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Favorite Ending Credits/Ending Theme Song

Steven Tyler

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Well, what are your favorite ending theme/ending credits songs in a video game? Did the song reflect on the characters, the game, or you just plain like it?

And so this won't become a "Top 10, 15, 100" topic, please state why you enjoy the song?

Sonic 3 Credits (Sonic 3 and Knuckles)

YouTube - SONIC 3 - "Sonic 3 credits" music request

Listening to this song gives you a sense of victory and a sense of joy that you completed a good game. It is basically a celebration song!

Also, there's another reason why I love this song:

YouTube - Stranger In Moscow(Sonic 3 Credit Mix) - Michael Jackson

Eternal Wind (Fire Emblem 6: The Sword of Seals)

YouTube - Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword Original Soundtrack 30

This . . . is a bit hard to explain. Seeing this song and ending focus on one of the worst final boss in a video game the supporting villain (Idoun) and her reformed heart after taking a beating from Roy. Man, other then that, it's basically an arrangement of this song in the key of D minor/F Major:



The Best is Yet to Come (Metal Gear Solid)

YouTube - Metal Gear Solid Soundtrack: The Best Is Yet To Come

Do you remember the time when little things made you happy

Do you remember the time when simple things made you smile

Life can be wonderful if you let it be

Life can be simple if you try

What happened to those days?

What happened to those nights?

Do you remember the time when little things made you so sad

Do you remember the time when simple things made you cry

Is it just me, or is it just us

Feeling lost in this world?

Why do we have to hurt each other?

Why do we have to shed tears?

Life can be beautiful if you try

Life can be joyful if we try

Tell me I am not alone

Tell me we are not alone in this world fighting against the wind

Do you remember the time when simple things made you happy

Do you remember the time when simple things made you laugh

You know life can be simple

You know life is simple

Because the best thing in life is yet to come

Because the best is yet to come

Reading those lyrics translation, you can tell that Snake had a simple, easy life before his mercenary days. The sadness expressed in this song details that Snake long for peace and a better simple life, but he knows he can never have that lifestyle if he's always fighting. Snake basically kills his past and his emotions and yet, despite killing them, it is like they are revived at one point.

Ending Credits (Super Mario 64)

YouTube - Super Mario 64: Staff Roll

Another song that doesn't really fit the game, but gives you another sense of closure. This is a very beautiful and well-composed piece that gives you that effect of remembering older days playing this game.

Staff Roll (Mario Kart Double Dash)

YouTube - Mario Kart Double Dash Music - Staff Roll

Tell me, when was the last time you heard jazz as an ending theme in a video game? Another celebration like song that is so damn upbeat, like the game is praising you for beating it.

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The ones that really stick out in my mind are Super Mario 64 and Zelda: MC. Plus OoT for nostalgia. If I weren't at school I'd provide links to youtube.

Anyone else notice that credits have over the years been getting more and more boring?

Edited by Yourgranny
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this...man I heard this sooo many times when I lv grinded and spammed the final boss of this game for my 100% playthrough (which I deleted like an idiot when I gave the game away only to rebuy it a year later) which was also my first playthrough since when I got it I knew I wanted to do every little thing since I wanted to be fully ready to transfer clear data again to the next one (but was glad, when I did get the 3rd one and already had deleted my ep2 data, found it was pretty unnecessary to have the data)

anyway...I heard this song...10+ times maybe? still don't mind listening to it on occasion

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My favorite credits song is very fittingly named

since it's a full-blown arrangement of the first few notes from the title screen and the music truly represents the scope of the game.

Other than that Super Mario Land because it gives you a sense of closure and

because it's yet another 20 minute medley right after Dancing Mad. Edited by Ike-Mike
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(Yes oh yes...) These are some endings that I loved (the ending song as well as the actual ending itself), in no particular order:

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

I really loved the game, and I absolutely loved the song, and also the way the photos were floating onto the desk... Anyway, the ending song's a remix of the Objection theme too, so it's quite awesome and reminiscent.

Professor Layton & The Curious Village

The ending song was very nice and peaceful after all that happened in the story. Very suitable for the ending. The game has nice art too, so those images in the credits were cute.

The World Ends With You

I enjoyed the game very very much, and it was very satisfying. The ending song got me into tears too ;_;, it's such a nice song.

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These two come to my mind.

Super Castlevania IV:

Makes you feel like you accomplished something. I really like listening to this song.

The Milky Way Wishes staff credit song in Kirby Super Star:

Another song I really enjoy listening to. It can kinda make you sad, even if the song is happy.

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Sonic 3 is a good choice.

Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Land

Portal, seriously.

Star Fox 64.

And Wario Land II for best ending song ever.

I'm sure I've missed many good ones.

EDIT: For example, Sonic & Knuckles, which I probably like more than Sonic 3's ending.

Edited by Duff Ostrich
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Super Mario 64,

Yoshi's Story,

Yoshi's Island, for that matter;

Pokemon Silver,

Star Fox 64,

Medievil Resurrection (an overlooked game with an incredible soundtrack)

A lot of Nintendo stuff, eh?

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Sonic Boom (Ending) (Sonic CD)

Listening to it now, it was a bit cheesy but it does stick to me because of the rich nostalgia effect it has on me. You gotta admit, despite it cheesiness, it was catchy.

Way to Fall - StarSailor (Metal Gear Solid 3)


I admit the fact I never played MGS3 but Way to Fall is a song that fits the treatment of Big Boss, Eva, and anyone else who been screwed over by those above them. Listening to the lyrics, you can tell there's a sad story about an experienced person telling a rookie that people will **** you over and people will lie to you. The seasoned vet is dealing with is own issues and sadness due to just being treated like a tool.

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Super Mario 64,

Yoshi's Story,

Yoshi's Island, for that matter;

Pokemon Silver,

Star Fox 64,

Medievil Resurrection (an overlooked game with an incredible soundtrack)

A lot of Nintendo stuff, eh?

Ooooh, I remember Star Fox 64's ending. I hearted that.

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The Best is Yet to Come (Metal Gear Solid)

Reading those lyrics translation, you can tell that Snake had a simple, easy life before his mercenary days. The sadness expressed in this song details that Snake long for peace and a better simple life, but he knows he can never have that lifestyle if he's always fighting. Snake basically kills his past and his emotions and yet, despite killing them, it is like they are revived at one point.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Credits theme song.

Both quoted for ultimate truth.

I love the Good Ending songs for the first 3 Tokimeki Memorial games (unfortunately no original version of Futari no Toki -the first game's GE song - and Anata ni Aete - the second game's GE song - on Youtube, although there's an excellent Guitar Arrange version of Anata ni Aete). I love their nostalgic, yet happy feeling they have.

And of all of those, the third one's (HERO) is especially awesome. You simply just can't go wrong with ZARD.

Oh, and Irodori no Love Song's Good Ending song (Tomorrow ~ Only you) is also one of my faves.

(Song starts at 4:11 of the vid, BTW)

I'm also a sucker for Shinobi 3's

(starts at 8:31 on this vid) and

But for some reason, the songs on this vid sound faster and a bit distorted than on my original Megadrive version... Emulation problems maybe ?

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But for some reason, the songs on this vid sound faster and a bit distorted than on my original Megadrive version... Emulation problems maybe ?

Yeah, some Megadrives make the music/sfx sound different and/or slower. I know this from experience. My Megadrive is Japanese and stuff sounds fine and fast on it. But it sounds really slow and weird on other people's consoles. Possibly the regional differences.

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