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Favorite Soundtracks from Fire Emblem?


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FE4 is the only FE where I can associate the music with the chapter they're played in (although that might be because there are only 12 chapters). I also think FE Gaiden's music tells the story better than the actual text.

I usually don't bother to remember the names of the songs:


recruit theme--I think FE3's and FE1's versions are better than FE7's.

the song that plays when you're about to win

The 1st map theme wouldn't be so bad if it didn't repeat itself so often.


all 5 chapter themes--Ch2's in particular is very calming, while Ch4's really sets the mood.

final map theme--also used for a conversation in Ch4, I think

the song that plays at the "Fin" screen

Actually, I like pretty much every song in this game.


recruit theme

the sad song that plays

when you recruit the 4 sisters

in Book 2

White Sage Gato


Girl of the Spirit Forest

the song that plays in certain "family" talks (Levin/Fee and Leaf/Altenna, for example)


Light and Dark

Lion King Eltosian

Light Inheritor

Dragon Knights of Thracia

Valkyrie Staff

a good number of the castle town themes

Tinny's theme

The entire arranged soundtrack.

Silesia Palace


"Blowing in the Wind"



all of the songs that play during the epilogue

Veld battle


I also think FE5 has the best arena battle and preparations menu themes.


Shaman in the Dark

Princess of Fate


The music is pretty good overall, but nothing really stands out, not even the remixes.


The beginning of "Lyon"

Lyon (Organ Arrangement)

Otherwise, I'd rather turn off the music in FE8 since it gets annoying to listen to.


His Father's Son

Side Battle

Beautiful Princess Elincia

With Us!


The music is so ambient that it's hard to listen to, and the remixes of Path of Radiance songs are worse than their FE9 versions. "Beauty is a Mad Mistress" is good though, as well as an unused Elincia track.


Nina's theme

Thought Held in the Chest--I think it's called "Unspoken Feelings" in other versions.

the enemy battle themes for Camus and Misheil

pretty much all of the remixes of songs from FE1/3

FE3 and FE5 tie for having my favorite player and enemy battle themes.

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Fire Emblem Gaiden: Celica's map theme and Doma's boss battle music.

Fire Emblem Holy War: Alvis's boss battle theme and Chapter 3 map music. Chapter 6 and 8 were nice, too.

Fire Emblem Thracia 776: Map music for the Final Chapter (and the others it plays in) Redrick and Beldo boss battle music, and Thracia's theme. (The one playing when Trubant shows up)

Fire Emblem Sword of Seals: All the map music, except the first one. Narshen's, Murdock's, and Zephiel's themes. Jahn's and Idoun's boss battle themes. Happiness Abound.

Fire Emblem Blazing Sword: Hector's theme, Softly with Grace, Nabata's enemy phase music, this game's version of Happiness Abound, Athos's theme, and Merlinus's theme.

Fire Emblem Sacred Stones: Lyon's boss battle music.

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Oliver's and Caineghis's themes.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: All the character themes except Black Knight's and all the special battle music except for Ashera's and the Black Knight's.

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Rise to the challenge

Girl of the plains: Lyn's Theme

One Heart: Eliwood's Theme

Loyalty: Hector's Theme


Shattered Life (One of the saddest songs in the game IMO)

Respite in Battle (One of the saddest songs in the game IMO)


Maiden of the Dark

Shaman of the Dark

I'll have to think of some more when I can.

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