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Does this ending exist?

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Well to be fair, Edward was the saving grace of the fail brigade in part one. Hands down he was the best unit I had and the first one to promote. Whether he'll be useful later remains to be seen as I'm just at the beginning of part three. Now, I'm rather fond of Edward and he's my favorite member of the fail brigade.

And even if Stefan did require work to be awesome, I just love his character and I'd use him because of that.

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He's not the "saving grace" in Hard Mode. If anything, he's just a really heavy anvil that crashes down on your tactician during your journey. I only got him to L5 out of four chapters (not constantly abusing, using him whenever I needed) and his offense isn't that great to make up for it. Zihark also destroys him.

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Aaah, Hard Mode. Since this is the first time I've ever touched a Fire Emblem game (not to mention I pretty much suck at strategy right now), I'm playing on easy mode. I'm doing Normal Mode for my second playthrough...and if I don't suck there, I'll progress to hard mode.

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