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Let's Talk About Luxord.


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I don't think I've seen him online on MSN for a while, now.

Because he's been poisoned and can't access his computer. Duh.

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I don't think I've seen him online on MSN for a while, now.

If you made this shit up, told it to someone, then they called you out on it, would -you- stick around the community and MSN with the contacts?

Though, multiple times while he was claiming to be in prison and on the run I have seen him on MSN, and I know for a fact that he has kept in touch with some people via MSN in the last week or two.

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Because he's been poisoned and can't access his computer. Duh.

Poison makes it impossible for him to type properly because he's dead and zombies are retarded.

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If you made this shit up, told it to someone, then they called you out on it, would -you- stick around the community and MSN with the contacts?

Though, multiple times while he was claiming to be in prison and on the run I have seen him on MSN, and I know for a fact that he has kept in touch with some people via MSN in the last week or two.

He said the only thing they were leting him use was Meebo.com, So I knew right away that he was lying.

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Well, Lux is a liar, I don't know what he has lied to me about but I do know.

He said he is married to Dawn (lies)

He said he is in a jail for killing some how raped him (lies)

Got Raped (like I said, that is a lie)

Said he got out of jail and ran back home (lie)

Said the Guy that he was thinking he killed came back to life and poisoned him (what do you think? it is a lie)

and you know exactly whats going on, right Mr. 1 post?

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The IP would not have matched his home. I already considered this.

Sorry, not actually reading the entire thread. Was just tossing info out there so you may better your crazy lies story.

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I wouldn't be laughing either if I believed those outright lies. But to defend him when the proof has been given, really? :huh:

im not defending lux. im just saying everything that Fox said that Lux said was bullshit.

...what i mean is Lux=bullshit.

i got caught outta context

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