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Characters and their unique personalities are a major part of why I am interested in the FE series. What personalities attract you to a character? Why?

And I've finished Seisen no Keifu and a part of Radiant Dawn in my absence. I hope to completely master the series before March.

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i like personalities that seem more realistic in ways...like Soren..hehe hes the professional pessimist and i like that...

Sain is the embodiment of the male libido

Florina fears men for reasons known only to herself...i dunno why this is intriguing to me but it is...

also silly personalities like Keiran make it worthwhile...

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Hector's tough guy attitude is one of the things. But he does show his soft side at times. As his girlfriend puts it: "He acts mean, but he's pretty decent enough." It's just a couple of the good things I like about him.

And speaking of Hector's girlfriend, strong-willed, tough on the outside, kind and caring on the inside is the best way to describe her. On the battlefield, she fights for what's right, and isn't afraid of anything. But off of the battlefield, like her boyfriend, she shows her soft side. Letting herself open up to other people without fear, not letting her pride get in her way.

I might post some more reasons why I like other characters later.

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Hector's tough guy attitude is one of the things. But he does show his soft side at times. As his girlfriend puts it: "He acts mean, but he's pretty decent enough." It's just a couple of the good things I like about him.

And speaking of Hector's girlfriend, strong-willed, tough on the outside, kind and caring on the inside is the best way to describe her. On the battlefield, she fights for what's right, and isn't afraid of anything. But off of the battlefield, like her boyfriend, she shows her soft side. Letting herself open up to other people without fear, not letting her pride get in her way.

I might post some more reasons why I like other characters later.


I guess I like Ike's personality cause he's not your typical lord. I kinda like the serious ones like Fiora and Kent too. Levin's pretty good too, he's like a douche in the beginning and goes through some odd changes.

Edited by Levin
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I'm not as attracted to a character's personality as I am to their story and development. This is one reason I like Jill so much. For a minor character, she actually had a fairly decent roll in Path of Radiance and went through quite a lot.

Or in other cases, I like characters who make me laugh or smile a bit. It's part of the reason I love Volug. Just look at his translated supports.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Sain, his personality is just awesome and I find myself to be a lot like him at times

Hector, for similar reasons as Sain, I can just compare myself to him at most times

Haar, if anyone can sleep THAT much and be THAT badass then that's what I call an awesome personality (If you can really call that a personality...)

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I love Tormod. His personality is just so funny. He's quite... er.. I don't know how to put it. Obnoxious?

He makes me laugh so hard with anything he says, especially his boss convo with Oliver:

"Hey, chunky! Apparently we didn't kill you enough last time! Time to try again!"

I also really like Soren. As much of a bastard as he is, he's painfully honest and will never ever lie to you, which is something I like in people. Also, he's a good judge of character.

And of course, Marcia. I'm not sure if it's the way she talks or acts that makes me like her. Ah, well.

I suppose I like everyones personality in one way or another.

Edited by Bananas
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I love Zelgius' and Dheginsea's unwavering personalities.

People tend to dislike/hate Dheginsea for his stubbornness but I dunno, he's one of my favourites possibly for the same reason. They gave him so much character in the short time you got to see him.

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Oh, I liked too many characters to list. I could go on forever on why I love characters. That's one of the main reasons I loved FE9 so much, it gave a lot of personality to all its characters. My favorites would be:

Kieran-Every conversation he has is hilarious. Especially with Geoffrey (poor sap).

Soren-So cold and yet so awesome, he's totally negative and yet totally amazing

Marcia/Makalov- They aren't all that great by themselves, but when they talk together, I laugh my butt off (literally :o )

Serra-She's so self-centered, and yet almost realistic. Such a brat and sooooo funny.

Aimee- Oh wait, she's just plain creepy. But creepy is funny!

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The worst character often have intereseting personalities.

Arden and Marty are the living proofs

or dead, in Arden's case

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Soren is awesome because he manages to be emo without being a perpetually whining little snot. (Okay, he whines at times, whatever.)

I like characters like Ike, who treat everyone equally no matter their background, social class, or race.

FiremanVolke is cool because he's ridiculously dangerous yet somehow funny.

Ranulf for the sarcastical awsum.

And Janaff, because he doesn't understand beorc at all, isn't ashamed of it, and it's hilarious.

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