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Piracy is not theft

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I don't care one bit if it's illegal;

However, you fucking pirates are the reason everyone has to deal with ridiculously stupid DRM, and I hope they're adding a new circle in hell just for you.

Edited by Paradox
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If you really want to express your opinion, at least try and reword it or expound a little.

There's little point in simply using another member's post for your own post.

Alright. What if my thoughts were the exact same as his?

I'm practically pointing at Fox and trying to ensure that people listen to him and keeping that in mind.

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However, you fucking pirates are the reason everyone has to deal with ridiculously stupid DRM, and I hope they're adding a new circle in hell just for you.

Just a word of advice: console pirates and PC pirates are in entirely different pools of the spectrum, with few actually mingling between the two. At least, to anyone who's followed piracy for a while, it's kinda a given ._.

Anyone who pirates realizes it's stealing profit. And that's the largest problem. All other sorts fall under bitch-fits, like cease-and-desist over copy-righted materials (somewhat debatable concerning texture mods for games like Brawl though >.>).

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I don't care one bit if it's illegal;

However, you fucking pirates are the reason everyone has to deal with ridiculously stupid DRM, and I hope they're adding a new circle in hell just for you.

well someone's a little upset

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well someone's a little upset

Well pirates wouldn't understand as their "copies" of the game are DRM free (naturally). DRM is part of the reason why I wouldn't want to know PC gaming (my computer is far too old to even give it thought at the moment). Its too soul destroying to look forward to a game and then find you can't get it becuase if you do Securom will cripple your computer ("You're trying to use Daemon tools so you don't have to eject and insert discs every 5 minutes, Securom can't do that. Or even better you've got two disk drives Securom won't allow that either. You want to get rid of securom, guess what uninstaling the stupid game won't do it, you'll have to waste the weekend formatting the computer. This is all the stop pirates...Spore was cracked on day -10 of release!").

So why not buy the game and pirate it? Thats the worst possible thing you can do. You're supporting both piracy and fucking Securom.

Personally, Securom does not justify the act of piracy but many people will use it as an excuse regardless.

The thing I dislike about piracy are people who abuse your privilages and compromise them becuase of it. Or the ones that brag thinking it is cool. Pirates need to learn the consequences of their actions.

The whole piracy isn't stealing. Indeed thats completely true and it drives me mad when you get a DVD and you're stuck watching the unskippable "you wouldn't steal a car" bullshit*. Hey Fox, I'm the one that BOUGHT your fucking DVD, you're telling the wrong people

*-And the selling point of DVDs is you wouldn't be stuck fast forwarding through this crap. They were right, you CAN'T fast-forward it; you're stuck watching it :(

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It's stealing in another form.

You see, one fo the reasons SNK went barnkrupt was becase of piracy. You copy the product, but you sell it for less money than the official product, andthe company doesn't profit with it.

No, it isn't. As masterfully pointed out in the OP, stealing involves subtracting the original item from its owner, no questions asked. Sure, piracy is a crime and, as such, illegal; however, it has never been "stealing".

Anyone who pirates realizes it's stealing profit.

Potentially stealing profit. Because really, a large portion of the so-called pirate community wouldn't ever buy the original if pirating means weren't available.

Personal example? I wouldn't ever give a damn about Fire Emblem if I couldn't emulate it. I'm sure the same is valid for quite a few people who started as pirates, liked what they saw and decided to support Nintendo by buying the consoles/games - if anything, those converted pirates generated a profit that wouldn't exist without piracy! Where is your profit stealing now?

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No, it isn't. As masterfully pointed out in the OP, stealing involves subtracting the original item from its owner, no questions asked. Sure, piracy is a crime and, as such, illegal; however, it has never been "stealing".

You don't steal the actual product, but by copying it, the company loses money. It's a kind of theft.

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You don't steal the actual product, but by copying it, the company loses money. It's a kind of theft.


What the company loses is the perspective of possibly receiving money by selling the goods they produce. The money isn't there yet, and you can't steal what isn't there.

How can you say for sure that companies are really losing money through piracy? It's really hard to measure, and I'll tell you two motives why.

First, the ones pirating wouldn't necessarily buy the original ones if they had no illicit means of getting a game or software for free/much lower price; so, if they wouldn't buy it in the first place, obviously they aren't making the producer lose money.

