirby

6. Yoshi

7. Fox

8. Pikachu

9. Luigi

10. Captain Falcon

11. Ness

12. Jigglypuff

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Sonic and Snake will probably be removed due to being third party characters, Lucario will be replaced by a pokemon from Generation 5/whoever is the star of the next movie (I'm sure that there will be one).

If there is a new FE game featuring a new Lord, then I'm sure Ike will be replaced for him/her. I'm also sure R.O.B.'ll be gotten rid of as well as Wolf (because one clone of Fox is enough).

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Wolf will be taken out because of all the stupid bitching from the community (seriously, it's TERRIBLE. The hardcore SSB community is even worse than Final Fantasy's community, and nearly as bad as Halo's). "I wanted Krystal!" "He's too cheap!" Sad too, because he's more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

I hope they take Ike out for the next game because I would love to play as Hector... but that probably won't happen. :(

Olimar is the new Yoshi; the tournament scene hates his guts, but when used correctly, he can flatten everything. I hope he won't be cut, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Same goes for Lucario, who will probably be replaced by a newer Pokemon.

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Ice Climbers, Olimar, Dedede, maybe G&W, Snake, Sonic, ROB (I'll be happiest to see him go, because then my friend won't pawn me with 2 stock left when we play.)

Ike won't leave unless the newest FE (not FEDS) is released before SSB4. And if the lord isn't popular then Ike might still stay. (Noooooooooo! My main! Don't leave!)

It'll be funny if Waluigi makes it to the next SSB.

This is my guess.

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