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Let's Talk About Luxord.


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I'm sorry my internet is dieing and posting this will probably push it over the edge and kill it but I have to say THAT WASN'T FUNNY!

How can you not find this funny.

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It is too, his bullshit story is hilarious. It's like he watched one too many James Bond movies.

aww, People here actually bought it? <3


I know.

Very cute.

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Also, Suzaku reminded me of something.

Home, jail, and on the run, his IP address -never- changed.

Oh no, does that mean he was lying? D:

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You left a comment on my profile?

Well I am not sure what it exactly going on. Just stop jumping to random conclusions or better don't get involved at all.

You seem to make things a lot worse. So please...why don't you give it up?

Go ahead, and have a go at me and make random/false accusations about me. I don't care. I got better things to worry about and better people to deal with.

I did not came back to cause drama. Actually that something you specialise in? Creating drama? Like now.

I just came back to apologise to Mattlocke. That is all.

Whether you two are still backbiting, making fun of me, calling me a liar/psycho...meh that’s fine. I don't care. I doubt Mattlocke is going to stoop as low, even if he does...that is just sad.

Now hear comes ''baaaaaaw'' you liar, you this, you that.

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I know for a fact that you will belive me there Oguma, the same with you Bill. Lux has been lying all the time he is not dying of poison because you die from that in a week top he been "sick" for a month.

I really know...

I was told by anonymous.

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Well, Lux is a liar, I don't know what he has lied to me about but I do know.

He said he is married to Dawn (lies)

He said he is in a jail for killing some how raped him (lies)

Got Raped (like I said, that is a lie)

Said he got out of jail and ran back home (lie)

Said the Guy that he was thinking he killed came back to life and poisoned him (what do you think? it is a lie)

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