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Changes between the EU and NA version

Lord Raven

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Akaneia -> Archanea?

The Nabarl -> Navarre thing made me happy, at the very least.

I've also found the conversations interesting: "We've got to get out of here, and we're doing it yesterday!" Julian seems silly now. In a good way.

Although, I'm wondering how different the talking is from the EU version, because a lot of the accents or mannerisms make me think of British English...

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Edited the topic title so I (and others) can find this when looking back : P

I've documented most of the name changes here. If you spot any mistakes, give me a shout.

Some interesting changes:

Aimee -> Larabel (i.e FE9/10 name reverted to the original Japanese name)

Reynard -> Hyman (reverted to their amusing Japanese name)

Chameleon -> Freelancer (I wondered what Freelancer was doing in the EU names list)

All of the replacement characters (I'll add them to the chart later)

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I've pretty done all the name changes. Unless there's some more than you'd like to know about : )

Anyway, I've confirmed that none of the playable characters receive any changes to their bases stats or growth rates. However, it's possible that some of their Levels might have changed- I never really bothered to figure out where Level is stored (it's probably in the chapter data somewhere).

I suppose I'll have a look at H5.

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Chameleon became freelancer? Interesting, I have noticed though that the screen with the lots of classes and their base stats also calls chameleon freelancer, in the EU version. I mean the screen that comes up when you don't press anything at the screen that says 'touch to start'

Edited by Cyrus
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Actually, I never noticed that. So there's a chance it's still called Chameleon.

I have some screenshots from H5, here (about 1 or 2 per chapter). I'll update it every now and then- currently I just finished Chapter 6x.

If anyone wants, I can upload my no$GBA battery saves as well later (just bear in mind that I completely hacked Marth's stats).

Edited by VincentASM
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