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dark mage

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i honestly don't use any dark mages, so i wouldn't know.

mages-->sages are better, IMO.

EDIT: wait, they're not even in the same class set.

anyways, i wouldn't use a dark mage when mages can use dark magic. i would rather have another hero or something.

Maybe Ceasar. And Etzel stays a sorcerer.

Edited by Ananke
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mages-->sages are better, IMO.

Actually, Sorcerer IS the superior class. Magic isn't an issue since enemies have shitballs res, so the def/res matters more. Merric would love to go Curate>Sorcerer if the option was open. Sadly, it isn't.

As it stands, Caesar's your best bet, but even he's kinda meh.

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Cord and Draug have the same def growth: A big fat zero. Draug wins HP and spd. Draug wins.

Also, magic growth is borderline irrelevant for mages since they rape so easily. Draug starts ahead, Draug stays ahead, Draug wins.

Caesar also owns Cord in every possible stat possible. Freaking Linde is better than DM Cord and that should tell you something already.

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I know Linde is better than Cord, the maker of the thread did specifically want a dark mage.

And the def growth as dark mage is the same, but if you want to do some reclassing to get the defense, Cord will get the defense easier (not by much though)

I'm not saying Cord is a better dark mage than Draug, but he isn't that bad as one.

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I know Linde is better than Cord, the maker of the thread did specifically want a dark mage.

Not the point: The point is that Linde sucks and even SHE'S better than Cord.

And the def growth as dark mage is the same, but if you want to do some reclassing to get the defense, Cord will get the defense easier (not by much though)

Cycling through classes all the time, especially between mag and str ones, is likely to do more harm than good.

but he isn't that bad as one.

30 HP and 6 def. If that's what you consider not that bad, I don't even want to look at what you think is bad. Hell, Cord isn't even hitting 20/20 so it's significantly lower.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Because you posted it while I was typing.

And uh, A rank is the max, so I would HOPE it allows you to use all tomes. Won't work for gender specific spells though.

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*mumble* I think that smart alternating between classes can help him to become better (especially defensively) You didn't give any arguments as to why it would be worse. You just said it would likely do more harm than good. and I think that Draug is even less durable than 30 hp and 6 defense at 20/20.

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Isn't it obvious?

Str classes skew magic growth. Magic classes skew str growth. You'll have a difficult time damaging anything with either: Especially since the only reason DM's have sufficent magic is because they're getting it on every level up.

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