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What would your HONEST statistics be?


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If you were a character, what would your stats be?

You could also throw in a class, and make up your own Prf weapon.

If this has been done, I apoligise for being lazy and not checking.

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Class: Mage (M)

Hp: 25

Str: 2

Mag: 15

Sk: 10

Sp: 8

Lk: 15

Def: 1

Res: 3

Weapon Lvl: Wind B

Prf: Gale

Geez, I suck. But I got skill and magic!

Edited by Urvan
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Wait, I forgot mine...

Dismounted Mage Knight (no calvary abilities)



Mag- 11

skl- 12

spd- 5

def- 6

res- 10

luck- N/A

Thunder, and If Weapon level is high enough Thoron.

Prf weapon I might make up later.

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Let's see, I'd estimate this....in real life, of course. Since I never been in a proper fight at all, I'd probably be considered level 1.

30 HP, I'm a pretty sturdy guy.

9 strength, I'm pretty strong, but not crazy strong.

5 Skill, I can get basics down well, but it takes a while to understand things perfectly

4 Speed, I'm slow, no if, ands, or buts.

It's hard to say on luck, I'm sometimes extremely lucky, other times I'm downright cursed, but......5 Luck.

8 Defense, once again, I'm a pretty sturdy guy.

Resistance.....well, I wouldn't know. 1, or 2, I guess.

As a class, I'd try to be an axe user of some sort, I like carrying heavy things.

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I have two...


Base level: 10 (I've been in several fights, so I have plenty of experience)

Base stats

HP: 40 (It takes a lot to really take me out of the fight)

ATK: 16 (I can hurt someone pretty badly, but all of the power comes from momentum)

DEF: 19 (Not only can a take a lot of hits, but one has to really hit me hard, or in a pressure point to hurt me)

SPD: 25 (I'm very fast, and agile)

SKL: 9 (I can't aim anything with any real power behind it worth a damn)

MAG: 2 (I'm smart enough to be a mage, but it doesn't really fit with this class)

RES: 21 (Apparently, the definition of RES is strong minded. Well, I'm really strong minded. )

LCK: 1 (I'm not really that lucky)


Base level: 2 (I'm 11 and I can do college calculus, so I think this qualifies my level)

Base stats

HP: 20 (It's a Sage. What do you expect?)

ATK: 19 (No comment)

DEF: 20 (See above)

SPD: 31 (See above)

SKL: 11 (See above)

MAG: 29 (Of course, see above)

RES: 30 (^)

LCK: 5 (See above)

Anyway, these describe my real physical and mental prowess. If you think they're a bit broken, OH WELL.

When I feel like it, I'll make up a Prf weapon

Edited by Camtech075
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hmm les see

probably either a monk or a dark mage, or possibly a nomad- ranger- horsebow dude

lv7 I have experience but so much more room to grow

HP 20 (nothing special)

str 7 (I is a weak boy)

mag 15-16 (smart though)

skill 23 (exceptionally good aim)

luck 9001 30 (I have crazy good luck, especially when it comes to random events)

spd 14 (I'm kind of slow but when it comes right down to it I can run

def 4 (can't take too many hits, but I don't really need to

res 10

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these are the standard stats for my character which is going in my FE7 hack:


Sex: Male

Class: Nomad (mounted bow user)

Affinity: Anima (was initially Light since my personality fits both well but decided to go w/ birth month affinity)

Base Stats:

LV: 5

HP: 23

Str: 8

Skl: 9

Spd: 9

Lck: 7

Def: 6

Res: 3

Con: 9

Aid: 16

Mov: 7

Bow Skill: C

Growth Rates: HP-60%; Str-40%; Skl-50%; Spd-60%; Lck-35%; Def-20%; Res-40%

Starting Items: Iron Bow, Vulnerary

explanation: HP: I'm fairly healthy but not known for my stamina hence the growth being only 60%; Str: I don't hit very hard, but can hurt someone without meaning to due to my size; Skl: aim isn't perfect but not terrible; Spd: high not because I run fast but because I'm good at dodging, natural reflexes; Lck: I can be lucky sometimes but in general it's merely average; Def: yeah, I'm a wimp when it comes to receiving pain, so the growth is not that high; Res: mainly derived from my overall ability to recover from and/or keep immunity to disease/sickness; Con: yeah, it comes from my height and build but I'm not very sturdy so it's not in the double digits unpromoted

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Archer L1

HP: 17

Str: 3

Mag: 0

Skl: 7

Spd: 7

Def: 3

Lck: 8

Res: 1

I'd be the first archer you get. Depending on the game my class is either completely useless or very convenient on certain difficulties. My strength is nothing do write home about, okay, it will suck by the time you're halfway through the game. I try to make up for it with my speed, skill and luck. Just put me somewhere in the bushes and I'll be your dodging machine.

Mage L4 - anima magic

HP: 18

Str: 1

Mag: 7

Skl: 7

Spd: 8

Def: 0

Lck: 8

Res: 5

I'm fast and I hit hard, but I'll die if you put me on the front lines. I can dodge, but you don't want to take that risk. It will be a long time before I get something that even resembles durability.

Edited by Tamara
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My lvl. 1 (unpromoted) bases:

HP - 25

Str - 14

Mag - 18

Skl - 12

Spd - 16

Def - 14

Lck - 10

Res - 17

Something like that. I'm being completely honest here. Though I'm really inexperienced so stuff etc. blah blah

Oh and, I don't know what class I'd be. Probably a Lord or Cavalier.

Edited by Nightmare
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HP - 15

Str - 1

Mag - 0

Skl - 1

Spd - 3

Def - 0

Lck - 20

Res - 0

Edit: I'd be some class that just swings shit around and takes triple damage from ice magic

Edit 2: lololol ice magic, FFIV has corrupted my soul

Edited by Retarded faggot
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HP - 20 (Well, I AM some normal citizen...)

Str - 8 (I can hit somewhat hard)

Mag - 13 (school-wise, not that smart. But if I had to advice/suggest something, then pretty good)

Skl - 10 (I'm not that blind)

Spd - 5 (lol >_>)

Def - 18 (Mm, people hit me a lot. I have this thing where whenever people hit me, I laugh and it tickles... weird, I know)

Lck - 8 (eh, ok-ish)

Res - 18 (in terms of recovery and immunity, yeah, I'd guess)

I dunno, I'm bad at this.

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Hmm.... well I'd really use any weapon in a fight that I can my hands on but I guess I've played around with swords the most so I guess I be a swordfighter.

HP A- I'm pretty tough guy

Strength B- I'm stronger then you average person but not nearly as strong as I could be[because I'm lazy and dont work out]

Magic D ...er I dunno I dont care for the dark magic, light magic I dont think im spiritual enough and im a bit scholarly at times but usually not

Skill C My hand eye coordination is pretty average sadly

Speed C I'm slower then the average person at running, though I'm kinda nimble at time but hey im being realistic here so I'm average in overall agility

Luck C/C+ I'm pretty lucky even if I complain about things not going my way...so probably just a bit better then average

Defense A Like I say I'm pretty damn tough

Resistance B Well in terms of not getting sick... and random crap like that I probably pretty resilient

:-/ I'd be a probably an interesting fighter I suppose I guess I'd fit has a sword armor...even though I'd probably insist on being a swordfighter just so im not bounded by all that silly armor

Honestly I say everyone starting starts would be less then our level 1 lords for the most part... cause honestly while most of them are inexperienced in actual combat they've been training at least which i doubt is the case for most of us here. Thus I used an A-E grading system and still this is for untrained people as compared to me most atheltes probably in much better shape..

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