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dude I havent seen you since the summer! XD

Yeah, college seems to get in the way sometimes. I've basically been fighting to keep my GPA above a 3.8 just so I have a shot at applying into medical school when I graduate.

(All work and no play equals an assload of potential brides in the future)

Funny I should say that, I'm not the most religious of people (at all).

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Yeah, college seems to get in the way sometimes. I've basically been fighting to keep my GPA above a 3.8 just so I have a shot at applying into medical school when I graduate.

(All work and no play equals an assload of potential brides in the future)

Funny I should say that, I'm not the most religious of people (at all).

Lol. Well im not taking classes this semester, working full time so i can afford to pay for college without my parents' help

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Lol. Well im not taking classes this semester, working full time so i can afford to pay for college without my parents' help

That's exactly why I enrolled in ROTC (Reserve Officer's Training Corps) so that they could pay for my school, including the scholarships that the school gave me( yes, I am indeed African-American). It's a sweet gig, I guess, because the schools normally don't pay for EVERYTHING( meal plan, room and board, books, school fees, etc.) I'm enjoying it so far, but I just want to graduate so I can start experimenting in the lab with mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography( yeah, I'm a science nerd lol).

I hope everything fares well on your situation. (graduate and make some money)


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