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So like, I'm tempted to play it, and I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice

-I am planning on using halvan/othin/fin

-Like, is Brighton worth it, or will I not have enough room, because I love axe knights. alot.

Give other advice as you see fit plz

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There's one thing you should know: Be conservative. Money is hard to acquire and enemies don't drop weapons/items. You can capture/steal but even then, save whatever good weapons you have. You'll eventually run short of Iron Swords since all mounted units use swords indoors..

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Another few things:

  1. Don't even bother training Eyvel
  2. Give Dagdar an Iron Bow by Chapter 3
  3. Train Lifis, train Saphy as well
  4. There's a path branch at mid game, one is easier, albeit being more boring, and has less good characters.
  5. Take a chill pill before Ch 18.

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Dagda doesn't quite hold up for lategame, but he's still awesome for a really frickin' long time. Don't feel bad about fielding him fairly often.

Brighton is worth it, though there are other combat units that will outclass him by quite a bit as the game goes on. Axe Knight is a great class simply because it's axes on a horse, and he does have wrath.

Use a warp staff on 12x (among other chapters) if you want to keep your sanity, but 12x should definitely be the first one. For that reason, have Safy heal like crazy so she has an A in staves by then.

The Gamefaqs tier list has Dalshein (and the aforementioned Dagda) ranked a bit low for my tastes. The awesomeness of axes indoors (which Brighton and Hicks cannot do) combined with capturing cannot be understated, though some may disagree with me.

Ronan may be about the worst character in the series. He fights with the likes of FE1 Thomas and FE10 Lyre for that distinction.

If this is for fun and not ranks, then scroll abuse someone you like who sucks. It'll make using them much easier. (Marty with 15 spd FTW)

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Dagda doesn't quite hold up for lategame, but he's still awesome for a really frickin' long time. Don't feel bad about fielding him fairly often.

Brighton is worth it, though there are other combat units that will outclass him by quite a bit as the game goes on. Axe Knight is a great class simply because it's axes on a horse, and he does have wrath.

Use a warp staff on 12x (among other chapters) if you want to keep your sanity, but 12x should definitely be the first one. For that reason, have Safy heal like crazy so she has an A in staves by then.

The Gamefaqs tier list has Dalshein (and the aforementioned Dagda) ranked a bit low for my tastes. The awesomeness of axes indoors (which Brighton and Hicks cannot do) combined with capturing cannot be understated, though some may disagree with me.

Ronan may be about the worst character in the series. He fights with the likes of FE1 Thomas and FE10 Lyre for that distinction.

If this is for fun and not ranks, then scroll abuse someone you like who sucks. It'll make using them much easier. (Marty with 15 spd FTW)

Dagda isn't awesome. But he's handy in the first few chapters.

Fatigue system forces you to use a lot of units. And Brighton is quite good, thanks to Wrath.

If Safy doesn't have a Staff rank of A by 12x, then you should promote her (staff level increases as well). But yeah, you should really use Warp on 12x.

Dashin is okay. Helpful for a while, at least.

Ronan is bad combat-wise. But my one somehow acquired 9 Move really early and his movement helped in one indoor chapter.

For ranks??? Are you kidding me??? This is his first playthrough. Rankings are the least of his problems. Like FE5 wasn't already hard enough.

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Try to get Warp, Rewarp and Rescue as much as you can. They are ones of the most important stuffs in FE5 (aside from those personal weapons).

Edited by Aida
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Dagda isn't awesome. But he's handy in the first few chapters.

Fatigue system forces you to use a lot of units. And Brighton is quite good, thanks to Wrath.

If Safy doesn't have a Staff rank of A by 12x, then you should promote her (staff level increases as well). But yeah, you should really use Warp on 12x.

Dashin is okay. Helpful for a while, at least.

Ronan is bad combat-wise. But my one somehow acquired 9 Move really early and his movement helped in one indoor chapter.

For ranks??? Are you kidding me??? This is his first playthrough. Rankings are the least of his problems. Like FE5 wasn't already hard enough.

You have to be awesome when you're one rounding common enemies for over half the game on your base stats alone, and Dagda has access to bows for indirect attacking, (and so avoiding more counters while putting his skill to use to make up for his lame speed) and hammers, halberd, etc.

Of course, once people start promoting he'll no longer measure up, but he's great until then.

But I do agree that trying to rank on the first run would be kinda ridiculous.

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Dalshin is awesome if you want a tank that actually has skill and can crit.

Also, train Tanya(I don't agree with that list, she is way too low), because until you get Robert, the best archer in the game,that will come underleveled, she is your only option.

