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FE Description Challenge


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I was just bored... and trying to see if this would work. I'll describe some characters as if they were describing themselves, and post the answers with spoiler tags on them. Also, if the character is in two games, don't bother specifying which version of the character I'm implying. Anyway, here they are:

1) I'm generally considered the worst lord in the GBA FE's but I do actually have good speed and a horse after promotion. I only use one weapon.

2) I'm considered one of the strongest Heroes in FE history. I used a holy sword to kill a deranged leader and a mad deity. I am the same class as my father.

3) I am an elite assassin, needing a ridiculous amount of money for use of my skills. I only work for one person at a time, and right now, I don't have a contract. Do you have an offer for me?

4) I'm sometimes considered the Jagen of RD. I am a general in my homeland, and joined the army of the opposing country so I could help kill my king. I also end up fighting my comrades from the war 3 years later.

5) I am the only unit who can use both a sword and a bow unmounted.

BTW, all of these are from FE7 onwards.


1) Eirika

2) Ike

3) Volke

4) Tauroneo

5) Lyn

Edited by Camtech075
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1) I foolishly joined an army of fools and for that, I'm the most foolish.

2) I am a traitor to my country. Ignore the citizens' pleas, I'll accept a traitor's death.

3) I cannot undo what is done. The League will not fell me as long as I carry <Insert name I'm hiding to avoid making this to obvious> Shield.

4) I killed a blonde-haired kid's father and was given a puppet when I desired my friend back.

5) I aim to get my friend back with the help of my sister. People have spread rumors that I do horrible things to women, such as rape.

English FEs only, including Shadow Dragon.

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Is #2 Tauroneo?

#3 is from SD, but I can't figure out who it is.

Is #4 Renault?

Oh, and please post the answers when you feel like it. Don't leave us grasping at straws![/slightly more insane]

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Musashi and Arion got it. I'll elaborate why (POSSIBLE SPOILERS:

1. Legault. Reason is pretty much here:

2. Horace. He surrendered to Doluna/Dohlr to protect the people but he's a traitor anyway. When you beat the chapter with him alive, he congratulates Marth for his victory and says that he'll accept a traitor's death but the citizens speak out and insist that Horace should live and that his betrayal was for good reasons.

3. Michalis. The name of the item is Iote's Shield, hid the name (and the father line) to avoid making that TOO obvious.

4. Renault. He killed Lucius' father and the puppet he refers to is Kishuna IIRC.

5. Ephraim. Read the dialogue where he (or Franz IIRC) recruits Amelia and you'll see why.

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I wasn't completely sure of number two, so I just made a guess based on what I've gathered from lurking in the Shadow Dragon board. Number four was pretty obvious, with me being a fan of Renault and all.

Edited by Musashi
Fixed a typo.
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Quote challenge:

1) "I am truly sorry, child. Truly, I am. I will not let us be separated

again. From now on, I will be there to protect you."

2) "Let...let him fight the brat! Don't just stand

there, DO something! I don't want to die!"

3) "From the very beginning, every last one of you has underestimated us. Will you never learn? Your refusal to recognize our strength will forever keep victory at arm's length."

4) "Well... Hmm... We'll do better next time."

5) "Attacking one of my race is akin to attacking myself. I will aid you in any way that I can."

BTW, if you haven't already figured it out, these are quotes from that particular character.

Edited by Camtech075
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You went from descriptions to quotes... I don't like the idea of having to dig the scrips to answer this stuff >_>.

So I should find a new set? Sure. I have nothing else to do. I should have them by 9. I have homework I need to finish.

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It works best when its all the FE games, and not just the English ones. Example though I guess its in English now:

I am a redheaded loser, and am the brother of me redheaded sister.

That's Michalis, easily.

1) Eirika. I almost skimmed out the last part.

2) Ike. I am the same class as my father when i become available in FE10

3) Volke. I'll pay you in Dollars.

4) Toureneo

5) uhh... Archer Knight!...Lyn.

Um... Did you read the answers?

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Sorry for the double post, but here are some more:

1) My former commander dies at the hand of some mysterious knight wearing _____ armour and some stupid inexperienced guy who's been on the job for less than a week takes his place. Then, he forced me to join up with his army again after I quit. (The _____ is a blank so the answer isn't so obvious)

2) I loved the princess of ______ and wanted to surpass her brother. My country invades theirs a year and a half after I meet them. Now, I'm dead. (Assuming you beat the game s/he's from)

3) I suck. I was a respected knight in my glory days, but now I'm the worst unit in the team. Prince _____ will probably bench me.

4) I wear green armour and ride a horse. I can hit things without looking at them, too.

5) I'm a one-armed man that can pin down two wild animals at once. I'm the strongest, HA! I now live with a first class Sage and a little girl.

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#1 could be Shinon, Boyd, Gatrie, Oscar... >_>

2. Lyon

3. Jagen...? This could also be Arran or other Jeigans... >_>.

#4. First sentence means it could be Sain... second means it could be Lowen but that contradicts the first...

5. Largo...

Actually, I think the answer to Navarre's was Matthis, not Michalis.

Edited by Levin
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#1 could be Shinon, Boyd, Gatrie, Oscar... >_>

2. Lyon

3. Jagen...? This could also be Arran or other Jeigans... >_>.

#4. First sentence means it could be Sain... second means it could be Lowen but that contradicts the first...

5. Largo...

Actually, I think the answer to Navarre's was Matthis, not Michalis.

1) I'll change it.




It's Jagen


Wrong on both counts. I mean not looking as in eyes closed



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