Second, piracy increases product awareness. Why is Windows the dominant OS? Naturally, it's because everybody (but businesses) pirates it. How did people get to know about Fire Emblem before Rekka no Ken was released overseas? That's right, piracy. They only started paying for some (then) obscure Japanese strategy RPG franchise back then because they got to know and love the series through emulation. Did they make Nintendo lose money? No, on the contrary: they became customers.

Edited by Anborn Arsar
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I understand in theory, Piracy is making a copy of somthing and stealing is taking the original. However, theory aside, Piracy is theft because you are stealing profits from a store clerk. He might sell something for 10$ and you would be in the back of the store selling for half price. Stolen profit that be. Anyways, Pirates stole stuff all the time....


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I understand in theory, Piracy is making a copy of somthing and stealing is taking the original. However, theory aside, Piracy is theft because you are stealing profits from a store clerk. He might sell something for 10$ and you would be in the back of the store selling for half price. Stolen profit that be. Anyways, Pirates stole stuff all the time....


Except that it isn't that simple.

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Yes, but let's say that the company has 100 exemplars of the product. The pirates buy 10, then start copying it, then selling for a smaller price.

The company profits 1/10 of the expected, while the rest is on the pirates' hands.

As for the Rekka no Ken, there are cases and cases, but FE6 was introduced by piracy here, they still sold it in Japan and stuff.

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Yes, but let's say that the company has 100 exemplars of the product. The pirates buy 10, then start copying it, then selling for a smaller price.

The company profits 1/10 of the expected, while the rest is on the pirates' hands.

As for the Rekka no Ken, there are cases and cases, but FE6 was introduced by piracy here, they still sold it in Japan and stuff.

You presume that once a pirate starts selling stuff for half the price, everybody runs to buy the pirated game/software. That's a wrong statement.

The anti-piracy propaganda (I remember I wouldn't knowingly buy pirated Genesis cartridges because of all those warnings that "pirate cartridges may be incomplete" or damage my console somehow, for instance). The warranty, support and online gaming privileges. The sense of loyalty towards the company. The conscience of making an effort to support someone who made a good job. These and other motives can and do lead people to choose officials over pirates, even if the quality is comparable and the price is much lower.

Now, the part of people buying pirated stuff (instead of simply downloading it) has an extra negative point that it means feeding the mafia, but that's another issue.

Piracy hurts perspectives in a not-easily-mensurable (if mensurable at all) way. It's illegal, but it can't be called "theft."

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You presume that once a pirate starts selling stuff for half the price, everybody runs to buy the pirated game/software. That's a wrong statement.

But that DID happen. Just look at the PS2, it was swarming with pirate games that were like 4 dollars while the original was something like, dunno, 30.

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But that DID happen. Just look at the PS2, it was swarming with pirate games that were like 4 dollars while the original was something like, dunno, 30.

You presume that everybody who buys it for $4 would buy the $30 if the $4 pirated version weren't available. That's a wrong statement.

Also, learn2 your own country.

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You presume that everybody who buys it for $4 would buy the $30 if the $4 pirated version weren't available. That's a wrong statement.

Also, learn2 your own country.

Learn to what?

I not even mentioned what if there weren't the pirated. I was thinking about here, BR.

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Learn to what?

I not even mentioned what if there weren't the pirated. I was thinking about here, BR.

The PS2 wasn't even officially released here yet (lol release in 2009). And judging the monstrous prices of official games due to taxes, I believe most people here wouldn't even buy a PS2 at all if piracy weren't an option.

Edited by Anborn Arsar
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As for the Rekka no Ken, there are cases and cases, but FE6 was introduced by piracy here, they still sold it in Japan and stuff.

Yes, FE6 is still sold in Japan. But the problem is, it's not produced anymore, and thus is only findable in second-hand market (and I know my subject, as I DID found copies of FE6 in game shops in Tôkyô, but only used). And we all know game publishers get NO money from second-hand games, the full profitability comes to the shop for those.

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The PS2 wasn't even officially released here yet (lol release in 2009). And judging the monstrous prices of official games due to taxes, I believe most people here wouldn't even buy a PS2 at all if piracy weren't an option.

Some people import the actual console and "unlock" it.

Then it's all about 12 bucks for 5 games.

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I know. And your point is...?

None at all. Just that they give a little money for the console(or not even that), and just buy the pirated games.Because the console wasn't released officially, they have to go with pirates.

There are cases and cases.My point stands, though.

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