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VincentASM's Sprite Works


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Dun dun dun, it's time to fulfil my 1+ sprite per year quota.


Zoe's statsheet (FE10 style)

- I don't like having tons of maxed numbers, but blame FE10 for letting that happen so often.

- Once again, Saint map sprite was made by Ice Dragon (I fail at map sprites).

- If anyone wants to use or edit the statsheet template, feel free. Credit for usage is appreciated, but not mandatory.

- Zoe's portrait has been finalised. I just shaved off one line of pixels off her face and changed her costume. I wonder if anybody even knows who she is...


Assorted FE9/10 icons in GBA style.

- Not really that new, but I don't believe I've posted them here before.

- Weapons: Alondite, Ashera Staff, Caladbolg, Double Bow, Matrona, Tarvos, Urvan, Wishblade, Thoron, Tempest

- Skills: Corona, Nihil, Miracle, Renewal, Insight, Adept, Aurora, Impale, Wrath, Counter

- You can freely edit/use these in sprites, hacks or whatever. Credit for usage is appreciated, but not mandatory.

See you again in 2011, hopefully~

Edited by VincentASM
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Dun dun dun, it's time to fulfil my 1+ sprite per year quota.


Zoe's statsheet (FE10 style)

- I don't like having tons of maxed numbers, but blame FE10 for letting that happen so often.

- Once again, Saint map sprite was made by Ice Dragon (I fail at map sprites).

- If anyone wants to use or edit the statsheet template, feel free. Credit for usage is appreciated, but not mandatory.

- Zoe's portrait has been finalised. I just shaved off one line of pixels off her face and changed her costume. I wonder if anybody even knows who she is...


Assorted FE9/10 icons in GBA style.

- Not really that new, but I don't believe I've posted them here before.

- Weapons: Alondite, Ashera Staff, Caladbolg, Double Bow, Matrona, Tarvos, Urvan, Thoron, Tempest

- Skills: Corona, Nihil, Miracle, Renewal, Insight, Adept, Aurora, Impale, Wrath, Counter

- You can freely edit/use these in sprites, hacks or whatever. Credit for usage is appreciated, but not mandatory.

See you again in 2011, hopefully~

Oh neat! Thanks Vincent! I may have to play with that. I havent made a stat sheet in AGES!

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Man, VASM, I think you've really outdone yourself with that new statsheet. I'm literally in shock and awe at the detail of it. How long (approximately) would you say that it took you to make it?

Anyway, slight C/C:

I was going to comment on the separator lines, before I double checked a screenshot of the template and saw that they were there. Personally, with the design of the template not having three symmetric pieces, I think the template might look a bit cleaner (albeit, less artistically accurate) with out the dividing lines between the sections.

Also, not really a critique, but no area for Supports, Leadership, Weapon Levels, or Biorhythm? :[

One critique on the the weapon icons: The bow string for the Double Bow should probably be moved "in" one (diagonal) row towards the front of the bow. Placing the bow string at the back like it is doesn't exactly connect the ends in the way that a normal bow would. (And, yeah, IS probably had it that way in their 24x24 icon in FE10. But, realistically, it makes more sense to have it in the other place. I mean, have you seen some of the stuff that IS has screwed up or been so inconsistent with? They're far from perfect.)

Man, I should probably post a dump of my old stuff here at some point. You never know, maybe someone will find it cool and want to save it and use it for later inspiration.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Not really important, but are you feena?

And you missed the wishblade.

Maybe, yeah probably...

Oops, didn't notice that all.

Man, VASM, I think you've really outdone yourself with that new statsheet. I'm literally in shock and awe at the detail of it. How long (approximately) would you say that it took you to make it?

I'm guessing it took around 2-3 hours. I pulled most of the materials straight from FE10, but not everything was usable due to the difference in size. There was also the issue of where to place everything so it looked good and fitted the space (if you notice, I had to shift the contents of the Personal Data to the right a little to stop it overlapping the border).

