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Girls - Analysis #1


Which do you like more?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. And why

    • Quiet
    • Loud

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Quiet. The last thing I want is to be walking next to a girl who's screaming everywhere and trying to let the whole world memorize everything she says. Plus, loud girls are always bitches.

Not true. I know many girls who are loud, yet not "bitches", as you forum goers tend to call every girl who doesn't like you...

Also, by loud, you guys really need to stop thinking in terms of volume. Some people have loud personalities( they stand out, mayhaps).

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Not true. I know many girls who are loud, yet not "bitches", as you forum goers tend to call every girl who doesn't like you...

Also, by loud, you guys really need to stop thinking in terms of volume. Some people have loud personalities( they stand out, mayhaps).

Yeah, i meant it like like this, not screaming loud, more of some-what standing out loud.

Edited by Siegfried
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The ones that "stand out" around here in the way you put it are conceited so my vote remains the same. This area of NY needs better girls >_>

I guess I'm lucky to be in Northern Virginia, because from what I've heard, just about every other person in this forum has "nothing but sluts and bitches" in their areas... <_<

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Seems pretty obvious what most of us think.

If just to provide a different outlook on this topic, may I include the type that appear to be quiet but are obscenely loud whenever in certain social groups or environments? I myself prefer one that is rather moderate in her patterns of loudness than a more sporadic individual with a lack of proper timing.

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I, in general, show more interest in the quiet types, simply because they tend to be cuter. What I think many of you are failing to grasp( correct me if I'm wrong, but almost nobody has given any reasons) is that just because they are loud does not mean they're instantly obnoxious. People like Masu are loud around friends, but quiet around those he doesn't know. Same for me. But we aren't screaming at the top of our lungs to try and piss people off. Same goes for some other girls. Many of my female friends are fairly loud, but not to the point where people want to rip their throats out. They just express themselves freely and without reserve. Loud for me = vibrant personality, someone with high energy, perhaps peppy. That is what I consider loud.

Anybody care to explain what they mean by loud.

Also, I'm kind of disappointed. I'm looking for an actual discussion, yet all I get is "Loud ones never shut the fuck up and annoy the shit out of me", "Loud ones usually nag and I dislike naggers", and "The last thing I want is to be walking next to a girl who's screaming everywhere and trying to let the whole world memorize everything she says. Plus, loud girls are always bitches."(though it's DH, so it can slide).


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Quiet girls are just too hard to bond with and loud girls are just too hard for me to be genuine around. I need an inexplicable and perfect blend of both or all I'll end up with is just another girl/friend I could never date. <_<

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Quiet, but it's because I hate loud people to begin with.

Personality? Also don't like loud personalities. I'm too calm, anything sudden and such is too much for me. Besides, how can you have a loud personality while being quiet? If you want a personality to be noticed, you have to be loud enough to get noticed in order to have a loud personality. If it's something like image, I wouldn't mind, I'd love a partner with ego. But the point is, if you appear calm and quiet...chances are the personality is calm and quiet.

I like calm and quiet because I can relate. I couldn't take a loud energetic person. I'd end up broken cause I'm a major bitch which would have a point if a collar and leash were involved, but that isn't necessarily love...

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I, in general, show more interest in the quiet types, simply because they tend to be cuter. What I think many of you are failing to grasp( correct me if I'm wrong, but almost nobody has given any reasons) is that just because they are loud does not mean they're instantly obnoxious. People like Masu are loud around friends, but quiet around those he doesn't know. Same for me. But we aren't screaming at the top of our lungs to try and piss people off. Same goes for some other girls. Many of my female friends are fairly loud, but not to the point where people want to rip their throats out. They just express themselves freely and without reserve. Loud for me = vibrant personality, someone with high energy, perhaps peppy. That is what I consider loud.

Anybody care to explain what they mean by loud.

Also, I'm kind of disappointed. I'm looking for an actual discussion, yet all I get is "Loud ones never shut the fuck up and annoy the shit out of me", "Loud ones usually nag and I dislike naggers", and "The last thing I want is to be walking next to a girl who's screaming everywhere and trying to let the whole world memorize everything she says. Plus, loud girls are always bitches."(though it's DH, so it can slide).


Alright, in that case, then people who are loud but know when to shut the fuck up.gotcha(sarcasm)

But truly, I look for girls that have rich personalities and are mildly attractive. No use for staring at a shell when I can buy a turtle.

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