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Profanity makes you cool.


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Ferrizzal McDizzal, Just addizzle Izzle or Izzal to the end of everthingizzal.

I say, Gizzle Doggizzal. On the four one oneizzle you'rizzal icyzzle chizzle forizzle your dizzle hipizzal dogizzle.

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I say, Gizzle Doggizzal. On the four one oneizzle you'rizzal icyzzle chizzle forizzle your dizzle hipizzal dogizzle.


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Most people think when using profane words, it makes them sound more "Serious" Or 'Imposing' But it really makes them sound like a idiotic ten year old who got raped on Halo 3. My dad used Profanity when trying to sound more serious or intimidating and I always laugh, which makes him more angry.

One could say that someone complaining about words is the person who really sounds like a child.

And swearing is.. hip? Do you have any idea how old these words are and how long they have been used?

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One could say that someone complaining about words is the person who really sounds like a child.

And swearing is.. hip? Do you have any idea how old these words are and how long they have been used?

Yo dawgizzle on da 411 cussing is not hipizzle and happenizzling!

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