I was going to comment on the separator lines, before I double checked a screenshot of the template and saw that they were there. Personally, with the design of the template not having three symmetric pieces, I think the template might look a bit cleaner (albeit, less artistically accurate) with out the dividing lines between the sections.

I was thinking of moving them around, which would help fix some spacing issues. I decided against it since if it was in a real GBA, the separate statsheets would need to be symmetric to account for it being split amongst different screens. Not that it'll likely be used in a real GBA though.

Also, not really a critique, but no area for Supports, Leadership, Weapon Levels, or Biorhythm? :[

Those would probably be in different screens. I just decided to drop the Weapon Level/Support screen, so I could give the Skills some more spotlight. I would like to make a Biorhythm screen one day though.

One critique on the the weapon icons: The bow string for the Double Bow should probably be moved "in" one (diagonal) row towards the front of the bow. Placing the bow string at the back like it is doesn't exactly connect the ends in the way that a normal bow would.

I didn't think of that at all; I'll have to remember it for future bows.

Man, I should probably post a dump of my old stuff here at some point. You never know, maybe someone will find it cool and want to save it and use it for later inspiration.

I feel like I've mentioned it before (or was it to somebody else), but I reckon that would be a great idea : P

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I'm guessing it took around 2-3 hours. I pulled most of the materials straight from FE10, but not everything was usable due to the difference in size. There was also the issue of where to place everything so it looked good and fitted the space (if you notice, I had to shift the contents of the Personal Data to the right a little to stop it overlapping the border).

Those would probably be in different screens. I just decided to drop the Weapon Level/Support screen, so I could give the Skills some more spotlight. I would like to make a Biorhythm screen one day though.

Do you happen to have the FE10 templates "ripped" anywhere? It'd be nice to have actual images for them, instead of blurry screenshots, when referencing the templates.

(Also, 2-3 hours is significantly faster than it's taking me with the stuff I'm working on now... Guess I'm just slow. >_>)

Ah, I see. Even if it couldn't be used for a signature or something, you might consider making an alternate version that has those, for the people that might just want to make a statsheet that has them on it.

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Also, for the FE10 template, does it follow any of the guide templates, or are we solely on our own for placement details?

It follows the FE8 template (I think the custom FEDS one follows FE7, not sure about the custom FE9 one), except the Personal Data needs to be shifted a little.

In Ice Dragon's template (Layer 3), you need to shift it to the right so that it overlaps one of the smaller boxes IIRC.

Neat. My curiosity is popping up again, so who is Zoe?

She's an original character who appeared in some of the earlier hits images. That was back when barely anybody knew about the site, so I don't expect much people to remember : )

Edited by VincentASM
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  • 3 weeks later...

lol@one sprite a year comment.

I really like your fe9/10 skill icons and your various statsheet/battle templates. Pathetic how the only thing I can really do is stare at things that look pretty without saying much else.

Edited by Eltoshen
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  • 2 weeks later...

Btw, Vincent made an Amiti weapon icon... Thank you very much :D

Took a bit longer than expected. How's this?


Thank you very much again... I JUST got around to looking at custom weapon icons... and YESZ :D


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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Another year, another new sprite : o

Probably not really surprising by now, but it's a statsheet again and it's the same character again!


Zoe's statsheet (FE12 style)

- I started work on this, I think, before FE12 even came out; the official site had a very nice clean image of the status screen. However, I got distracted by numerous stuff, so I only edited it very occasionally between then and now.

- Once again, Saint map sprite was made by Ice Dragon.

- I said Zoe's face sprite was finalised last time, of course I lied. Just made a few tweaks that nobody's going to notice and I recoloured her costume. I think her palette is within the GBA portrait limit now.

- The magic weapon icons were custom drawn, based off the TCG. Don't really like the Fire icon much, but the other four I'm more or less happy with.

- Lady Sword icon was borrowed from FE12 and slightly resized to fit in with the other GBA icons.

