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Piracy is not theft

General Spoon

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When you steal something, you take it away from someone; they don't have it anymore. Following so far?

Cool. When you "pirate" something, you copy it; you get it, but they still have it. See?

Yes, I get, haha :lol: .

Nice quote you gave me.

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Are you trying to be stupid? It what god-forsaken recess of your mind does it make more sense to pirate music and software that hundreds of people worked on and depend on good sales for profit, while the movie industry even in these dire time is unflagging in it's ability to make profit, and the only one who loses out in the end if a movie is pirated is the studio (production, actors, etc are all paid before the movie is released). In stark contrast, musicians garner their revenue directly proportional to how many CDs they sell, they don't get a $20 million commission from a recording studio just for releasing the album, the album has to sell too.


Basic record contracts put your royalties(that is, profits per sale) at a low margin. 10 to 15% from big labels. So much for your 'directly proportional' argument. Most leading actors will get a small royalty check as well, by the by.

That's at full price. Albums sold on sale cut your royalties to about 60%.

Bands get paid per Album made, with basic contracts requiring them to make X Albums with them. No, a band will never see 20 million from a CD they produce. But they're also only making 10 songs, an hour's worth of entertainment, only 2-4 of which will see a radio release, with minimal marketing for the CD and frankly ridiculous amounts of competition in the industry. And that's not mentioning their profits for concerts. You can argue that it's generally 4+ people to a band, and that they have to produce the same song many times until it's perfected and they'll cuts songs from the final CD. But movies run the same scenes more than once and don't produce enough material to kick out another movie.

The biggest thing the increasing piracy does to music is thin out the talent pool, making it harder for unestablished artists to make it, while forcing out small names bands that are more than like 70/30 at the least in your bad/good ratio. Any real music buff will tell you the industry is more likely to kill a band than piracy is.

As for software, it takes someone to crack the program/build a program to use the software, and they do it for free generally without trouble from the company that would want to protect their software. Doesn't hurt that it's, more often than not, well over-priced and in these days built incomplete.

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Basic record contracts put your royalties(that is, profits per sale) at a low margin. 10 to 15% from big labels. So much for your 'directly proportional' argument. Most leading actors will get a small royalty check as well, by the by.

You answered my question: this just comes naturally for you.

Ok, they get 10-15% of the sales. This means that their profits are directly proportional to how many records they sell. They sell twice as many records, they make twice as much money.

Before you go on a tangent next time, please understand basic mathematical terminology. I know it's a lot to expect everyone to have passed 5th grade math, but there are plenty of adult education programs out there if you need them.

The rest of your post was such an irrelevant compilation of trite nonsense that rather than spending time to pick it apart, I will respond lol.

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