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Biggest Global Threat


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I never said we'd destroy the planet, we are just the greatest threat present.

Don't be a moron, never question my words.

Sigh. Every time one of you people comes up, I am forced once again to demonstrate why basic fucking physics is beyond you. But this time, I'll let you do the math.

Go take a look at the force expended by a nuclear bomb.

Go take a look at the size of all the military nuclear arsenals in the world.

Go take a look at how much force it would take to actually cause significant damage to our planet. Back-of-the-matchbook is fine.

So, quite clearly, we are no more of a threat than anything else to the planet.

Please go back to your classroom. The teacher awaits you and the rest of the speds.

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Until the bombs start dropping here and there.

No, not really.

I highly doubt that anyone is going to be such a fucking moron that they would really intentionally try to destroy the planet. Hell, even life in general. Life, once it starts somewhere is pretty hard to get rid of. Single species come and go often, but life in general won't just roll over and die.

Also, we can't be the biggest threat to humanity, because if humans didn't exist we WOULDN'T EXIST. Neither would Global Security, by the way. :D

EDIT: Oh, and what Blacken said, although he said it better I think. :(

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Sigh. Every time one of you people comes up, I am forced once again to demonstrate why basic fucking physics is beyond you. But this time, I'll let you do the math.

Go take a look at the force expended by a nuclear bomb.

Go take a look at the size of all the military nuclear arsenals in the world.

Go take a look at how much force it would take to actually cause significant damage to our planet. Back-of-the-matchbook is fine.

So, quite clearly, we are no more of a threat than anything else to the planet.

Please go back to your classroom. The teacher awaits you and the rest of the speds.

I never said war.

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I never said war.

Then how the hell are we going to destroy it? As I said before, the only even conceivable way is basically for someone to consciously make a PLAN and find the best and easiest possible way to destroy the world, which in and of itself might be impossible, but also would require a complete fucktard, who I doubt would be capable of such planning.

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Eh? No, I just meant to say that the world would be fine until the bombs started to fall.

Right. We'll be gone, if by some miracle enough are dropped to wipe out every single inch of life on earth. Earth will still be there. Will purge things like radiation and such eventually and slowly regenerate. Thins will basically start over.

See? Planet's fine.

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The biggest threat to the world as we know it is Socialism. Socialism masqueredes as the utopian version of Marxian Communism while still espousing ideals that go completely against everything western civilization has been fighting for the last few hundred years.

If our society ever accepts it, we will be ruined.

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Then how the hell are we going to destroy it? As I said before, the only even conceivable way is basically for someone to consciously make a PLAN and find the best and easiest possible way to destroy the world, which in and of itself might be impossible, but also would require a complete fucktard, who I doubt would be capable of such planning.

Why do you guys want to destroy the planet so badly. :blink:

People commit crimes and genocide, consume much of the planet's resources, make other species extinct or endangered, and cause pollution in water and air.

We won't destroy the planet with such actions, but we are at least the most damaging.

You want the planet to die, just wait for a massive meteor to strike.

Edited by Bohemund
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The biggest threat to the world as we know it is Socialism. Socialism masqueredes as the utopian version of Marxian Communism while still espousing ideals that go completely against everything western civilization has been fighting for the last few hundred years.

If our society ever accepts it, we will be ruined.

That's a bit... Extremist? Which ideals specifically are you thinking of that will ruin us?

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The biggest threat to the world as we know it is Socialism. Socialism masqueredes as the utopian version of Marxian Communism while still espousing ideals that go completely against everything western civilization has been fighting for the last few hundred years.

If our society ever accepts it, we will be ruined.

Tell that to Sweeden. They have one of the highest standards of living in the world and a democratic government. How this goes "against everything western civilization has been fighting for" is a little unclear to me.

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The biggest threat to the world as we know it is Socialism. Socialism masqueredes as the utopian version of Marxian Communism while still espousing ideals that go completely against everything western civilization has been fighting for the last few hundred years.

If our society ever accepts it, we will be ruined.


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That's a bit... Extremist? Which ideals specifically are you thinking of that will ruin us?

The idea that the collective group is more important than the individual. The idea that the the government's job is to take care of people, and the idea that the government should control industries that would otherwise be owned by the private sector.

It is an issue I am passionate about because I fear it is a very real threat. Not in the near future, but the successes the far left has had in South America is troubling.

Tell that to Sweeden. They have one of the highest standards of living in the world and a democratic government. How this goes "against everything western civilization has been fighting for" is a little unclear to me.

I know what Sweden has and I know what the prevailing attitudes are there, and I want none of it. Though the quality of life of a nation with nine million people is bound to be higher than a nation with 300 million people, as long as the nation in question is somewhat free.

Sweden is also not entirely Socialist, as there is plenty of activity in the private sector. Now, the more left leaning policies that they've adapted over the years have very much hurt their GDP, but they are not quite like Venezuela, for example.

And Venezuela even has some semblance of a free market at times, unless Hugo Chavez decides he wants control of a profitable business instead. Chavez can decide a lot of things actually, including getting the people to remove term limits so that he can rule the country forever with his (most likely) jacked elections. (I have no proof of the claim that his elections lack integrity, btw, though I do know that term limits were removed).

Sweden's quality of life is certainly not something bad, but I wonder about the freedoms of its people, and if these policies are carried further that we give our governments far too much power.


Europe is not entirely Socialist, nor are the governments in any of its nations ideal whatsoever, and many fall short because of the leftist policies they implement. It is certainly not a given that Europe as a continent of many diverse nations is a model to follow.

EDIT: added stuff

Edited by Duff Ostrich
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Europe is not entirely Socialist, nor are the governments in any of its nations ideal whatsoever, and many fall short because of the leftist policies they implement. It is certainly not a given that Europe as a continent of many diverse nations is a model to follow.

Concession accepted.

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What is, in you opinion, the biggest threat to global security at the moment? And don't just say "terrorism" or "pollution", be specific.

Nukes. Hands down. And in the words of a stressed out 20 year-old, "I don't give a flying f*ck what anyone else says to the contrary." Every weapon man has created, he has used. These things are the only ones that haven't been used yet. All we need is a good mistake to get things started. If you want a good threat to global security and the human race, here it is:

Nuclear Bombs + Bullsh*t=


Nuclear fallout and radioactive contamination for generations

Possible eclipse of the sun in certain regions=nuclear winter

Total annihilation of all life at ground zero

Catholics freaking out

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I must mention that I am also fearful that the constant warfare before Autobots and Decepticons will over time deplete Earth's natural energon reserves and devastate the planet.
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Right. We'll be gone, if by some miracle enough are dropped to wipe out every single inch of life on earth. Earth will still be there. Will purge things like radiation and such eventually and slowly regenerate. Thins will basically start over.

See? Planet's fine.

I dunno. I've heard somewhere that the Earth and its life forms have a symbiotic relationship. That if life on Earth was to suddenly vanish, the planet itself would eventually die as well. It scares me just thinking about it.

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I dunno. I've heard somewhere that the Earth and its life forms have a symbiotic relationship. That if life on Earth was to suddenly vanish, the planet itself would eventually die as well. It scares me just thinking about it.

In a way, what with trees and plants and all and how they work. We're definitely not part of that though, neither are most animals.

If the planet's that far gone, we definitely wouldn't be around to care what happened to the planet by then XD. So no fear, just be happy m'kay? ^^ Topics have been negative lately. Let's try to lighten it up here.

Come on everyone...spread the love <3

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