- Generally, I tried to borrow more style elements from the original game than usual. Only thing I'm not particularly fond of is the page headers ("Personal Data" etc.). I'll probably replace them with the FE12 header font when/if it comes out in English.

- If anyone wants to use or edit the statsheet template, feel free. Credit for usage is appreciated, but not mandatory.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah, I've been meaning to comment on this template for a while now. I had hoped that someone else might chime in about it, but that doesn't look to be the case. :(

The template looks fine, though I'll personally be honest and say that I didn't really like how FE12 "modernized" the templates and such. They just don't look very medieval or fantasy-esque any more.

Some small suggestions that I have:

1) I'd maybe add the darker brown/tan that shows up behind the HP and MHP values to the areas for Level, Class, etc. as well. While it might not be that way on the actual template, they kinda look like they're just... floating.

2) Any reason for the different horizontal dividing lines on the Personal and Items panes? Personal has black lines, while Items has light blue...

3) I'm guessing it's like that on the actual FE12 template, but the tag for "Rng" and its surrounding "button" clash with the other tags down there, since it's like a negative image of the others. :/

4) As for the Magic Weapon Level icons, Thunder, Wind, and Light are fine. (Wind's is actually pretty boss, if you ask me.) I agree that Fire seems off, and I'd possibly attribute it the clump of reddish-orange around the outsides with nothing to shade it very well. As for Dark, looking at Manfloy's TCG card, it seems like there's a dark "aura" around the symbol on the card, which, zoomed in I can partially make out, albeit it's quite thin and unnoticeable. I'd extend it out a pixel on the outside and also add some of it inside the bluish "circle", since it appears there on the card as well.

All-in-all, not bad. :thumbsup:

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Whoo, I'm sort of surprised to get a comment. Although, since you're a regular critic in here, I'm not surprised that I'd get a comment from you : P

I ought to check your spriting topic when I stop being lazy.

The template looks fine, though I'll personally be honest and say that I didn't really like how FE12 "modernized" the templates and such. They just don't look very medieval or fantasy-esque any more.

I didn't like it much at first, but it grew on me as I played the game. The modern feel, to me, feels like a nice change from the fantasy/medieval look that the games always have. The only gripe I have is that it reminds me too much of Pokemon for some reason X D

1) I'd maybe add the darker brown/tan that shows up behind the HP and MHP values to the areas for Level, Class, etc. as well. While it might not be that way on the actual template, they kinda look like they're just... floating.

I was too busy focusing on FE12 that I forgot the GBA games had bars for Level and Class. I sort of like the "floating" text as is though ^^

2) Any reason for the different horizontal dividing lines on the Personal and Items panes? Personal has black lines, while Items has light blue...

FE12 does that, I believe. I might just use light blue for consistency though and also because the black lines are really hard to see (probably even harder than the lines in my FE10 and FE11 templates).

3) I'm guessing it's like that on the actual FE12 template, but the tag for "Rng" and its surrounding "button" clash with the other tags down there, since it's like a negative image of the others. :/

Yeah, that's in FE12. I want to keep the tag colours like that, but I'm not really happy about the text. I'm sort of waiting for FE12 to be released in English so I can borrow more text elements.

4) As for the Magic Weapon Level icons, Thunder, Wind, and Light are fine. (Wind's is actually pretty boss, if you ask me.) I agree that Fire seems off, and I'd possibly attribute it the clump of reddish-orange around the outsides with nothing to shade it very well. As for Dark, looking at Manfloy's TCG card, it seems like there's a dark "aura" around the symbol on the card, which, zoomed in I can partially make out, albeit it's quite thin and unnoticeable. I'd extend it out a pixel on the outside and also add some of it inside the bluish "circle", since it appears there on the card as well.

The fire icon was also harder to work with since there's a limited palette that I can use. I was too lazy to look up the actual icon palette in FE12, so I just used colours from the existing weapon icons, which only number 5...

I'll look into the dark symbol as well. I found it kind of hard to design the light and dark symbols due to the restricted space and I didn't want dark to look like a recoloured light.

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