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There is none hotter in this game...

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i fail to see the femininity.

sure, he has long hair and a delicate face structure. that doesn't make him effeminate.

Effeminate, look Lucius.

Huh, that does make him effeminate.

efâ‹…femâ‹…iâ‹…nate [adj. i-fem-uh-nit; v. i-fem-uh-neyt]

adjective, verb, -natâ‹…ed, -natâ‹…ing.

–adjective 1. (of a man or boy) having traits, tastes, habits, etc., traditionally considered feminine, as softness or delicacy.

Lucius isn't just effeminate, he's a trap.

Edited by Anborn Arsar
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I hate when people say that, the first time I saw him I dobt his gender.

are you talking about Lucius? because he was even confused for a girl in-game.

Leonardo doesn't look effeminate at all.


Huh, that does make him effeminate.

Lucius isn't just effeminate, he's a trap.

you contradicted yourself. NEVER is there anything mentioned in game that he has any sort of traits, tastes, or habits that are considered effeminate. he looks delicate, but that doesn't mean he is.

Edited by Nyx
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you contradicted yourself. NEVER is there anything mentioned in game that he has any sort of traits, tastes, or habits that are considered effeminate. he looks delicate, but that doesn't mean he is.

Contradicted myself? How? Where? If anything, you're the one contracting yourself there.

He looks delicate - which means looking effeminate, as opposed to looking manly. You know, the fact he isn't as effeminate as Lucius doesn't mean he isn't effeminate at all. >_>

(And if you ask me, his A-rank support talks don't exactly sound masculine.)

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Contradicted myself? How? Where? If anything, you're the one contracting yourself there.

He looks delicate - which means looking effeminate, as opposed to looking manly. You know, the fact he isn't as effeminate as Lucius doesn't mean he isn't effeminate at all. >_>

(And if you ask me, his A-rank support talks don't exactly sound masculine.)

so you're saying that a guy has to wave an axe around and look like a pig in order to be considered manly? how shallow.

and looking is not the same as being, silly urchin. we know practically nothing of Leonardo, so judging him based on his appearance is really shallow.

and he was raised a noble. he obviously won't behave as a peasant, since they were not raised in the same environment

and what if his supports show affection for others? a guy can show affection, can't he? i've met guys who aren't effeminate at all who are really comfortable with showing affection to their friends.

indeed, the one who needs to redefine masculinity is you.

Edited by Nyx
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so you're saying that a guy has to wave an axe around and look like a pig in order to be considered manly? how shallow.

and looking is not the same as being, silly urchin. we know practically nothing of Leonardo, so judging him based on his appearance is really shallow.

and he was raised a noble. he obviously won't behave as a peasant, since they were not raised in the same environment

and what if his supports show affection for others? a guy can show affection?

indeed, the one who needs to redefine masculinity is you.

... huh, yes, we're talking about looks here. Look at the thread's title.

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... huh, yes, we're talking about looks here. Look at the thread's title.

thread wasn't about who was the most effeminate or masculine, but who looks the hottest.

you CAN judge hotness without starting a "effeminate or masculine" argument, you know.

and besides, why should you say that Leo is effeminate when there is MORE to being effeminate than just looks? this thread got off-track because someone stated that Leo was effeminate when there is nothing that indicates this besides his looks.

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The dude doesn't really assert himself as either. Just because he's a guy doesn't make him masculine. It's ok for guys to show affection, but there's a difference in how it's expressed. He expresses it in a rather non-masculine sort of way. Soft appearance, soft mannerisms, soft behavior...He doesn't need to wave an axe around, behaving like a barbarian with facial hair, but he's definitely not masculine anyways. As for being raised by nobles, he's no longer with nobles now. He's with freedom fighters. Notice he still looks soft and behaves in such a way, there is no royal softy gene. Just because he's royal doesn't mean the reason he's soft. *points at FE7's Hector, FE4's Sigurd, FE8's Ephraim since FE10's Ike has no personality*

Basically what I'm hearing here is "He looks effeminate and behaves in such a way too" , "No, he's masculine because he's a guy." You make it sound like men aren't allowed to be effeminate. It's not like we're bashing him here, relax. We're adults here, we're cool with it. At least most of us are.

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Of course not, Sanaki is not even a loli, now if we were talking about her in PoR...she is a loli there.

She's a loli in both games.

FE10's Ike has no personality

He has more personality than 99% of the cast, and he's not a noble.

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The dude doesn't really assert himself as either. Just because he's a guy doesn't make him masculine. It's ok for guys to show affection, but there's a difference in how it's expressed. He expresses it in a rather non-masculine sort of way. Soft appearance, soft mannerisms, soft behavior...He doesn't need to wave an axe around, behaving like a barbarian with facial hair, but he's definitely not masculine anyways. As for being raised by nobles, he's no longer with nobles now. He's with freedom fighters. Notice he still looks soft and behaves in such a way, there is no royal softy gene. Just because he's royal doesn't mean the reason he's soft. *points at FE7's Hector, FE4's Sigurd, FE8's Ephraim since FE10's Ike has no personality*

Basically what I'm hearing here is "He looks effeminate and behaves in such a way too" , "No, he's masculine because he's a guy." You make it sound like men aren't allowed to be effeminate. It's not like we're bashing him here, relax. We're adults here, we're cool with it. At least most of us are.

i'm relaxed. i don't know about you, but i'm even having fun discussing this.

no, i never said he was masculine or feminine. what i said or meant to say, i'm not sure if i was clear on that part was that people need to redefine what masculine and feminine are, and that Leonardo SHOULDN'T be considered effeminate.

indeed, he doesn't seem the guy with facial hair, running around and waving an axe in the air. but just because he seems like the type to prefer a cup of tea over fighting in a war doesn't mean he's effeminate. And if you look in my past posts, i never said he was masculine, i only said that he's not effeminate.

FE7 Hector was far from being a typical noble, its even stated in-game. I don't know much about Sigurd yet, but Ephraim is the generic honorable hero, so we can't say anything about him. he's too generic.

My point is, unless we know more about Leonardo's personality and habits, we can't say he IS effeminate. he can certainly look like one, but that doesn't mean he is.

there is a huge difference between looking and being.

Edited by Nyx
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I agree he's kinda in a gray area, though.

Did you remove this because it would mean agreeing that he's effeminate/androgynous?

Oh my, discussion for the sake of discussing. Bah.

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Did you remove this because it would mean agreeing that he's effeminate/androgynous?

Oh my, discussion for the sake of discussing. Bah.

no, i removed it because i though it would be pretty obvious from reading my whole post.

and for effect.

Edited by Nyx
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Well if he's grey area, he's still a bit more effeminate and masculine.

But tell us. How do you define masculine and feminine, since it seems you are bugged by the thought of Leo being effeminate?

better yet, i'll make a thread!

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Volug, Ilyana & Vica own everyone in the hotness department

Now, if only Vica didn't have crap availability...

What about Mia and Micaiah?

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