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Try to get Warp, Rewarp and Rescue as much as you can. They are ones of the most important stuffs in FE5 (aside from those personal weapons).

You'll have no problems acquiring Rewarp thanks to 14x. But when you reach the split path, I think the west path (Solar Route) provides you with two more Warp staves and one Rescue Staff. Those would help. But then you'll end up missing a Berserk Staff, and several stealable weapons including a Pugi Axe (which were in the Lunar Route)

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Use spoilers to see the gaiden chapter requirements, it really sucks if you don't get Asvel (I think Saphy is gotten via gaiden as well?)

Stock up on door keys, about 10 in storage is fine

Don't be afraid of wasting experience on mediocre characters if that's what it takes to finish a chapter without suffering an nervous seizure

Warp is the greatest thing since Holsety in the series of Fire Emblem, use it to bypass all head explosion inducing chapters, such as those involving incredible numbers of ballista, or Cyas

Scrolls are meant to be used, optimally, you should use as many on one character as possible, and powerlevel that character before switching them all onto someone else

Promotion items may be used before lv20 without fear. You will never hit 20/20 anyhow

Edited by skadabra65
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Use spoilers to see the gaiden chapter requirements, it really sucks if you don't get Asvel (I think Saphy is gotten via gaiden as well?)

You get Saphy in Chapter 7, if she wasn't killed/captured.

Also, you might get at least to 20/16.

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Fatigue system forces you to use a lot of units. And Brighton is quite good, thanks to Wrath.

That is what I don't like about this game.

It forces you to use alot of units, some that you may not even use in the endgame, and that your troops will almost never be at good levels without the arena. My point is that your troops will actually be at lower levels than they would by using the average 14/15 units per playthrough.

The ballistae might make you cry. They almost made me cry.

Yes. I admit that they are overpowered in this game.

Dalshin is awesome if you want a tank that actually has skill and can crit.

Also, train Tanya(I don't agree with that list, she is way too low), because until you get Robert, the best archer in the game,that will come underleveled, she is your only option.

Lets not forget that Roberto also grows weapon skill alot slower than Tanya does, too.

You'll have no problems acquiring Rewarp thanks to 14x. But when you reach the split path, I think the west path (Solar Route) provides you with two more Warp staves and one Rescue Staff. Those would help. But then you'll end up missing a Berserk Staff, and several stealable weapons including a Pugi Axe (which were in the Lunar Route)

Also Shanam that has the Bargain skill making those very expensive Knight Proofs and stat up items affordable.

Promotion items may be used before lv20 without fear. You will never hit 20/20 anyhow

Also, stats in this game only caps at 80 in HP, and 20 in everything else.

I don't know if anybody mentioned this yet, but Chapter 22=hair ripping difficulty.

Support+ Fin Hero Lance, and Leaf with Lightsword, and Nanna Earth Sword, and staying put until Cyas leaves makes this Chapter less hair ripping.

The only hard part of it is when you actually have to fight Reinherdt.

Edited by Laylea
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Chapter 24x is harder than 22 IMO, if you burn a few staff charges and 2 uses of Grafcalibur, 22 isn't really a big obstacle.

I thought chapter 4 and 5 were notable for difficulty. I had the strategy for 4 down more or less but my units keep getting worn down by the neverending javelin assault and it seemed like some luck was required for the part at the very end. And then with 5, every time I get pot the top right corner where everyone arrives there at once, I started worrying about not screwing it up this time.

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Because wasting hours of your life when there's a much easier way to do something makes much more sense!

Hours. Funny.

Most people are using emulators and speeding up is a really good thing. Most turns are going to be uneventful.

After those uneventful turns, then you will have to charge.

Because spending a tiny amount of time and gaining nothing from it makes much more sense!

Edited by Alvis
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I'm sorry, but I don't see why anybody would want to waste time doing that when the game is just as easy to beat when you wark skip. What do you get, experience when all of your character's stats are already capped at 20? Plus, enjoy your E in Tactics.

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I'm sorry, but I don't see why anybody would want to waste time doing that when the game is just as easy to beat when you wark skip. What do you get, experience when all of your character's stats are already capped at 20? Plus, enjoy your E in Tactics.

WASTE? You get a Holy Water, Warp Staff, Rescue Staff, Holy Sword and Daim Thunder and an infinite amount of Knight Proofs. What wasting is going on here? Just as easy to beat, hah.

Not experience, but maybe you'll want to capture enemies and take their stuff for cash? And it's not like all the stats are going to be 20.

Ranking is the only thing it's good for, but we're not talking about ranked here, are we?

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